My fellow Americans:
As your future President I want to thank my supporters, for your mindless support of me, despite my complete lack of any legislative achievement, my pastor's relations with Louis Farrakhan and my relations with Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, or my blatantly leftist voting record while I present myself as some sort of bi-partisan agent of "change".
I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency, while after 8 years of claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him. Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political posing.
I would also like to thank the Kennedy's for coming out in support of me. There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even with JFK starting the Vietnam War, his brother Robert illegally wiretapping Martin Luther King Jr. and Teddy, who killed a female employee with whom he was having an extra marital affair and who was pregnant with his child. And I'm not going anywhere near the cousins, both literally and figuratively. I'd also like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support. Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White House.
Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good. Voting for me causes some white folk to feel relieved of their imagined, racist guilt. I say things that sound meaningful, but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning. If things have meaning, then that means you have to think about them. Americans are tired of thinking. It's time to shut down the brain, and open up the heart. So when you go to vote in November, remember don't think, just do it. And do it for me.
PS Arn't I a handsom "son-of-a-gun"?
Thank You.
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.
Voting for this dude will be a severe shut down of the brain as he says in this letter. His past history says it all for him just look at what experience he doe not have. Folks you had better read up on this guy before you vote him into office and get this country in a bigger mess then we are already in. He has painted a pretty picture but under neath there is a devil hiding just waiting for the kill.
This is for the people like you i quess that support obama.
I never have supported him and never will vote for him or mccain.
Looks like slander to me- clearly he didn't write this.
This is so realistic of the bleeding heart liberals who will go out and vote for this idiot.
Keep up the good work Joe.
Whether you are for him or against him, it will be espoused "racially motivated.
No matter who becomes president, we will have to genuflect and face California's idiot, Pelosi.
Joe, I'm really disappointed that you would post stupid things like this.
For example, JFK starting the Viet Nam war. Please. The pacts on Viet Nam that put us there were during Eisenhower's term.
Hate Obama all you want (sad that I'd have to use the word "hate," but it fits). But if you have to defeat your political enemy by lying about him, then something is seriously wrong.
By the way, that's how Bush defeated McCain, with smears.
Also, if I want national election lies, I have other media for that. Please don't let your blog turn into that. We need the info about where we live to not get buried under that drivel.
All so true. Isn't a shame though that the Republicans have "ruined the brand" with 8 years of destructive and idiotic leadership.
Even sadder that they are now running "Bush III", a glue horse of a politician that offers little, if any, choice to Barry Hussein Obama.
Almost as though the Republicans WANT Barry to win.
I guess that's what an empire in decline looks like...
Yo Yo Yo Joe,
U da fizzle, wizzle!
been beatin McKains wif
ma man bowak. let all us'es shacks in da hood. do ba do ba do
luv da post
Khawacka man
If posting this type of crap is what thie blog is going to devolve into over the next couple of months, then you and Bill Duvall (on one level) are essentially producing the same blog.
(Especially so if you do not allow this. There are 18 anonymous comments that agree with Wymzie on yesterdays post. My gut tells me that if there were 18 anonymous comments that disagreed with you or her, they might not all see the light of day.)
Seriously, aren't you tyng to be better than this, regardless of your political beliefs?
You go Joe! Your the man, I love it! Your OC friend.
This sort of trash continues to cloud the important work this blog does.
Its real scary to think that this guy could be the next leader of our country. How in the heck did he get this far along - there had to be more qualified candidates to run in the Democractic slot. His good looks are probably getting him a lot of votes from the women and young voters!
He will definately not get my vote!!!!!!!
I dont think it is slander.
The truth really does hurt dont it.
You de man JOE !
I love it!
Demo-crates a bunch of idiots!
You de man JOE !
I love it!
Demo-crates a bunch of idiots!
Irony, thy name art "anonymous redneck."
All of you guy's thinking this letter is slander stop and think this is what we might be getting for our next president. If you are Dumb enough to believe his BS than you are most likely DUMB enough to vote him into office with blinders on so you do not see the true piece of CRAP he really is. Anyone in this country who is not patriotic enough to pledge our flag as well as this country than we should ship them where their allegiance truly is for FREE. There is not a bit of smear in that just watch his actions next time he is in a gathering where the pledge is said. Just look at some of the things he himself has written and his beliefs that do not coincide with the main reasons this country was formed. He is your typical salesman that has done a good job at selling Bullshi_ in his campaign and quite a few folks can not see through it .
This stuff is plain dumb. It's SO dumb, it's going to actually HELP put Obama into the White House.
Do you think that this kind of swiftboating is really going to work??
Keep up the "good" work...
It is exactly because of lying, slanderous crap like this from people like you--and the current administration--that I will be voting for Obama. Thanks for your help in my decision.
I don't buy Obama's bullsh*t...
But I don't buy THIS bullsh*t, either.
This shows people to be ignorant, childish and incapable of the adult dialog we need right now.
And I agree with the commenter that this nonsense undermines the good work of this blog.
National crap, we can get anywhere. The truth about local stuff is why I come here, and it gets buried under idiotic stuff like this, under dumb "questions of the day" and Wymzie's inflammatory copy and paste.
Joe, please clean your blog back up! It's getting trashy again.
Wait until the Michelle "whitey" tape comes out after the convention. Then we will see how much you Obamabots defend him. In the meantime, log onto Savage Politics blog and read over 50 DOCUMENTED incidences of corrupt, dishonest, sexist, racist activities Barrack and his "mentors" have committed. Telling the TRUTH abut a candidate is not swift-boating, it everyone's responsibility as a voter to thoroughly know the history of the candidate.
I want all the people who complain about Bush's connection to "Big Oil" explain to me why B. Hussein Obama is any different, considering his father was a Muslim oil executive living in Indonesia during B. Hussein's youth.
In addition, if I was his momma, I'd slap him silly for bragging about the "black experience". I guess it suits his political agenda to refer to his self as "black", while his momma is white as WonderBread.
It's politically expedient for him to be black.
You've never heard him claim to be half white.
"I want all the people who complain about Bush's connection to "Big Oil" explain to me why B. Hussein Obama is any different, considering his father was a Muslim oil executive living in Indonesia during B. Hussein's youth."
...and my father was a meterologist. Does that make me an expert on the weather??
Today will be hot.
His grandstanding himself as "black"is one of the MANY reasons I will never cast my vote for him.He is NOT black,he is biracial.His trying to pass himself off as "black" is just as offensive as bigots who insist on labeling biracial children as "black" or "colored" just because they have one ounce of black blood in them!Obama has NOTHING in common with the average black American so he needs to quit acting as if he does.Aside from that perpetual myth,I just plain do not trust the man!I do not trust McCain or Hilary either which puts me in a tight spot because none of the other qualified yet unaffiliated and unconnected candidates like Paul never have a chance.
Yeah,, Vote for some Idiot whose name rhymes with some bad stuff.. Just think, of HOW MANY times had we had to cleanup after 9/11??? We sure have been Lucky?? Or Protected OPEN YOur eyes already b$ its too late
im not tired of thinking, its my favorite thing to do mr obama. dont put words in my mouth buddy.
How can a group of white people determine who is "black enough" and base their opinions of him or her on that?
Oh, for Pete's sake. His middle name is Hussein, big deal. Not everyone named Ted (as in Ted Bundy) is a serial killer, nad certaily not everyone named George (as in Bush) is a buffoonish, traitorous leader. I bet you guys who love to tout that Obama's middle name being Hussein means anything at all are the same one that take chian letters seriously.
As for the "he's not black, he's biracial" remark, you know darned well that anyone who's partially black is considered black. Period. And I'll bet you use the "n-word" regularly.
Go ahead, people. Vote republican this Novemebr and prepare yourself for the Bush presidency, part three.
BTW - Anon 4:58,
What the hell does any of that mean? Throw us a proper noun or something.
Barrack Obama is the chosen one, ordained in the Islam religion to lead the new change movement that is spreading across America. A new day is coming when all youth will march to fight for Obama's new rules and rights of all Americans. All Americans will be free and equal in all ways. Money will be taken from the rich so that everyone has money to enjoy a high standard of living. It isnt fair to have wealthy people. We must rid ourselves of wealthy people just like Hitler got rid of the jews. Obama will be hailed as the Supreme Master. We will bow and praise his name as the survivors follow his movement. Oh, come quickly the day of reckoning.Groups are already forming to be part of the national federation.
To all you losers. the time of complaining will come to an end.You are in the minority as the poles have proven. The antichrist has arrived to bring order to the new world.
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