He continued "...The rides are a higher quality than we have seen in years and we have pre-sold over $2,400 in discounted wristbands..." Personally I think the unlimited ride wristbands are a great deal for any parent at just $15 or you may purchase ride tickets at $1 each or 25 for $20 for us "oldsters" who might just want to ride the Ferris wheel.
Tonight's events feature not only rides from 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM
Bingo under the pavilion starting at 6:00 to 9:30
6:30 to 7:30 Pocomoke Dance Loft Dancers will be performing on the stage
8:00 to 9:00 Pocomoke Karate will be demonstrating martial arts
Once again there will be a variety of local fare served by Pocomoke's Civic organizations under the bridge. The prices are always very reasonable, food is good and this is one of the biggest fundraising events of the year for many organizations.
There will be carnival style games along the midway which includes a dunking booth. We tried to set up a special time for the Mayor, City Manager and myself to be featured targets to raise money for a worthy cause but there was no response from City Hall on that invitation...
We do need to give credit where credit is due and one thing the Pocomoke City government does for the citizens is to support the Cypress Festival with use of the park and this year the City is paying for Saturday nights fireworks display.
Saturday will kick off with a special 'Flag Day' & dedication ceremony at 12:00 Noon featuring local dignitaries and Cub Scout Pack 143 will assist with the flag ceremony.
Tomorrow night starting at 6:00 PM CAT Country Radio will be hosting it's "DelMarVa Star" competition which has been likened to a sober Karaoke version of American Idol, this is something you won't want to miss.
Come on down to Pocomoke City for the Cypress Festival, Tonight through Saturday ending up with a BIG fireworks display... Please feel free to comment on your thoughts or experience and we will try to keep you up to date.
It's Pocomoke...
Oyster Fritters are banging down there last time I had em. Still nothing compared to Golden Garden and Market Street Deli.
That's what I needed Saturday, some tents. Mr. Pollitt e-mailed me with info for getting tents from a local beer distributor.
I always try to make it to Pocomoke for the Pow-Wows. It is a small one, it's about supporting community. I go to a lot of Pow Wow's because I hunt and collect artifacts.
When ever I go to one, as I'm leaving I have a feeling of peace and tranquility, the drum beat reminds me of one united heart beat. The best Pow Wow around here is Millsboro, over the weekend that gets as many as 10,000 people. You ought to check that out in September Joe.
The Cypress Festival is a nice event. I take my grandkids down there every year. If its not hotter than Hades Saturday I'll have them there.
Tim, I'm going to have to correct you on the Nanticokes pow wow. They draw over 50,000 people from all over the country. It is always the weekend after labor day, never changes.
Believe it or not, Red Bird (Tsalagi) started those pow wows over there eons ago. I haven't seen Amy there the past couple of years, last I heard she was in Hawaii. John is usually there with his family. It's a nice event, lots of people, lots of fun, lots of fry bread. :)
Last year was the first year I hadn't gone in a while Donna. I know it's a lot of people I may have read that in the daily dump LoL
They do have some fantastic artwork there due to the volume of people. I saw one item set that was $10,000, a full regalia (?), complete plush like suede leather and nicely beaded, w/ a full huge bear claw necklace.
One guy does letter openers from deer antlers with burned etched detailed art, really nice. I also like to watch the flint knappers. I'm going this year fur sure.
Day one of the Cypress Festival was a success!
The fairgrounds were clean, there was a good sized crowd and people were very friendly.
Consensus on the rides is they were much better than previous years but a bit pricey if you don’t buy the wristbands.
We did not have chance to sample all of the food vendors but it ALL looked good.
The Chamber is still selling duck derby tickets so don’t miss out…
Good review so far.
You know...when the only thing you have to crow about is that the rides are much better, it's not much of a festival. Come on people, I live here in Pocomoke and this event has sucked since the seventies. It's as near nothing as you can get. Sorry to steal bosses line but, quite frankly, It's Pocomoke!
Dismal River Dweller, you sound like us up here in Salisbury. Although it might be Pocomoke there are people there that can make a difference, yourself included. Might I ask what you would suggest to make the festival better?
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