It shouldn't have to take anything special to alert this Governor that he's got a crooked man on one of the boards the Governor is in complete control over.
Mr. John Wade needs to be removed immediately off of every single board he sits on. Planning & Zoning and more importantly the Somerset County Liquor Board, appointed by the Governor.
It has been proven Mr. Wade has a drivers license from Georgia and is NOT a Somerset County Resident. So how long will it take to have him removed?
Why would he remove him? He is a crook just like a career Politian. He is deceitful and got caught is just another reason not to remove him, since this only draws him closer to the GOOD OLE BOYS. He is a minority and removing him would be a Political set back for the Governor. Honest and open individuals don't have a chance to serve unless they have resources to out spend the GOOD OLE BOYS. If there is away let me know. As a Retiree I am willing to be one of the few who is willing to be responsible with Tax Payer dollars.
your playin with the big boys now joe, be careful.
I'm sure the Governor appointed Mr. Wade on the recommendation of our illustrious Somerset County Commissioners. After all, they were quoted in the Daily Times as saying they wanted James L. Henderson to be appointed to the library board. Mr Henderson was at that time under criminal investigation for abuse and misconduct in office and has never been officially cleared as far as whats been reported in the main stream media. Replace the whole crooked bunch.
Don't expect the Democrats to give this a look. They're already looking the other way. Plus, like it or not, Wade is BLACK.
I think you got the wrong Henderson Anonymous 12:22. Henderson Sr. is the man you are referring to, the Father. As far as the appointments go, the Democratic State Central Committee submits names to the Governor who ultimately makes the appointment. It's the way the game is played. Your Democrooks at work.
USA Today should hear about this!
Write your congressman , or woman .
You have to wonder how John Wade was allowed to run for County Commissioner back in 2006. Somebody in the Somerset County Elections Office certainly didn't do their homework and Joe wasn't around in '06? Or were you Joe? Anyway, keep on it. You're like a little Bulldog! GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Ditto, 10:08
One piece of crap + One piece of crap = 2 pieces of crap
John Wade does not sit on the Somerset County Planning & Zoning Board.
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