I can't tell you enough how excited I am having someone contribute from Ocean City. Having photos like this truly helps all of you to see that Worcester County is just as much a part of our local lives as Wicomico County. There were also MANY new Visitors yesterday as well, welcome.
Ocean City was one of many areas that completely flooded out. However, I don't think you're going to see such telling photos anywhere else. I could be wrong, I haven't gone out to get my paper yet. One would think the Daily Times would have a series of good shots but we'll see. They've been behind the 8-Ball quite a bit lately. Enjoy the photos.
This should be a wake up call!! How would we fair if we were hit by a Major storm event like another hurricane Hazel? Waterfront living is cool until it seeps in your back door!
Many of these photos come from West Ocean City. We sold our property there for $1.6 mil on the water and after seeing my old neighbors flooded out, Delmar is looking pretty darned good right now. Many of my friends asked me, how could you have sold that beautiful piece of property. $1.6 mil talks and the view can take a walk! I took pictures so it will last longer. LOL
Joe, ever since you started covering the Ocean City Fire Dept. news we have been regulars on your site. Glad to have additional coverage, keep up the great work btw, have you heard any updates on how thier silly council and the fire department is doing, keep us informed.
One local told me its the worst he's seen in many a year. Evacuate
the people to safety and let her rip, may cleanse Ocean City to what it should be.
Sunny is doing a great job bringing Wor. Cty news to the site. I also like the question of the day.
Check out the sailboat rescue on the Ocean City Fire Company Website under the Audio/Video section. Just one of the dozens of calls for help the Fire Company, EMS and Beach Patrol responded to yesterday. http://www.ocvfc.com
Thank you, Joe, for posting these pics for me. Posting is still new to me, as I get more comfortable, I will be bringing more to the site.
Surprise! These pics were taken from my CELL PHONE! My camera was dead & I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass by.
Thanks for the support from the fellow OCers. I visited the site regularly as well and knew other OCers musta been looking for some REAL news too.
Are the bottom photos St Louis Avenue? There's always high water in that area.
Thanks for the photos.
Joe, any word on how the fire service is doing in OC. Please follow-up, we can't seem to get any answers.
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