About 4 months ago I purchased a new '07 Dodge 3500 4x4 with the 6.7 liter diesel. I use it regularly to run my business. The msrp for this "gem" was about $41,000.00. I bought it from Sherwood Chrysler in Salisbury the owner of which is Bruce Rogers.
I must admit that it pulls harder than any other pick-up I've ever owned - bar none. After just a few days of use the "check engine" light went on. No biggie .I took it back and they reset the light saying it was an issue with the computer program and that it shouldn't happen again. But it did. I took it back a second time and a sensor was replaced. Then it happened again and the tech said he thought it was the computer module and tried to order a new one. Chrysler refused to send the new one without trying several things on a "flow chart" first. After several times of returning to the service department, I filed a registered letter with Chrysler under the lemon law. The problem continued. I spoke to Mr. Rogers who stated that the service department had ordered new parts for the turbocharger and that he would help me anyway that he could to resolve this issue. The entire turbo system had been replaced and I had been to the shop for not less than 12 times. Each time I was unable to use my truck and my business paid a price.
During that time Mr. Rogers had gotten rid of the Sales mgr. who sold me the truck for reasons unknown to me. Then the gen. mgr. of the entire group, Van Sulter, left and went to I.G. Burton in Seaford. The Service Mgr., Larry, was asked to resign. None of this was a result of my truck, but a sales person advised me that things are being run so poorly there that many people have lost respect for the Owner, Mr. Rogers. It's important to note that I have purchased close to $250,000.00 worth of vehicles from that dealership in the past 3 years or so. The manager with whom I was accustomed to dealing was Van. He has never been less than accommodating and he has even given his own program vehicle to me to use when one of mine was in for repair.
Back to my truck. After the turbo was replaced, I had no problems for about 3 whole weeks which was nothing short of miraculous for me at that point. I thought that finally my truck was the way it was supposed to be. Then it happened again. The check engine light! Sooooo.....I took it back.....again. This time I was told it was an EGR sensor but that replacing the censore wouldn't fix the problem. The problem was really in the computer program but the new svc. mgr., Ray, advised me that Chrysler was working on a new version of the program and it should be ready in March or April. NOT ACCEPTABLE. I had been informing them that I wanted Chrysler to buy back the truck or provide me with a new one. No Dice. Chrysler was working on it. Yeah right!
Mr. Rogers never attempted to help with that portion of the promise he made.
Now it gets really good! This past Thursday I stopped at the store to fill my tank. I put $106.00 in the tank and went to start my truck and.....nothing. No click. No hum. Nothing. I called Sherwood and spoke to Ray. Ray gave me an 800 number to call for a tow truck. Far be it from them to make the arrangements for me..not Sherwood. After being disconnected by Chrysler Roadside Assistance twice, they finally arranged for a two truck which came 1 hour later. Ray called me back and gave me the good news. They had my new truck waiting for me when I got there with the tow truck. All I had to do was go in the front door and tell them who I was and they would take care of it. Finally, light at the end of the tunnel. WRONG.
When I arrived, I did exactly as I was told. I was met at the door by a female sales person who had no Idea what I was talking about. I then spoke with an extremely smug manager who stated that it was his understanding that I was trading my truck in on another. Can you imagine after 4 months the equity I'd lose? I started to get frustrated. I explained what was said to me and the mgr. stated that there was no way he could do that. I then stated....just give me a truck o take home tonight and we can work it out when the svc. mgr. comes in tomorrow. The mgr said....we don't loan vehicles. At this point I had All I could take. I told him he'd better wake Rogers ass up and do something. The back of my truck was full of material to install a new bathroom and I couldn't leave it there. All of a sudden they produced a truck. The next day I spoke with Ray who stated that I was exactly right and he had been told by the sales mgr. exactly what he told me....to come get a new truck. But for now, they reset the problem part but couldn't get a replacement because the warehouse was backordered for 21 of them. Think this sensor is a problem? He told me I could take my truck back and try it and that it could fail again.....no telling when. No telling when the new part was coming in.
If I hadn't been so set on the Dodge, I would have gone back to Pittsville motors because they have the best customer service I've ever seen. I had a decision to make. How much money would I have to spend on an Attorney to force Chrysler to honor their obligation under the lemon law? How much more time would I be willing to lose with a truck constantly in for service. I came to the conclusion that it would cost less in the long run to trade the new truck with 11,000 miles for a used duallie with 30,000 miles.
I would like to thank Sherwood...for nothing. Mr. Rogers couldn't care less about his customers or customer service. It seems he also couldn't care less for his employees. I would urge everyone considering the purchase of an automobile to avoid Sherwood like a plague. Once you sign one the dotted line in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood, the honeymoon is over, and the protection given under the lemon law is virtually non-existent. As for Chrysler products? Ask the people who work there. I had 11,000 miles on that truck and it had been in the shop about 15 times for basically the same thing. Junk....plain and simple. Just think......Those assembly line workers hourly rate and benefit package is valued at $79.00 per hour to produce junk. And they want MORE!
Bruce Rogers it will be a cold day in hell before I spend another penny in your neighborhood.
That place has never been worth a dam.
i second that joe. I bought 4 cars from them last year and felt the same way. So this year the 3 I bought I went to preston..
I was in the business of looking for a new truck. I've heard these sorts of things about this place. I will not be going there.
awww.... joey mad cause someone didnt kiss his ass... poor baby
Joe- Speaking of service...I took a 03 Ford Explorer to Hertrich in Milford 3 weeks and 3 days ago to have the transmission fluid checked. There was a sluggishness when it shifted while cold, and Carey's Garage in Laurel didn't have the right tool to check the fluid.
Hertrich's is a Ford dealer, so they had the tool. I dropped the truck off and told them I needed it back in 3 hours to take my son to the airport. They said they would charge me $125 to run a diagnostic. 2 hours later they called and told me the transmission had some issues and I shouldnt drive it...and they thought a $350 part might fix it.
So I borrowed a car from a friend, and told them to call me the next day when it was ready.
I won't bore you with the full details, but after 2 and a half weeks of not getting calls and spending $932 in a nickle and dime manner (oh, now it's the belt...and now we just found metal shavings)they told me i needed a new transmission ($4k approx). I told them to put it back together like i brought it to them...paid them the $932 and started up my car in their lot. I heard a loud pop and transmission fluid started exploding out from under the Explorer.
They took it back in the shop and promised to call me the next day with a report. No calls.
I got up with them two days later and they were 'waiting on a part'. No word for 3 more days. I went over there in person and they were still waiting on the part and claimed they had been trying to reach me but had written my phone number down wrong.
Last Thursday they promised I would have the car on Friday and they would call when it was ready.
You guessed it. No call on Friday and I still dont have the vehicle. This Thurs, they will have had the vehicle a month and its not fixed and I spent almost $1,000.
So...apparently your dealer isnt the only one with problems. I had owned that Explorer only about 2 weeks...so they have now had it twice as long as me. I dont know what to do...but I do know Hertrich Ford in Milford will NEVER get my business again, and I will tell as many people as I can to avoid them.
I am self-employed, and if I treated my customers that way...I would be out of business. Not to mention I couldn't sleep at night.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Bill Sammons
Laurel, DE
I can understand your frustration. I have had issues with Chrysler products in the past. It keeps me from buying a Dodge truck. I have also had issues with Sherwood and with Ford over Explorer transmissions. Neither would back a known Explorer tranny problem. I switched to a Honda Pilot after four Explorers(91,96,02 and 05). The transmissions were junk in the last two. I'll not return to Ford or Sherwood.I am beginning to believe that you need to talk to the mechanics before you talk to any salesman.
farm boy
Pittsville Motors is the place to go. Especially since Preston partnered up with them giving them volume discounts. As far as price goes...they can compete with anyone now. Relating to service - phenomenal. They're going thru a lot of changes right now. They're expanding their lot size to hold more inventory and adding lights. You may have noticed TV commercials. Donald Bounds has done an excellent job providing the best service in the area, now you add competetive pricing and better selection.
Since Pittsville motors and Preston Ford have joined forces they have taken 13% more ford business from Sherwood.
You have nothing to lose by visiting them if you're in the market for a new Ford.
When Sherwood was in Berlin the service was personal and reliable. But alas Brucies wife had visions of vacation homes in Maine, private planes,mansions in Talbot County more prestige than little old Berlin.
I've been considering buying a new Dodge Charger or the Challenger (if it ever comes out). The problem is Sherwood rarely has a single Charger on their lot. After reading this blog entry, I'll be heading elsewhere!! Thanks for the heads up Joe!!
Well, I hate to say it, but buying American cars or trucks is the problem your all running into. If you would use your head, you guys would go to the Toyota dealership for your driving needs. I drive an Avalon and it is the sweetest vehicle I have ever owned and no maintenance problems what so ever.
A. Goetz
If you were so accustomed to dealing with Van, one would think that you'd at least know what his last name is and know how to spell it.
I agree with the Chrysler issues. We bought my wife a 2005 PT Cruiser from
Barrett. The car has been very problematic. Constant computer issues causing the vehicle to run erratically. Since you have to replicate the problem to go to binding arbitration,I am stuck with it.
However, on the bright side I have found a dealership that provides courteous service and stands behind their word. I would HIGHLY recommend Barrett or Pittsville Motors. Both have excellent service!!
Mike Ash
Tundra! I've been a transmission rebuilder for over 30 years,and the common rebuilds are ford, chrysler and gm trucks and suvs. FYI,those "new" transmissions the dealers fraudulantly sell are never new. they have lived another petty life in another explorer.
As a loyal Ford truck owner from 1988 thru 2005 I finally changed brands because the last several ford trucks have had problems ranging from engine, transmission and peeling paint, as for Sherwood's service they are basically parts replacers.I now own Nissan Titan and it has been three years of satisfied ownership.
F.Y.I. Van Salter is now at I.G. Burton in Seaford, DE. He is a man of his word and he sees things through....THE I.G. ADS ALWAYS SAY,"YOU CAN COUNT ON US", well I know you can count on HIM!
Bottom line, you can't trust a car dealership. I bought my Ford from Sherwood Ford is Salisbury. Nice vehicle. I bought the maintenance package to go with it and they still try to charge me everytime for an oil change and never wash it like they promised.
you talk about sherwwod .. how about all the employees bruce rodgers got rid of. please, if you know someone looking for a job do not let him go there.they will be lied to everyday and promised everything . need a pay plan you will get a new one every month. thanks bruce for nothing.........
i hear sherwood is up for sale, that would be the best news ever.
I have bought 7 vehicles from sherwood. Preston will get my business from now on. The sales mgr that i dealt with is gone also. He always took good care of me. I guess Sherwood is getting rid of all the good employees. If they dont take care of their employees they certainly wont take care of their customers.
Enough is enough! I suppose you ALL have the PERFECT jobs, with the PERFECT boss, and work with PERFECT emploees, and the products are PERFECT, etc. DEALERSHIPS SELL THE VEHICLES, NOT MAKE THEM! Take your complaints to the automakers. Mr. Rogers is a good man, a family man, and the things that he has done for his employees and this community are countless!!! Mr. Rogers is a fair businessman and for him to be slandered is uncalled for. There is NOTHING perfect in this world...no perfect cars, refrigerators, T.V.'s, houses, marriges, government, because they are PEOPLE MADE AND PEOPLE RUN....SO GET OVER IT...MOVE ON...set an example, help find a solution.
Sherwood has always treated me well. I have never had problems with my Fords and Mercurys. Maybe its because when you act like an a**hole you get treated like an a**hole!!!
it would appear sherwood has some(2-3) of its employes posting blogs to cover up how bad it treats customers and most of its other employes. their business is down 57%. frederick ford thanks u
As an employee of a car dealer and a sherwood customer this internet article really grinds my gears. To put so much blame on a dealership and the owner himself is just ridiculous. Chrysler makes their own product and sherwood just sells them and works on them, they can only do so much with what the manufacturer provides. Some of the products may not be perfect(im sure theres at least one of you for every major automaker in the world) but I've seen sherwood bend over backwards for customers. There are alot more problems you can have other than a constant CEL. at least your truck has been driveable throught your whole ordeal with this dodge pickup. I'm sure plenty of other people have horror stories from other dealers as you can see from the comments, but they don't have time to bitch about it on the internet because they have lives. Get one. Life goes on.
Well anon 8:21, the writer of this post has every right to complain. Each dealership should stand behind the product they sell and do whatever necessary to provide relief for their customers. That did not happen here. I own a company that sells doors and windows. If my product fails to perform as expected, it's MY face that is associated with the product - not the manufacturer. It's up to ME to deal with the problem and see to it that the customer is satisfied. The product was not the only problem with this situation. Since Van left, there is NO customer service as far as I'm concerned.
Your reading comprehension skills are somewhat lacking......my truck was NOT driveable thru the whole "ordeal". It had to be towed in the last time......idiot.
Blogs are powerful tools as they relate to the exchange of information. Perhaps one of the most powerful up and coming forms of communication in our society. Part of this is due to the fact that they are interactive. (that means that those who read are welcomed to participate) One excellent use of this increasingly popular communication tool is that people are using it to alert others to problems within their communities....including products, services, and government, just to name a few.
As far as getting a life is concerned.......I find it interesting that you accuse someone who posts on the internet of being a person who has no life. By your own words it would seem that you have no life since you posted.
I'm shopping for a car and the Price dealership seemed very willing to help me out. Have you heard anything about them?
I dont know much about Sherwood's service department but I know their Bodyshop is top notch!
I have to agree, I find many of these dealerships to be crooks. I have been taking my two Fords to Wall's Ford in Salisbury MA for years and always felt they were over charging us for repair work that should never have been there. We had some A/C work done on a Ford Explorer for years while it was under warranty and now that the warranty is expired they want to charge us $650 for work that they never properly did while under warranty. Needless to say I have pulled both my vehicles from them and will work with a local garage whom I feel is more trustworthy.
you want a car dealership to take if you..
then go the burtons in milford,
they have them all..chevy,chrysler bmw, mercedes,jeep
i bought used bmw fromm them,treat me fine,sales manager named brett denver.. ask for him.. knows what it takes,
they also have many used trucks..
Brucie Boy was always that way. Ask him about the night he was caught stealing an alternator at midnight autoparts
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