It sure is a big day in The Daily Times referencing ME and the Fire Department. Not only did the Times get their story wrong, they admitted the fire was in fact in Salisbury, (even though many Fire Fighters tried to LIE about that here) and the Salisbury Fire Department didn't respond.
Blame it on whatever you want, if the freakin property is in Salisbury and Salisbury can't respond, annex it OUT of the City.
Joe no firefighters ever said that the property in question did not have a Salisbury address. It does, everyone knows that. However the Delmar fire department is responsible for this area. Here is a good example for you since you cant grasp the concept nor do you care to learn anything about the fire service. Log cabin and Spring Hill Ln. for example are covered by the Hebron Fire Dept. which is roughly 2 miles away. These places have a Salisbury address and SFD is roughly 8 miles away. Not going to pick a fight with you , cause there is obviusly no winning. But until you understand the fire service, people such as myself will sit here and try beating it into you.
I'm not super dense, I understand that. What I am challenging here is the protocol. Use your head, IF YOU CAN?
YOU tell ME what makes more sense. Sending Salisbury even as a secondary Fire Department into a Salisbury address, OR, (Dee, Dee, Deeee) send in Laurel, Sharptown and Hebron?
Again, just a little help here, the address is in Salisbury?
Oh, that's right, I'm NOT a Fireman, I shouldn't understand or know these things. I guess that's what makes this right? I don't give a rat's ass what you Idiots think, (respectfully) you're stupid! Your system is stupid and the TAXPAYERS are paying for a SERVICE IN MARYLAND, NOT DELAWARE!
Than stay away from our fires and our politics if you dont care!
WHy, WHY, WHY, you hate the fireman so bad why do you post and show pictues of thier work??????? why don't you just stay out of thier affairs and mind your own buisness.
Of course you can't use your name. You can't stick to the subject and your only answer is, stay away. I think not. I am going to expose each and every Fire Department until they straighten out. You want to race down the road like maniacs, I'm going to catch it. You want to threaten me, I'm going to expose you. I don't give a shit how big a group you are, YOU DON'T SCARE ME! No, I'm NOT picking a fight. If YOU are on the up an up, YOU have nothing to be afraid of and or become defensive. However, IF there's something there to expose, looks like I'm the only one out there with big enough balls to stand up to you guys.
The world has changed now that Blogs are around. No more political cover ups, like the Hebron Accident, (more on THAT later today).
Get used to it because our Government is owned BY THE PEOPLE. We citizens are taking it back, one step at a time.
I guess the question is, whether or not that Salisbury address was in the corporate limits of Salisbury.
I'm not a firefighter, but I am aware that the area departments have some sort of "map" they go by as to who covers what. I think there was a broohaha over that in the county, or between Delmar and Salisbury or something, a fight over turf, if you will.
Anyway, heck of a fire!
No section of Jersey Rd is in the city limits.. SFD covers up to the intersection at naylor mill rd I believe upto a 1/2 mile or so past the intersection.
Wor-wic is not covered by the Salisbury Fire Department. The salisbury district ends at the hobbs road stop light.
Again, look at the distance! Salisbury is MUCH closer than any of these other Fire Departments, with exception of Delmar.
I could see if a Fireman came back saying, Salisbury was out on other calls, that would be cool. I checked, that wasn't the case.
Sometimes things just make no sense and my point here is you have Idiots running things. You know the type, they can't spell worth a shit either and they get promoted as Dee, Dee, Deee's because their willing to lick the balls of their superior and the educated ones get dumped on because, well, their educated and scare the shit out of people like See & Gordy.
Rapp had the same issues at the Zoo. Don't hire someone with more experience or a better education, they might challenge them. The Mayor appoints Idiots like this too. She makes them feel important, yet they aren't worth a shit. Look at Chiefy Webster. How's it working for you Chiefy? Salisbury went from a sleeper City to now, what, the 10th most dangerous City in America? Yeah, Barrie certainly hired the best! The best ass kisses, is what she hired. I don't give a shit about any lawsuit, the numbers clearly show this guy isn't worth a shit. His attitude towards me shows he's not worth a shit.
The City is falling apart because Barrie Tilghman MUST BE IN CONTROL.
Yeah, certain Fire Fighters are becoming angry. That's col. Those are the Idiots that don't know shit anyway. The educated ones know I'm right and are simply waiting for a change in leadership. Once that happens, the City will finally turn around. In the mean time we'll watch Fire Departments from Delaware come into Salisbury and wipe their ass. Great Job Delaware!
Simple answer Joe..... Each department is accountable to nobody.. For example Hebron at a recent fire had Laurel, DE respond in hebron when salisbury was never alerted to assist... These county chief's can change the reponse matrix at the drop of a hat if they are mad at another department.
So today it maybe delmar, hebron, sharptown. If one gets mad at another. It could delmar, salisbury, mardela..
They county needs a fire commisioner to oversee the fireground operations of county departments..
Thats the real story Joe.. No accountability county wide... Research a recent incident in willards...
Why don't you title say "More Salisbury fire photos"
You prove everday what we already know...
That your a dumbass!
See Joe. You just dont get the fire service. I posted the first comment here. SFD was not on this call because they do not have the resources that were needed to put this fire out. ie. water and large amounts of it. This as you know is a non-hydrant area. Therefore tankers are needed. Salisbury has a tanker but is all the way on Beaglin Park Drive at sta. 1. Hebron is indeed closer to the area with the route traveled. I am not picking fights with you, i am simply trying to get you to understand some of what the fire service does, does not make sense to some people such as yourself. But we (the fire service) do indeed know the resources available to us. We know what other departments have in the event we need extra support. The fire service is sometimes strange to outsiders. ie. people ask why we cut holes in the roof sometimes or break windows out completely. Its a job, like it or not, we have to do it. Back to the subject though. Salisbury would have brought 500 gallons of water to that fire, if they were on the call. Hebron on the hand brought 5700 gallons in two pieces and were out of the station within 3 minutes of the dispatch and on the scene within 9 minutes. Sharptown brought 2500 in one piece. Laurel with another 2500. On top of what Delmar had there. My point to you is this. Become a little more involved with the knowledge of the fire service and ask questions about things before going overboard with the hate towards all firefighters. You do good work, just tone it down some please. Thanks M
Yea what good work does he do? Tearing a fire department in half with his threats!
OK, so here's where things get even more complicated.
Debbie Campbell for YEARS has been trying to get the Fire Department to purchase TWO Tankers, rather than the ONE they have.
A Hole Comegys, See & Gordy are insisting they but ONE large tanker instead.
IF the City wants to be in the rural Fire Business, AGAIN, it doesn't take an overly educated person to figure out what Station could use what.
However, these guys want to do whatever they can to get what they want and NOT what's needed. Jersey Road is a perfect example.
IMO, personally, I would have simply stood there and watched that puppy burn. Wanna know why? Because there were huge mounds of dirt all around this chicken house and unless the winds kicked WAY up, nothing was going to be affected anyway.
Anyhow, I'm NOT a professional Fire Fighter, I really don't know. What I was trying to say is, bigger is not always better.
I personally think IF Salisbury would have shown up with a small tanker, they would have felt like, well, you know, I'm not going to say it but they'd be the smallest in the pissing match and would have felt like dicks in the process, that is why bigger is better.
It's NOT because it's necessary. It's because they don't want to be the smallest around. Perhaps people should listen more to Campbell and Cohen and make a difference at the Polls. Look, if See & Gordy can't get it right, let these two women control the Fire Department by pushing these piss ants around and force them to get what is necessary and not bigger and better toys than Delmar or anywhere else they have to prove they've done better. If you know what I mean?
Joe says:
IF the City wants to be in the rural Fire Business, AGAIN, it doesn't take an overly educated person to figure out what Station could use what.
Well we all know your not a overly educated person.
When did you drop out of school?
3rd grade?
SFD at one time did indeed have two small tankers. They were in bad shape and rarely used. They were sold and engines replaced them. SFD runs most and i say most of their calls inside of the city limits where hydrants are located. Does the city need a tanker? Absolutley. The problem is the housing. If you don't have a building to put it in, no need to buy it. You cant let these pieces sit out in inclimate weather. So once the new station is done.(please dont go ranting and raving on that subject, trust me we dont want it either) you will probably see one there. As far as letting it burn yesterday, thats pretty much what was done. The fire was cooled down and areas around the fire were drenched. A small outbuilding ,which was the pump house for the property was on fire and was quickly put out and the large barn next to the chicken house was cooled down from the radiant heat. Your on a good role now Joe. keep clean and ask questions..M
I have a Salisbury address yet do not live in city limits. However, The city limits is a mile away as the crow flies. My donation requests come from Hebron who I am happy to contribute to their needs. I thank God I am in Hebron's district as they know how to run the back roads and get to us country bumpkins a bit faster than Salisbury.
There was an accident at the intersection of Rt 50 & Naylor Mill Road. Whose jurisdiction is this? Hebron had their ambulance there lickety split. In fact, one of the people involved in the accident was laying bets that Hebron would get there first.
Yeah, certain Fire Fighters are becoming angry. That's col. Those are the Idiots that don't know shit anyway. The educated ones know I'm right and are simply waiting for a change in leadership. Once that happens, the City will finally turn around. In the mean time we'll watch Fire Departments from Delaware come into Salisbury and wipe their ass. Great Job Delaware!
9:12 AM
I must say Mr. Albero for you making yourself seem as an educated person you certainly come a across as the bigest "Dumbass" on the planet. You constantly down grade the fire service of the City of Salisbury and the fire companies in the county. I am a college educated person with a few degrees, I am not a fireman so don't go there. These guys County wide are a good group of guys. They are very good at what they do. You are on a personel mission for some unknown reason against them. You know absolutly nothin about that fire service and you can tell by what you post up here. I understand its your right to have your opinion and thats fine. But you really cross the line when you use members of this communty losses for your personel mission to pick the Fire Service apart. It's not right and it dosen't take and educated person to know that. Another thing is you may consider your self an educated person but you lack common sinse. You have your head so far up your ass it's amazing you can still breath. You want to attack these Fire Dept. and the firefighters do it with facts not your opinions. Opinions get you in trouble I.e. "Libel and slander, and defamation of charactor"!I guess you could add harrasment and stalking to that to. Your skating on very thin ice Mr. Albero and your getting ready to fall through. One day your going to need these people to help wheather it be a fire or you get in a car accident trying to be a fire truck or ambulance chaser trying to make someone look bad. Another thing Mr. Albero you don't have balls. You have a alot of stupidty and a big vigina. You wont say anything to these peoples faces. Why don't you try when the next time your riding by on of the SFD house or any other firehouse in the county and try talking to them. You might learn something constrcutive and then mayber for the first time you can put facts on your website. I am in no way trying to stir stuff up or make you look stupid(you make yourself look that way on a daily basis), your just going to get yourself hurt. In my final statement if your not happy with the service that your getting out of the county fire service along with the city MOVE. You and grandad seem to be the only ones with the problems... So get the hell out go somewhere else and problem solved. Oh and the name of your website is Classified under the term "False Advertisement" just so you know. You dont report news your report your opionions(as stated before thats your right) But as every person knows(educated or not), News is about facts, good or bad. Not opinions. I guess thats a concept your dumb "educated" ass can't figure out. You have any questions for me email me at FckJoeA@yahoo.com
Another Dissatified Customer, ROTFLMAO!
You forgot the word, FREE.
Do your homework Joe Just becasue you have a Salisbury address you can still be considered county and no pay city taxes. I can tell you that casue I have a Salisbury address and am considered county. Check your facts before you make your self look stupid and put false statements up here. And no, I a, not a Fireman just a stopper by on your web site and a County tax payer and I am Happy with the service I get from The fire service City/County, They both have been to my house before.
anonymous 10:19,
Need I say more Folks?
educated person said; I am a college educated person with a few degrees...
Would those degrees be Farenheit, Celsius or Kelvan? Certainly, they are not academic.
Anonymous said...
educated person said; I am a college educated person with a few degrees...
Would those degrees be Farenheit, Celsius or Kelvan? Certainly, they are not academic.
10:30 AM
ROTFLMAO. I know where you were going with that and it was funny! However, I think the "Kelvin" (sp?)reference may have gone over their head.
Mr. McClovin,
Anon said he or she is educated so I felt they might have an inkling as to what Kelvin might be. :)
Joe, your pics were much better than Todd Dudek's.
Is that volunteer Hebron Chief David Bush in that pick. I heard he was there. Doesn't he work for the State of Maryland? Does he have permission from his bosses in the state to play on our time? I wonder if he deducts his time away from the state job?
To educated person:
I do believe you have attempted to make some very good points. Unfortunately, your spelling and grammar belie your statement of being "a college educated person with a few degrees" and makes one wonder if in fact you are Mr. Albero trying to keep things roiling. Might I suggest that you utilize the spelling and grammar check utility included with the word processing function of your computer? A little cut and paste would make your statements more credible.
The sad thing is that even though there have been multiple attempts to educate Mr. Albero, in the comment section, how the fire departments have divided the county or areas of the county and city, he continues to beat this dead horse. Even someone as unfireman affiliated as I can understand the limitations of any given fire department and can understand the benefits of having one department cover an area not in their mailing district and the drawbacks of having a department that is in that mailing district no be "first due" to cover the area.
Mr. Albero, your continuing to rale against the Salisbury and County fire departments is much akin to some of the minority organizations. No one does anything right but at the same time expecting, no, demanding more services and benefits.
The rantings and ravings give the impression of you being the only individual that knows how things "should" be done and if anyone or anything is not in line with your concept of "right" they are wrong and should be eliminated. Gee whiz.... reminds me of a emasculated Hitler, a great deal of venom to spew, but powerless to do anything about it except to attempt to inflame the masses and hope the uneducated masses will comply to your dogma and provide the means to accomplish your goals.
There was an accident at the intersection of Rt 50 & Naylor Mill Road. Whose jurisdiction is this? Hebron had their ambulance there lickety split. In fact, one of the people involved in the accident was laying bets that Hebron would get there first.
To Anonymous 10:03
Ok, you are one that also needs to call the 911 center and get jurisdiction location. Believe it or not the County Fire Chiefs (which is a combination of all the chiefs from the Wico. Cty are) draw up the jurisdictions. This intersection is defiently one of the most messed up ones in the county. Anything at the intersection and to the West of the intersection belongs to Hebron, anything to the East of the intersection belongs to Salisbury. Yeah, Yeah i say the same thing that the county chiefs are crazy with territories. And also, if the accident happens at the intersection it is a toss up on who 911 dispatches, it is all according on the information that they get from the caller on the scene or the police.
Hey i am a firefighter and know that..zero point on the kelvin scale is -273 celsius....Freezing is 273K and boiling is 373K.See not all of us firemen are idiots as Joe says.
Anonymous said...
Hey i am a firefighter and know that..zero point on the kelvin scale is -273 celsius....Freezing is 273K and boiling is 373K.See not all of us firemen are idiots as Joe says.
2:06 PM
I thought that on the Kelvin scale, freezing was zero (hence the term "absolute zero").
These posts would be so much easier to read if people took the time to spell properly...not ragging on anyone,thats just my observation
Anonymous said...
Is that volunteer Hebron Chief David Bush in that pick. I heard he was there. Doesn't he work for the State of Maryland? Does he have permission from his bosses in the state to play on our time? I wonder if he deducts his time away from the state job?
1:01 PM
Hey ANON 1:01 PM! Which picture...or are you just fishing around. I certainly didn't see him in any of those pictures. IDIOT!
ok so let me ask you a question joe-if you understand that it was delmar's district and is in salisbury why don't you understand that salisbury wasn't due or requested? salisbury firefighters don't decided where their jurisdiction is it's voted on by a group of people. so why are you blaming them? DELMAR REQUESTED LAUREL TO ASSIST. it was their choice not to choose salisbury, not salisbury's fault
I didn't say it was a Salisbury Fire Fighters fault. I said it was a Salisbury address and several of you tried to claim it wasn't.
I'll add, why was Salisbury in Delmar the night before? If you can't even get the confidence of this GROUP who choose who goes to what fire, even in your own town, what does that say about Salisbury's credibility? Doesn't look too good to me. Then again, most of you didn't even know it was in Salisbury anyway.
I know, ask Joe Albero if he'll pay for GPS Systems in all your vehicles so you can figure out if it's even in your area?
Diver Down said...
Anonymous said...
Is that volunteer Hebron Chief David Bush in that pick. I heard he was there. Doesn't he work for the State of Maryland? Does he have permission from his bosses in the state to play on our time? I wonder if he deducts his time away from the state job?
1:01 PM
Hey ANON 1:01 PM! Which picture...or are you just fishing around. I certainly didn't see him in any of those pictures. IDIOT!
5:02 PM
So who is defending the DRUNK that is supposed to be working during the day? This isn't you Bush is it?
Get back to work or we will report you to the appropriate state authorities. Not only do you rip of the local tax payers you are ripping off everyone in the state. Get a JOB!!
Like someone said earlier about Gordy, they don't like you either!!!
Criminal Charges
Looks like he has had numerous dealings with the law. Yes indeed, that is who I want to protect me and my family during an emergency. I hope we don't get beat up!!!
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Case Information
Case Number: 6H00023099Tracking No:011001421255
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: SUMMONSIssued Date:09/01/2001
Case Status: CLOSEDCase Disposition:TRIAL
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: BEACH, DAVID
Sex: MHeight:600Weight:250DOB:
City: HEBRONState:MDZip Code:21830 - 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: OTHER PLEA
Disposition: STETDisposition Date:10/18/2001
Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Credit Time Served:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Address: 130 E MAIN STREET
PO BOX 258
City: SALISState:MDZip Code:21803 - 0000
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
SUMI 09/01/2001 SUM ISSUED 010901 AGENCY:ZV 2201
SUMS 09/13/2001 SUM SERVED 010907; ZV 2201 W275
The public access information above is current as of 5:00 PM on 12/09/2007.
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
Could be worse, he could be on your city or county council with the other one, Gary Comegys. Lifetime VFD who calls and ask for the duty section when he has a house fire, has no confidence in vollies, city council member that shows up to every function the mayor tells him to while on SHA clock. Sits on city council and lets everyone know just exactly what a horses patoot he really is. Oh and he really likes to consume mass quantities of beer. He also doesnt pay his child support.
Anonymous said...
Could be worse, he could be on your city or county council with the other one, Gary Comegys. Lifetime VFD who calls and ask for the duty section when he has a house fire, has no confidence in vollies, city council member that shows up to every function the mayor tells him to while on SHA clock. Sits on city council and lets everyone know just exactly what a horses patoot he really is. Oh and he really likes to consume mass quantities of beer. He also doesnt pay his child support.
10:25 PM
um, uh, uh, now lookee heer y u gonna bring me in dis. um, whot dit bubbd du too u. uh, um, bubba be a goot farmen cuz u noze i fite lotta far cuz um i be da cheef. um, i kalled fo da pade guys cuz i noze da volateers at da dooche gotta go to werk dat moning.
um, u gotts sumting to sey too bubba u give me a kall cuz bubba be drinkin a bir wif u. i be eetin yo chikin to.
yo nex mare
No wonder Comegy's has no confidence in the volunteers. He was one of them and is basing his opinion on HIS shortcomings. Actually, isn't he the one who, as the command officer and first unit on scene on a call on North Division Street, screamed into the radio that they were "10-2 (old radio code for arriving on scene) with HEAVY FIRE SHOWING" when in fact the building wasn't on fire at all. He was so screwed up and excited that what he REALLY saw was steam coming from a dryer vent of the house where someone was running their dryer on a cold day. He saw the steam, assumed it was smoke a called out that the house had "HEAVY FIRE SHOWING" when he saw no flames at all. Yeah, that's the same Comegy's. I think. Any of you firefighters care to back me up one this? Shows Comegy's decision making skills doesn't it?
Anonymous said...
No wonder Comegy's has no confidence in the volunteers. He was one of them and is basing his opinion on HIS shortcomings. Actually, isn't he the one who, as the command officer and first unit on scene on a call on North Division Street, screamed into the radio that they were "10-2 (old radio code for arriving on scene) with HEAVY FIRE SHOWING" when in fact the building wasn't on fire at all. He was so screwed up and excited that what he REALLY saw was steam coming from a dryer vent of the house where someone was running their dryer on a cold day. He saw the steam, assumed it was smoke a called out that the house had "HEAVY FIRE SHOWING" when he saw no flames at all. Yeah, that's the same Comegy's. I think. Any of you firefighters care to back me up one this? Shows Comegy's decision making skills doesn't it?
7:12 AM
Comegys was an incompetent firefighter as well as an fire officers. Someone recently told me he had the nickname Choo Choo because he got scared in a real fire and came running out like a frieght train. When he proved he wasn't a real firefighter he became a fire truck driver and would run someone over so he could get to the drivers seat. He even rented a house next to the firehouse so that he could be the first volunteer there to assure him the drivers seat. He kissed the chief's ass so much that he was promoted to a fire offices and turned his back on his brother firefighters to keep his officers title. Yes title only. He would stab a brother firefighter in the back just to get ahead. He was a very incompetent firefighter with no training or certifications. LOSER!!
What is sad about the other volunteers that he stabbed in the back was the fact that they turned around and supported him for city council. Poor idiots don't have enough sense to think for themselves.
Bubba you LOSER!!
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