After Bill Holland made a complete ass out of himself the other night. The proposed attempt to create a new exclusive Electrical Inspector for the City of Salisbury was a flop. Being unprepared for a meeting will always bit you in the ass, just as it did for Bill that evening.
Now with tail between legs, the City delivers a letter pretty much saying, We'll Be Back. Not if the Contractors have anything to do with it! The next time there will be twice the amount of Contractors because they now know how to work the City. Let me forewarn you though, fine Gentlemen. This Mayor can and will be a complete biotch when she wants her way and if this is something she wants, she's going to get it.
That being said, with the decline of building permits in the City, continue to hit them in the wallet where it hurts the most. Oh, Bill, get your sh*t straight the next time and don't ever forget that a professional is always prepared for meetings like that. That goes for John Pick too.
If Bill Holland wasn't spending so much time over in the Delaware beach area in his city owned car he might know what was needed to be prepared for the meeting.
Bill how much are you costing the taxpayers for all that gas you burn annually running over to your girlfriends house in Delaware?
Ms. Cohen has it right -- this nonsense should be discussed at the Council's work session today (Nov. 5), and it should be decapitated then and there.
PS -- whereabouts does Wild Bill Holland beach it in Delaware.
What are Hollands educational background that qualifies him for this job? My recollection is of him pumping gas at his Somerset County slumlord daddies gas station,how do you get to be head of a City Department without any formal education? Guess the same way an incompetent immoral lawyer becomes the city attorney.
If you will do your home work, you will find that Bill Holland's City owned vehicle is parked in the City lot each night. He drives his PERSONAL vehicle home and to his girlfriend's house in Delaware. The gas he burns is purchased by him, not the City. It's no one's business where he "beaches it" in Delaware on his personal time.
Also, if you study the facts a bit more, you will find that he has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of MD and credits toward his MBA. He was a construction superintendent and also worked with a large homebuilder, each position lasting for approximately 5 years.
Bill Holland also has a National Certification for "Plans Examiner." Before people "go off at the mouth" they really need to get their facts straight.
It goes to prove that good money is wasted on education. Mr. Holland sure didn't educate himself prior to this meeting and many of the professionals there ate him alive.
5 years here, 5 years there, then he moved on to a City paying job. I certainly agree, his personal life shouldn't play a roll in all of this.
I'll add, the City of Salisbury is certainly playing around on my Blog when Barrie told them not to. Perhaps it's Barrie herself?
I was at this meeting, I said my peace.
Joe, I'm not Barrie and would never want to be in her position. I've never been employed by the City. Do you really believe that the City or the Mayor would "pretend" to be regular citizens, with no connection to the government office or employment there just to post on your blog site?
I realize that you are attempting to help the citizens of Salisbury against any possible corruption, but when something is not the truth, I feel the truth should be heard.
Bill Holland should be driving his own vehicle. He should have been driving it long before the last budget meeting when Campbell and Cohen took their fine tooth comb over the budget and started questioning the use of city vehicles. Their comb has all of its teeth, unlike the comb used by Louise, Gary and Shanie. Oh, thats right, they didn't bother to look at the budget.
Five years here, five years there? Don't forget that Mr. Holland has been employed by the City for 16 or 17 years now. Seventeen years experience with inspections and building permits should count for something.
I've always been told that "hands on" experience is better than a degree or extensive schooling.
My career experience, dating back to 1980, has been worth much more than any class on campus in which I could have enrolled.
Constructive criticism is one thing, blatant lies are another.
It's upsetting when people make assumptions (even posting it on the Internet) without any research as to the facts. I think it is slander and defamation.
Again, I appreciate your efforts to keep others informed, but I feel it’s your obligation (as owner of the blog site) not to post erroneous information.
I'm not lying about anything here. I was at that meeting and ANYONE else who was there can easily confirm, this guy was NOT prepared and most of his answers were, I DON'T KNOW!
So please take you rcomments elsewhere because you are the one who is inaccurate here.
I have no beef with Mr. Holland. As a businessman I call it as I see it. I can recall being about 20 years old and going into my first meeting like that and screwing up just as bad. I learned from that and it never happened again.
I'll add, the meetings I participated in on a regular basis included people like the President of Kodak, Fuji, Sylvania, GE, Philips, Texas Instruments, IBM and the list goes on and on. I'l add, most of those meetings included Engineers, Electricians and other technical people and I slammed every meeting with home runs. I believe I'm qualified to make the statements I have.
You are not the one who made the erroneous comments. "Anonymous" made them. (How appropriate that they hid behind that name.)
I just meant that as the owner of the site, I'm surprised that you allow others to post things that are totally untrue. Of course, I'm sure that you don't have the time, nor should you be expected to research the validity of each person's comment prior to posting.
I enjoy looking at your "news" and appreciate that you have pictures to back up most of your articles. My posting was never intended to dispute your justified findings and sincere concerns.
Too many citizens refuse to get involved in their communities and have no idea what is going on behind closed doors; most don't care. I applaud those that do. I just feel that when others (AKA anonymous) "spout off at mouth" they should at least have facts to back it up. That's all I meant.
Have a good day.
Thank You for clarifying that.
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