Mayor Tilghman said, “I am so pleased that Chief See’s professionalism and commitment to the effective delivery of Fire and Emergency Services has been recognized, and I know that he will make a great contribution to this workgroup.”
I guess the mare is endorsing this free vacation at taxpayers expense. So what benifit do the tax payers get from these free vacations. Isn't this the same guy that hates Volunteer Firefighters, especially Salisbury's? Isn't this the same guy that tells Fire Fighters that the last three letters in "problems" is EMS? This guy has never ridden in the back of an ambulance and done patient care so what great contribution will he make?
Chief See recently attended the IAFC Fire Rescue International Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. While at this Conference, he attended the IAFC business meeting as well as the VCOS annual membership meeting and business meetings, during which he was asked to serve on the project workgroup. He also staffed the VCOS booth at the Trade Show during the Conference. The Trade Show included vendors with the latest in all kinds of emergency services related items from software to turnout gear to fire apparatus.
Who paid for this? Again, what benifit do the city and county taxpayers get from his free vacations? Can you tell I've done my homework Chief?
See ran the ambo for years. The man started out just like the rest of us. He has done a fine job for the city. Where do you get your false info from? Thats not very good reporting!
What have you done?
Hey Super Joe, I know you've been told before. Every Fire Department has applications you can fill out at anytime. I can tell you have a vendetta for him. Since you are so "the man" at least in your own world, go fill that app out. Not that any Fire Department around here would let you in.
Nah, I'd rather just buy the building and show them how to make money for the Taxpayers, rather than blow all the Taxpayers money.
Hardhead, you have no clue what you are talking about. I just read this post and think Joe is right on the money. I don't think you can produce any documentation the "See ran the ambo for years." Produce a picture of See in the back doing patient care. Produce a trip sheet with See's documentation of patient care. You can't do it. When See supposedly ran the ambulance for years the city had paid CRT's. So my friend you are just stirring the pot. Case closed.
Joe, I think you hit a soft spot. The truth hurts when it is exposed.
Hardhead are you one of the Three Stooges in the picture or one of the suck ups bucking for a promotion. We know who "b" is. Gordo!
Thanks for the back up sfd1872! Bring on the proof, liars!
Seems awfully quiet here all of a sudden! LOL 726-3264
CITIZEN REPORTER? LOL -- Maybe one should verify FACTS so they dont have to go back and ask for forgiveness?
Can't stay away, can you Mr. Liar?
See there you go again Joey, Pot... Kettle... You really dont get it do you?
I have alot of respect for volunteer firemen-my cousin,the youngest chief engineer in the history of his VFD was killed in in the line of duty as a volunteer fireman in 1995 so regardless of See's accomplishments,I think the way he treats the volunteers is shameful-most of the depts on the Shore are largely volunteer without the luxury of personal cars and gas cards!!!
I have never EVER been in the Coast Guard or any armed forces. And COAST TO COAST,your source, know that I have not because I told her I was not.
I never Sued COMCAST SPECTACOR But we did settle out of court. See I am not afraid to defend my reputation. ANOTHER LIE POSTED BY JOE. And yes, I know who told you that too! He is very sorry and apologized for telling you something he only half knew. By the way I got $5000 from COMCAST off my BILL. I can say that now since COMCAST no longer ownes the Shorebirds. And my Problem wasn't with them it was with Steve Yaross the GM.
And it was $120,000 half my income I was losing. And it was not from the store. It was from buying estates and selling them. Maybe I can buy your COMPOUND if the ATF doesnt take it over and then burn it down like WACO - first.
I noticed you forgot the fact YOU LIED and got caught and now your trying to twist everything! How about MR. H. he said he never talked to you and you posted on my blog as comment he was you source. JOE YOU ARE A LIAR.
Oh by the way if needed I know of someone who has every one of your posts and comments digitally archived so you can get your web site back up again!
Since you know I had you investigated -- You know I know a lot! I have not released this info and will not release about you. Talk to your ex wife latley?
WOW - I sure can push your buttons! BEEP. BEEP.
HAVING FUN BUT I GOTA GO TO WORK.. Wish I was rich and retired like you... my hero. NOT (learned that from wathcing the BORAT movie) FUNNY STUFF???
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