There's a Town in Florida who recently voted to swallow a huge tax increase in order to provide their own Police Force. The Town is called Miami Gardens. Although the City of Salisbury is already screwing most of the taxpayers, I doubt these local Officers are going to see anything like this around here any time soon.
What if I were to tell you, IF you were to join this Police Force, (even without experience) they'll pay you a starting salary of $45,100.00?
WAIT, there's more! They'll also pay you a sign on bonus of $12,000.00!
NOPE, I'm not at all done.
How about a $7,000.00 moving allowance?
WAIT, I'm not through!
They'll even give you $5,000.00 for a down payment for a home if you choose to live within the City/Town!
I'm NOT done! They'll give you a $2,000.00 a year pay increase each year.
Wait a minute, I see they'll even pay you one weeks paid vacation the first year you're there!
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better........ They're willing to pay 100% for your college education. When you graduate they'll pay you an additional 8% increase for an associates degree and a 16% increase for a bachelors degree!!!!!
You'll be included in the Florida Retirement System and wait a minute, they're even throwing in a TAKE HOME CAR!
Oh No, could there be MORE? How about this. They'll pay you ANY leave you have left from your previous job and they'll work you four 10 hour days and you're off the next three days.
NOW, If you're a Police Officer 2 with some experience your salary would start at $48,000.00 a year! Any Sergeant will start at $52,000.00 a year! If you have experience they'll pay you a starting salary of $63,000.00 a year!!!
A Captain with 6 years experience will start at $94,000.00 a year!
If you don't believe me, Barrie Tilghman & Chief Webster, click here (miamigardenspolice.org) and it will take you directly to their Website and tell you everything I just quoted.
Follow me one more time around the City of Salisbury again Chief, (like you did yesterday, honking your horn, waving and laughing at me) and I'll post even more opportunities for your people to look into. I don't have to take any more of your abuse and I think you'll come to learn that if I'm treated and respected properly, I'm a pretty decent guy. If you abuse me in any way I'll find ways legally to make your live a living hell. LEAVE ME ALONE!
As for Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, Mike Dunn & Lynn Cathcart, SHAME ON YOU! Look at all the money you threw away on rip rap along the river, (that didn't need it) instead of taking care of the Police! It's time for some changes in Salisbury Folks and the Police Officers not only deserve FAR better pay, they also deserve to apply for jobs like this because it's a far better future than what they're dealing with right now. Their own Boss doesn't even ask for the proper salaries for his own Staff because the Mayor already told him they weren't getting it, period.
I cannot state this as a fact but I have been told that when someone asked Lynn Cathcart why the Police Officers weren't getting better pay she replied, "You can't get something you don't ask for." They then asked, are you telling me Chief Webster never asked for the proper pay increase? She supposedly replied, "You can't get something you don't ask for."
UPDATE, There are 150 positions available right away.
Joe-all you have done is complain about the "lack" of police, so why are you trying to run them out of town? Be part of the solution Joe, not make new problems.
All the officers that i have spoke with, like the Chief, they speak very highly of him, unlike the reputation of Colburn Dykes. Also, these officers are not being held against their own will, they are free to work where they want to. The officers are probably sick of taking shit from you Joe, trying to pretend that you are in charge all the time.
NOt only that, but if that Florida town is so great, how could they possibly have 150 openings right now? And what do you think would happen here if the police department started offering all those goodies to its officers? Taxpayers really would rise up in revolt.
The Town is let's say, like Pittsville. They decided they no longer wanted to depend on the Sheriffs Department so the taxpayers petitioned and raised enough signatures to accept a HUGE tax increase locally to afford their own Police Force, THAT'S HOW THEY CAME UP WITH 150 JOBS.
As for the taxpayers revolting, WHY AREN'T THEY? That's sort of my other point here. Salisbury is already paying huge taxes, why aren't our Officers getting this kind of pay, being the 20th most dangerous City in America?
Don't go on the attack here orient. I'd be very careful if I were you because I have answers to every question you'll throw at me on this one.
OMG! You're so full of shit! "whocares" is none other than Chief Webster or Barrie Tilghman. Welcome to the Blogs, IDIOT!
A mirror can only reflect the image you put into it. When the Chief steps in front of that mirror every day he becomes a fashion GQ, NOT a Chief of Police. No uniform, no honor, no teamwork and he's certainly NOT one of them other men. Take Mike Lewis for example. He wears his Uniform EVERY DAY! He's PROUD to be Sheriff! Barrie Tilghman goes around braless and flaunts it to every citizen watching because she's so mentally challenged, she thinks she can do "anything" she wants. Well, that one came back and bit her in the ass, didn't it?
The Chief walks around in $700.00 suits and thinks he's above the law as well, TILL HE MET ME! As a person, I like the Chief. He seems to be a decent guy. As a professional leader, I personally think he sucks. He's an ass kisser to the Mayor and where I grew up he'd be labeled a pussy, hence me calling the Chief a pussy.
The Salisbury Police Officers are NOT owned by the City of Salisbury. In business you must TAKE CARE OF YOUR STAFF in order to keep them. A good employee is worth a small fortune. Trust me, I know this to be a fact. Why you want to suggest I am running these people out of town is not at all fair or even close to reality here.
These Officers are very decent people who deserve the very best. If Salisbury can't offer it, FIRE THE MAYOR! DO YOU GET IT FOLKS? IT'S YOUR FAULT! You keep reelecting this Idiot and watching the City fall to pieces. You watch the City Council eat anyone alive that tries to challenge decisions that are made, rather than "listening" and learning. It's what "the people" want, not the Mayor.
If there's a better opportunity in Florida and one of these Officer was your brother or sister, wouldn't YOU tell them this was available? So Kiss My Ass, whocares.
whocares said.....
"Joe-all you have done is complain about the "lack" of police"
Show me ONE place where I said "anything" about the lack of Police?
Typical Barrieism, lie, make it up, get it on record, therefore it is.
Kind of like candidates beings "notorious bloggers" yet they can't come up with their NOTORIOUS names?????
If I could find a Chief of Police position I'd be telling the Chief of Police in Salisbury where to go, trust me!
For clarification purposes,
I said a Town like Pittsville in the sense that it is incorporated, similar to Salisbury. However, Pittsville does not have its own Police Force.
I did not imply that Miami Gardens was the size of Pittsville and or similar in any other way.
I'm glad to see so many are looking into it though. LMAO!
whocares said...All the officers that i have spoke with, like the chief...
Did you only speak to one? Most that I talk to do not like the chief.
about time said..This town eats the like of SPD officers for breakfast.
Please go for a ride-a-long on a friday or saturday night, I did in the citizend police academy and my eyes opened, you will recant when you do.
Remember Salisbury beat Baltimore in violent crime per captita again last year. Look at the FBI crime data Salisbury beats Baltimore in almost all crime per capita figures, except murder, but hey with lasts years count we just might.
We need a change. There is no reason why we should be so dangerous here.
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