These four Officers in Uniform were on foot patrol throughtout the City yesterday. Determined to catch these thugs, Officers were just waiting for the right moment in time when these graffiti artists would make that fatal mistake and get caught. Thank You!
You must not read too well because I've posted in the past that the entire Salisbury Police Force is ON THE JOB both day and night.
Do you actually think I would be giving credit to them if they weren't?
Stop complaining or searching for fault and be thankful you're being protected. Don't you live or work on or near the Plaza, as I recall?
I'm willing to bet some of the No Division stickers could be a day time thing.
I’m sure that all of this was the act of viciously ruthless illegal alien gang member zombie migrant pirates. They probably have guns and knives by the dozen… I saw Friday once, I know these things people.
When will the communist city council fascists face the problem that has been leaving millions of our children and pets dead on the streets?! More elderly die from graffiti than from ANY other type of cancer each year!
Lets do everything we can (other than clean it up and not give said parties attention) until the problem goes away! WHO”S WITH ME?!?!
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