I asked what they were doing all the way in Salisbury this "evening" and they said they happened to be in town and had some additional things to clear up while they were here.
The next thing I knew they were reaching out for the Mayor's door handle and I lifted my camera to take a shot and they immediately pulled their hand away and said, "we're in the wrong place."
They were LYING through their teeth! I knew something was VERY wrong as they walked away and went down the hall. I then decided I needed to get an answer so I walked into the Mayor's Office and asked to meet with John Pick, (knowing the Mayor was out of town). John agreed to meet with me and we discussed a couple of things and then I dropped the bomb.
"John, are you meeting with Natleson, the old mall owners?" Reluctantly, John looked at me and said, yes. Thanks for being such an honorable guy John, seriously!
The Citizens of Salisbury deserve to know there's something going on with these silent meetings where City Council Members are not aware of and the major fact that the old mall owners completely denied they were here for specific reasons and in fact tried running from the scene when they started opening the door.
Debbie Campbell was standing right in the hallway and I asked her if she knew what was going on and she said she had no idea. These guys are just loaded with guilt! Does anyone want to come clean and tell everyone what this meeting was all about?
Yeah, this whole "we so concerned" act is a load o' horsepatoot. It's followed up by the "we're so helpless t'do anythin'" act.
Followed by the "but we tried so hard" act. And at the end o' the day, the curtain falls on us poor suckers in the City what just got our pockets picked clean o' $200 o' what shoulda been the fines paid by these fellers.
Or maybe I oughta say, "Do not pass go. Do not collect $200."
Someone stop the games and shows. They only mean we don't get money what we got comin' to us, or we gotta fork over more t'pay fer what others are gettin', but we ain't.
As fer sneakin' through the hallway like schoolboys, no secrets here, fellas. Ain't like Bal'mer where ya can hide.
I dunno if'n they're rich, Caterina. Seems t'me they're tryin' t'GET rich...
Offa US!
Caterina, likely yer right. Shore is likely they are richer than the dog. Just meant, maybe they ain't as successful as they'd like everybody t'think and they're just hoping they get that rich offa what they're a-doin' here.
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