His arrogance IMO is over the top as these are the very people that put him in the position he is in today. In this film clip from last Monday evening, he knows the answer to Kate's question but flat out refuses to answer it, trying to make her look like a fool. If Mikey doesn't like it, Mikey ain't gonna answer it.
Not only does he clearly state, "does anyone have any questions or comments" before Kate gets up there, he says it again after she walks away. I believe he should respect the public and answer the questions he clearly asked the Public to provide.
hahaha what in God's name is going on in that picture?
He is absolutely the most insane person I have ever seen. The City of Salisbury is a joke with this bunch at the wheel. In my opinion once again I'll say the attorneys will get rich off this council and the mayor before all is done ultimately at the cost of every cent the taxpayers within Salisbury have or will have for a long time. Sewer capacity overruns,libel suits,stupidity fines,ignorance fines,sock budgets for Mikey,sunken ruins of the Dunn & Tilghman Memorial Fire Department which will no doubt leave these two either locked up or burned at the stake by these same taxpayers unless this takes place beyond the year 2008 by which time these taxpayers will be run out of town by the renters who will then control the underworld formerly know as Salisbury until vacated by anyone that actually paid monies into it coifures. And by the way the Mayor is reported by an unliscensed phsycic to survive the fire and live on to rule again in a futuristic Salisbury now known as Hades.
Ok, perhaps I am missing something.
Why didn't anyone answer the lady?
The next time he asks for public comment, someone should go up to the microphone and ask in a low voice:
"Homo says what?"
And when he says "what?", just laugh and walk away.
Yes, it is juvenile. But we loved it in sixth grade, and since he runs the City Council like a Student Government Association, it seems entirely appropriate.
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