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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Last Night's Forum

Last night was simply mind boggling! Before most people had arrived I noticed there were only two name plates on the table, Rick Pollitt and Ron Alessi. Charles Jannace was there before any of the County Executive Candidates and I could see he was ready to rumble.

That being said I walked up to the man in charge and I asked, where's Charles Jannance's name plate? He replied, who? I smiled and said, very funny but seriously, where is it? He replied, Mr. Jannace has not been invited tonight and we do not accept him as a legitimate candidate. I replied, that's BS and you know it. He replied, who's backing him? I replied, the Citizens of this County are, this is ridiculous!

I went and expressed that they were NOT going to allow Charles to participate to those entering the room and each and every person was upset. That is, besides Joe Ollinger, that is!

They started going over the rules and I walked up to Mr. Pollitt in the front row and tapped him on the shoulder and said, Rick, this is your time to shine. He looked confused and I said, they're not going to let Charles participate and very loudly Rick replied, WHAT! This was within 10 seconds of them bringing the candidates to the table.

Once they asked the candidates to come forward Charles Jannace walked up to the table, noticed there wasn't a chair there for him and he simply walked back to the front row and grabbed a chair. While doing so they said, Mr. Jannace, you have not been invited to this forum and we do not consider you a legitimate candidate as you are not supported by a particular party.

Charles stopped in his tracks and said, I most certainly have been invited and you're the one that invited me. He replied, no Mr. Jannace, I did not send you an invitation. Charles immediately responded with, I can provide a e-mail directly from you proving of such if you'd like. (UH OH!) He then referred to the President of this group and he repeated what the first Dee, Dee, Deeeee said but ended with, if the other candidates agree to Mr. Jannace participating that would be fine.

They then turned to Mr. Pollitt and asked him what his thoughts were and Rick said, with all due respect I am a guest here. However, I do in fact consider Charles Jannace a legitimate candidate and I welcome him to this forum. CLASS ACT! They then turned to Mr. Alessi with folded arms and slouching in his chair he replied, OK.

Mr. Ollinger, get used to this because I don't give a damn how nice Charles Jannace was to Mr. Alessi this morning in his post, this was BS and this type of political game is going to end by the demand of the Citizens! This is America, NOT the Good Old Boy System! I have had enough of your games personally and as I respect Charles Jannace as a man, he was far too kind and I will work even harder to stop you people from pulling this crap any more!

Ladies & Gentlemen, like Charles Jannace or not, he's busting his tail trying to do everything he can to get his message across to ALL of you! Getting involved so late in the game is a VERY difficult challenge and each and everyone must respect his efforts and support allowing him to at least speak. Blackballing him is going to make ALL of you look bad. Look, those blackballing him have already made up their minds who they're voting for. They're OBVIOUSLY scared to death of the Charles Jannace message because it makes sense and they do NOT want you to know it and or hear it.

You've NEVER seen a candidate come up with such an aggressive platform and believe me, this guy wants to truly make those changes. I do not agree with everything Charles Jannace says but again, agree with him or not, like him or not, it's going to make the other candidates deliver similar packages or they'll simply fail. We just need to hear ALL of them and hold these people accountable to their policies.

Give the man a chance and stop running scared Alessi/Ollinger! Now come out of your corners and fight fairly! Oh, Mr. Alessi, thanks for being a gentleman last night. Your decision certainly makes you look like a gentleman for once and that's a great thing. You're still an Idiot though. LMAO!

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