Back on August 24th I ran a story called, "Coming To Every School Near You." Once again the Daily Times has complimented me by posting yet ANOTHER front page story I broke 17 days earlier. Better late then never, right?
Anyhow Greg Bassett, I'm available on Moday mornings around 11:00. This is my free advise hour each week and you're welcome to call. Maybe I can show you how to get these stories a couple of weeks earlier so you don't look so bad?
Did I mention our publication is free?
The Daily Times need competition. Why don't you start a new paper?
The Daily Times HAS competition.
$500,000 for 9 deputies works out to $55,555 per year for 9 months work. Isn't this a bit much?
Can you really put a price tag on thousands of children?
Joe, and everyone else, no....you can't put a price on the safety of our children. But brother you do have to recognize the fact that there is a point where the money necessary to attempt to cure the problem will run out. When it does, officials will start to pull the money from other areas to try to "fix" the problems. The programs mentioned in this article may appear to be proactive on the surface, but they are merely reactions to the problems. The problems begin at home at a young age. Dude, I'm not the kind of person to force my religious convictions down anyone elses throats but I've always believed that if you spare the rod, you will spoil the child. I've spent a good portion of my life as a single father raising 3 girls. The oldest is now 20 and the youngest is 14. We have a good relationship but even the oldest addresses me with respect. None have been in trouble in school, not even a suspension. Many parents I speak to say they don't want to beat thier kids buts because they are afraid of being reported to Social Services. I told my girls that I would rather sit in jail than have them run the streets as tramps, alcoholics, and drug addicts. Parents must take an active role in instilling values and morals in thier children. There must be a price children pay for bad behavior and rewards for good behavior. If not, no "program" in the world will make them good, contributing members of society and the good kids will always be paying some kind of price for the bad kids.
Let it be know I respect you as a father. Great job and thank you very much for sharing that.
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