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So where were these two last night? The Citizens of Salisbury pay these two some serious money to ACT as if they're more involved in the City of Salisbury than anyone else, so where were they?
Could it be that Barrie couldn't find a decent bra, hence the photo to the above? Could it be that Mike Dunn was out receiving the Key Club to the City? Was there a ceremony we weren't aware of last night?
I was at the Council Work Session and there was no mention of Mike not being there. So do tell me folks, what exactly are you paying for with these two? In my opinion, these two are toast in the political arena any more. Oh, Mike, a Gentleman would have given up his jacket to a lady obviously too excited or cold. Just some food for thought.
She doesn't need a bra she needs a DUMP TRUCK!
if you notice his cheeks are kinda caved in.....kinda like he's been trying to suck milk from a dry cow.
Picture could have been captioned "Barrie and Three Boobs"
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