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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bay Fog

Can you hear me now?


Anonymous said...

been there done that.....before there was GPS and always got home safely. All modern electronics has done is make stupid boat captains. If you can not properly read a compass, a chart and travel at a rate of speed that is practical for the existing conditions then you need to stay at the dock.
Believe it or not the US Coast Guard, in a maritime court of law, does not consider darkness to be an excuse for "restricted Visibility" in an accident. Only Fog (or haze), Rain, Sand storms. The catch all phrase is "what a practical person would do under simular circumstances". If the three members of the Admiralty that is hearing your case do think that you acted prudently than your license is history. And yes I still have my license.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good dead reckoning. give mt a Danforth Constellation any day and I can find my way home from 100 miles off shore.