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DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, November 30, 2009
East Side Deli Update
We all need to remember here that Greg is looking at months of recovery. The East Side Deli is a Family run business and now Greg will have to work hard at recovery. Please, whatever you can do to show your support for this fine man and his Family please consider doing so during the next few months.
our thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to the Knowles Family.
McGuire Doesn't Have The Stones To Show Up For Delmar Meeting
I tried telling you people the guy is a nut job and needs serious professional help but 70 of you were stupid enough to actually vote for this Idiot.
I'll have more to come tomorrow morning........
Another Shooting In Salisbury
Robbery Shooting At East Side Deli
East Side Deli has become a victim of an armed robbery for the second time in one week, CRIME IS DOWN!
Be on the lookout right now for a black male, black mask and a black hoodie heading towards Johnny's Sub Shop.
More to come.
One employee of East Side Deli was shot two times. K-9's are searching the area looking for the gunman.
It's a priority one call, life threatening. They traced the guy to Centineri Drive, he got in a car and took off from there.
Missing Dogs
Will you please post the following:
We are missing two dogs. They were last seen in the Columbia, DE area approximately 1:00pm today. Both have collars with rabies tags.
Male Chocolate Lab, 5 years old, named Rex.
Male Grey Weimaraner, 10 months old, named Duce.
Please call me at 443-614-3170 if anyone finds them.
Thanks, Theresa
Dog Found
You have helped so many pets find their families. Hope you can do it again. My daughter and I found a little flat-faced mop dog on Dagsboro Rd on Monday, Nov 30. It is a female, very friendly. If this sounds like someone’s dog, call us at 410-896-2125.
Fruitland Lighting
Pocomoke Parade Cancelled
AT 7 PM.
Red Kettle Campaign - Midday UPDATE
If you'd like to volunteer for a slot at any of the above locations please, send your request to ringabell4tsa@verizon.net or call Kettle Campaign Headquarters 410-749-RING (7464).
THANK YOU, to all that have so generously volunteered their time to this worthwhile campaign.
Devenyns vs Albero
He should be ready, willing and able to discuss this matter, both the technical details and the City’s lawsuit against the engineers, which is now pending in the federal court in Baltimore. For instance, will there be a ruling before trial on that provision in the contract that limits the liability of the engineers to $1 Million?
Inquiring minds want to know.
The Daily Times Refuses To Protect YOU Like Salisbury News Does
I have been sued and I have defended my rights as well as your rights to the very end. I have been thrown into a multitude of Grand Jury Trials, (many of which you are not even aware of) so much so that they finally told the Chief to go pound sand.
So why such the hastle? Former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Salisbury Police Chief would do almost anything to get to my SOURCES, YOU! I stood firm and never once released any of my sources. I have even had to tell close associates within the Sheriff's Department and the State's Attorneys Office, no comment, even when I thought the cases were stupid and what would it matter if they knew a name anyway, I still didn't budge.
Moving forward to today's Professional MSM Journalist like the Daily Times, they fold and give in so fast they couldn't forward the information fast enough. If you think you're safe making comments on the Daily Times, think again. Check out THIS ARTICLE by James Fisher with the Daily Times. Even though the comment was mild and NOT considered to be a threat, the Daily Times gave in and delivered the IP Address as well as e-mail address. DUH, are you people actually that stupid.
"SPD apparently used that subpeonaed information about the delmarvanow.com user to determine that Campbell was not at risk of being harmed." Then why did you allow the subpoena in the first place? You could have DENIED it and fought it like I would, but no, the Daily Times gave in and gave out information about one of their customers KNOWING it was not even considered a threat.
The Cronies, Czars & Corruptocrats At Obama’s First State Dinner
- SEIU president/top White House visitor Andy Stern and his lieutenant Anna Burger made the cut. You can learn more about Burger’s shady staff here and refresh your memories on Big Labor’s investment in Obama here. Hope they enjoyed the gala. Stern and Burger have bigger headaches on their plate.
- Bill Richardson and his wife. His Commerce nomination went down in flames, but he has crawled up from under the Obama bus. AG Eric Holder killed the federal probe into Richardson’s pay-to-play dealings. Like Tom Daschle, this Beltway fixture is a human toe fungus. He won’t go away.
- White House legal counsel Bob Bauer and chief Fox-basher Anita Dunn. “The Silencer” and his wife are certainly enjoying the trappings of power. Now, be quiet about it or they’ll crush you.
- Corruptocrat Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd and his wife. The Senator from Countrywide is plunging in the polls over his ethical baggage, but Obama won’t leave him behind.
- Corruptocrat energy czar Carol Browner and husband Tom Downey. She’s the transparency-undermining, document-deleting bureaucrat who has warned auto industry execs to “put nothing in writing, ever.” He’s the disgraced former congressman-turned-lobbyist. From Chapter 5 of Culture of Corruption:
GO HERE to read more.
A Farm Kid Joins The Marines
Dear Ma and Pa,
I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.
I was restless at first because you get to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. But I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing.
Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food, plus yours, holds you until noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much.
We go on "route marches," which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.
The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none.
This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it ain't shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges they come in boxes.
Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake . I only beat him once... He joined up the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and near 300 pounds dry.
Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.
Your loving daughter,
One Delmar, Maryland Resident Makes Noise Once Again
As if Tom McGuire didn't learn the first go around running for Mayor of Delmar, he's about to make a big stink once again at tonight's Council Meeting at 7:00 PM.
It's been reported that Tom is all upset because tomorrow night the Delmar Football Team will be in the final playoffs after beating the crap out of Laurel recently, 31-13 in the semi finals.
While Delmar High School is the 2nd smallest High School in the entire state, they tend to have the best damn Football Team and Fans the state has ever seen. "It's All About Pride" said one Delmar resident.
After Delmar wins or loses, resident of Delmar want their Football Players to know they're extremely proud of them and after the game each and every year they drive through the streets of Delmar in a sort of parade and Tom McGuire will have none of it, according to sources.
Mr. McGuire plans on confronting the Town Council tomorrow night to complain about the noise, yet he lives on the Maryland side and the parade never once hits the Maryland side, just the Delaware side.
Nevertheless, he'll be up against quite a large crowd of supporters as residents and Firefighters have been contacting me to let me know, they'll be there tomorrow night. One said, Mr. McGuire came to my home TWICE and it's 20 minutes of my time I'll never get back in my life.
I'm not exactly sure when Mr. McGuire is going to get it but the "Redneck of Delmar" who's Wife wishes Brooke Mulford dead seem to be the type of people who, (simply put) will never fit in.
I think I'll have an air horn installed on my big truck and join the parade, how about you?
Where To Put Obama's picture
Abe Lincoln, honorable leader pulled our nation through its darkest time!
Alexander Hamilton, founding father, first secretary Of the treasure and leader of the constitutional convention!
Andrew Jackson, "Old Hickory " fought the British in New Orleans !
Ulysses Grant, Union army general, lead the North through the Civil War!
Ben Franklin, Genius inventor, political theorist and leading author of the constitution.
Finally, we have someone to put on the food stamp!!!!!!!
More people will see it here than any other place so it is appropriate.
Ellen Sauerbrey: 1st District Race Has National Significance
Not since 1994 has there been such an historic opportunity to take back the House of Representatives and change the direction of America.
Maryland's contribution to that effort will be to reclaim its 1st District Congressional District seat.
In 2008, a historically unusual demographic turnout in the general election and disunity among Republicans set the stage for a Democrat to win the seat. Since then, the political landscape has undergone tectonic change.
After an early spring of apparent acceptance of the new administration, Americans are now both afraid and angry. The late spring and summer Tea Parties saw ordinary citizens turning out as never before to protest.
These protests of energy taxes and wasted "stimulus" spending changed into late summer protests and town hall meetings about the impending government takeover of health care and the "public option".
Protests are great, but elections matter most. Nothing will change if we don't change the politicians making public policy on Capitol Hill. Maryland's 1st District is a conservative-leaning district that should be represented by a conservative-leaning Congressman, committed to replacing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
State Sen. Andy Harris, who came within a hair's breadth of winning the seat in 2008, is clearly running again. He has a well-established name, solid conservative credentials, a track record of fighting inefficient government and higher taxes, a fundraising network and a new campaign team.
He has been tirelessly crisscrossing the huge district.
A poll conducted last week by the nationally respected Tarrance Group of likely voters in the First District shows if the election were held today, Harris would not only win, but win handily.
But we will need a united party to ensure this outcome next November. Now is the time for all of us to get behind the candidate who can win -- and we have just that candidate.
I know from firsthand experience how closely contested primaries drain resources. An expensive and perhaps self-defeating primary in the 1st Congressional District would only further the Pelosi-Obama agenda. The last thing we need to do is waste limited resources.
GOP opportunities will be historic in 2010 and precious cash will be scarce. In 2010, we should spend our money winning back our seat, not fighting each other.
At an Arizona fundraiser, Vice President Joe Biden told Democrat donors that the end may be near if Republicans take back seats lost in the 2008 election in traditionally Republican districts.
"If they take them back, it's the end of the road for what Barack and I are trying to do ... This (the 2010 election) is their one shot. If they don't break the back of our effort in this upcoming election, you're going to see the things we said we're for happen ... it will break the dam."
Biden summarizes the importance of putting Congress firmly in the grasp of Republicans who can block the Pelosi-Obamamarch to the left. Even though Maryland as a whole remains a blue state, we can help achieve that national goal by putting the 1st Congressional District into Republican hands.
· Ellen Sauerbrey was the Republican nominee for governor of Maryland in 1994 and 1998. She served as Assistant Secretary of State under the Bush administration.
Dead Rank High As Fraudulent Medicare Recipients
The health care reform legislation pending in Congress -- and under debate in the Senate -- relies on reining in these fraudulent schemes to help finance coverage for the uninsured. But analysts in and out of government question whether those savings will ever be found.
Despite bolstered efforts by federal, state and local law enforcement, abuse continues to grow.
Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, who heads the Justice Department's criminal division, told the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on crime and drugs in May that 3 percent to 10 percent of the $800 billion spent on Medicare and Medicaid each year "is lost to waste, fraud and abuse."
"As government spending on health care for the elderly, disabled and poor increases, so does the opportunity for fraud. Criminals are devising more sophisticated ways of stealing billions of dollars from federally administered health care programs, and they are stealing it faster now than ever before," he told The Washington Times.
Mr. Breuer said the theft of taxpayer money from these programs drives up health care costs and ultimately damages the economy. "We have to fight health care fraud in any way we can," he said. "We are working hard to meet these challenges."
Much of the dishonesty is in regions deemed "high risk for Medicare fraud," such as Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit and Houston. But Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson of the Department of Health and Human Services said his office finds fraud "everywhere it looks."
Even dead people are receiving benefits.
Malcolm Sparrow, a faculty member at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and a specialist on health care fraud, told the same Senate panel that heard Mr. Breuer's testimony that the inspector general's office at HHS reported in 2000 that $20.6 million in claims had been made for medical services performed after the Medicare recipient had died. In 2006, he said, the office said states made $27.3 million in Medicaid payments for services after the patient was dead.
Mr. Sparrow said the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations reported in July 2008 that "between $60 million to $92 million was paid for medical services or equipment that had been ordered or prescribed by dead doctors."
He told The Times in an interview that the government has to increase its spending on fighting health care fraud by as much as 10 times to reduce fraud in a meaningful way.
But he warned: "There is not a lot of political will for massive beefing-up."
Medicare is a government-paid insurance, providing health care to about 40 million people age 65 and older and another 7 million younger recipients who have some type of permanent disability. The programs, which pay for hospital visits, physician services and prescription drugs, accounted for 13 percent of the total federal budget and 19 percent of national health care expenditures in 2008.
Americans spend in excess of $2 trillion on health care annually, and more than $60 billion is lost to schemes that rely on falsified records, elaborate business structures and the cooperation of health care providers, suppliers and even beneficiaries, according to HHS officials and the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association, a partnership of more than 100 private health insurers and federal and state government officials.
More from the Washington Times here.
Would You Like One Of These In Your Business?
If you'd like to get one of these for your business please call them at 410-749-RING (7464) or e-mail them at, ringabell4tsa@verizon.net. Thank You for your support.
Market Street Inn Helps The Salvation Army With A Great Employee Program
My first employee is Wally Hines and he would like to do Wednesday December 16th Noon to 2PM at Sams Club.
Please email me back or call me at the restaurant at 410.742.4145"
Robert N. Mulford, Jr.
Market Street Inn, LTD.
410.742.4145 work
410.742.3687 fax
A German's View On Islam
A German's View on Islam
A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. 'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'
We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.
The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become suicide bombers.
The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent majority,' is cowed and extraneous.
Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.
The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way acrossSouth East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?
History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:
- Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.
- Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.
- Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts -- the fanatics who threaten our way of life.
- Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that thousands, world-wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before it's too late.
Emanuel Tanay, M.D. 2980 Provincial St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Impossible Numbers Certified In NY-23 Election
For six election districts in St. Lawrence County (the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 7th districts in Canton, the 14th district in Massena, and the 2nd district in Oswegatchie) negative numbers appear in the column for “blank” ballots, known in other states as “undervotes.”
Blank vote counts are ballots in which the voter did not choose any candidate in a given election and are determined by subtracting the total number of votes cast for the candidates from the number of voters who completed ballots. The remaining number would be those voters who didn't cast a vote for that election.
In Canton's 7th district, the certified results show a total of 148 ballots cast. The results of those votes were counted as 88 votes for Owens, 11 votes for Scozzafava, and 80 votes for Hoffman. The problem is that these numbers add up to 179 votes counted for the candidates, and there were only 148 ballots cast; St. Lawrence County certified these numbers to the state as accurate with the number of 'blank' ballots reported as -31.
The Board of Elections stated repeatedly that their numbers add up, and strictly speaking, they do. But negative numbers should not be required to make this happen.
Election analysts refer to this phenomenon as “phantom voters,” because they are apparitions. They do not actually exist. There can never be more votes counted for any office than the number of actual voters who cast ballots. There could be one or two, if on occasion an actual voter forgot to sign the poll book, but never 31.
In addition to the 31 “phantom votes” certified in Canton's 7th district, there are 16 more in Canton's 2nd district, two in Canton's 4th district, 20 in the 7th, 22 in Massena 14th district, and 2 in Oswegatchie 2nd district.
In the certified election results from the above districts and others, where the voting machines appeared to be working properly, the computer-generated vote counts cannot possibly be accurate as they are showing more votes counted than voters.
More of Dr. Phillips' analysis..
Maryland DAT Rep To speak At Dec. 7 AFP Town Hall Meeting In Cambridge
Mr. Henry Sikorski, State Supervisor, Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation, will be guest speaker at a Town Hall Meeting on Monday, December 7, 6:30 p.m. at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School Auditorium in Cambridge. Sikorski has been invited by the Mid-Shore Chapter of Americans for Prosperity to address the issue of property values and Maryland’s property assessment, taxation, and appeal process.
Maureen Harper, Mid-Shore AFP Co-Chair, said “Many property owners are questioning why their property assessments do not reflect the decrease in their property values. We are hoping that Mr. Sikorski will help property owners understand the reason for this variance, and they will gain a better understanding of the assessment and appeal process.” Time will be provided at the end of the program to ask general-type questions.
The meeting is open to the public. The Mid-Shore AFP Chapter includes Dorchester, Caroline, and Talbot Counties; surrounding county residents are also invited. For more information, visit www.afpmaryland.com or contact Maureen Harper, 410-221-7933.
Observations On Growing Older
Everything old is new again, but if you wore it before, say in the 60's, then you're too old to wear it the second time around.
Your kids are becoming you - and you don't like them, but your grandchildren are perfect!
Yellow becomes the big color - hair, teeth, nails.
Going out is good; coming home is better!
When people say, "You look great," they add, "for your age!"
When you needed the discount you paid full price. Now you get discounts on everything -movies, hotels, flights.
You forget names, but it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you.
The last 2 outfits you wore had spots on them.
You ask your husband or friend how your outfit looks, and they tell you the truth.
The five pounds you wanted to lose is now 25, and you have a better chance of losing your keys than the 25 pounds.
You realize you're never going to be really good at anything - especially golf.
Your husband is counting on you to remember things you don't remember.
The things you cared to do, you don't care to do, but you care that you don't care to do them anymore.
You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring then you do in bed. It's called "pre-sleep".
Remember when your mother said, "Wear clean underwear in case you GET in an accident?" Now you bring clean underwear in case you HAVE an accident.
You used to say, "I hope my kids GET married." Now it's, "I hope they STAY married!"
Who wants to wear 3-inch heels anyway?
You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.
You remember when GOOGLE, iPod, email, modem were unheard of and a mouse was something that made you climb on a table.
You use more 4 letter words -"WHAT?" "WHEN?"
Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.
On a night out with friends you'll be home by 9:00 PM; 8:30 PM is even better.
You read 100 pages into a book before you realize you've read it before.
You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless" now.
Many of the people in 'People Magazine' you've never heard of.
Your concealer doesn't conceal.
Your lipstick bleeds.
Your mascara clumps, and your eyebrows are disappearing.
You don't have hair under your arms and very little on your legs, but your chin or ears need to be plucked daily.
What used to be freckles are now liver spots.
Everybody whispers.
Now that your husband has retired, you'd give anything if he'd find a job.
You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet, 2 of which you will never wear again.
But old is good in some things - old songs, old movies, and best of all -- old friends!
The most memorable people in your life will be the Friends who loved you when you weren't very lovable.
(Times shown for agenda items are estimates only)
4:30 p.m. Annexation – Chris Jakubiak
Further discussion - Onley Road/Fenzel Annexation
Further discussion – Naylor Mill Road/MBAS Annexation
U.S. 50E Annexation
5:15 p.m. FY10 first quarter financial review – Pam Oland
5:45 p.m. PAC 14 Contract
6:45 p.m. Amending FY10 Sewer Fund Budget – Pam Oland
7:05 p.m. Wastewater Treatment Plant update – Mayor Ireton/ John Pick/Paul Wilber/
Pete Schuler
Council reserves the right to convene in closed session as permitted
under the Annotated Code of Maryland 10-508(a)(7)(8)
8:25 p.m. General discussion/upcoming agendas
8:30 p.m. Adjourn
The Council reserves the right to convene in Closed Session as permitted under the Annotated Code of Maryland 10-508(a)
Help Wanted, No Private Sector Experience Required
When one considers that public sector employment has ranged since the 1950s at between 15 percent and 19 percent of the population, the makeup of the current cabinet—over 90 percent of its prior experience was in the public sector—is remarkable.
The Stimulus Giveth, And The Stimulus Taketh Away
First, in the name of the holiday, the giving.
Food banks and soup kitchens are more stocked than usual this year, thanks to an extra $100 million in resources from the stimulus, on top of the $250 million originally budgeted by the federal government, reports The New York Times. It’s a good thing, too—a recent survey by Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks, found that requests for emergency food assistance were up by 30 percent from last year.
How's This For A Scam E-Mail
I am a marine officer with the United States troop in Iraq on war against
terrorism. Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for
withdrawing troops from Iraq come this year and finally 2011,I am therefore
compounded to seek means to transfer my foutune out of here in Iraq. Our mission
is to help beef up security in terrorist targeted states, mostly the United
States and the European Union on the war against terrorism. I will be needing
your help for myself that is why i contacted you.
On the other hand i want to inform you that I have in my possession the sum of
$14.2million USD($14,200,000) cash. On the early hours of 4th September 2009 I
lost a friend whom I had known for 12years during one of these confrontations.
It was a very sad day but at about 1100hrs during a normal inspection routine
along Haifa Street, at the building that was occupied by the late Saddam Hussein
while he was still alive and one of the hide outs of the Al Qaeda and Ayman
al-Zawahiri forces. I, along side with 3 of my men proceeded to a marked site
and as I commenced evaluation under close guard by my men, I discovered an
unusual bulge in a cellar, which I presumed to be storage room and as I
proceeded to have a closer look at it, I kicked a metal covering and found
several metal boxes (8 in number) Piled on top each other and locked with a
padlock. On forcing the boxes open, we discovered several armored weapons
including bullets. One of the boxes was filled with hard drugs
(heroine) and four to my amazement was filled with money.
On discovery of this money,I with the three of my men for hours counted bundles
of the currencies which amounted to about $57.5M
after which we shere the money and I got $14.2m.
I am ready to share 70/30 for your assistance, 70% for me which I intend to use
in the establishment of a Hospital Complex in the United States my Homeland. and
30% for you
Edward Smid
Email: capt.edwardsmid@gmail.com
One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, He paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18.
She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write 'Spaghetti' on the back. He would then arrange for the child support payments to begin.
One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife. 'Honey!,' she said, 'you received a very strange post card today..'
'Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later,' he said. The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted.
On the card was written:
Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.
Three with meatballs, two without.
Send extra sauce.
DART 12th Annual Stuff The Bus 4-Day Thanksgiving Food Drive Nets 14.6 Tons Of Food
Donations this year of nonperishable food filled three thirty foot buses. Donations were received from the general public, as well as businesses, schools, organizations, and state agencies throughout the entire State. The Pepsi Bottling Group made a very generous donation that helped set a new record. The second best year was 2004 with 11.1 tons.
Again this year, DTC partnered with radio stations WAFL 97.7 FM and WNCL 101.3 FM, which are part of the Delmarva Broadcasting Company. Thanks to staff and listeners of both radio stations, Stuff the Bus in Milford and Dover was a great success.
DTC Executive Director Stephen Kingsberry stated, Stuff the Bus is a living example of what this season of giving and sharing is all about. In addition, this event exemplifies what can be accomplished through thoughtful planning, open communication, teamwork, transparency, public-private partnerships and community involvement.
Maryland State Police Berlin Barracks
Time: 11/30/2009 @ 0047 hours
Case #: 0996-008097
Location: Wa Wa West Ocean City MD
Crime: Disorderly Conduct
Victim: State of Maryland
Accused: WILLIMAS, Lawrence Jr. 07/27/82
Narrative: On above date and time, Troopers from the Maryland State Police Barrack “V” Berlin were at the Wa Wa in West Ocean City speaking with the employees when the above suspect walked in the Wa Wa and began yelling profanities. The Troopers made contact with the subject who continued to raise his voice and use profanities for no apparent reason. Williams was warned and he continued to yell profanities and became visibly agitated as he approached one of the Troopers with clinch fists. Williams was subsequently placed under arrest without incident and taken before the District Court Commissioner. Williams was intoxicated.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
On November 23, 2009 at approximately 8:44 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a residence on the six hundred (600) block of W. Main St. for the report of a domestic assault. Upon arrival the officers met with an adult female victim who advised that she had been involved in a domestic type argument with the below listed suspect. The argument escalated and resulted in the suspect striking the victim in the chest. The victim did not require medical attention.
ARRESTED: Lamar Leon Dozier, 21 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree assault
Reckless endangerment
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041708
On November 24, 2009 at approximately 3:15 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Best Value Inn on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of two (2) subjects breaking into a soda machine. Upon arrival the officers caught the below listed suspect in close proximity to a soda machine that displayed extensive damage. The suspect was positively identified by employees of the business and taken into custody. Efforts to find the second suspect were unsuccessful and the investigation regarding the second suspect is continuing.
ARRESTED: Aaron Shane Johnson, 19 years of age
Quantico, Maryland
CHARGES: Malicious destruction of property (over $ 500)
Malicious destruction of property (under $ 500)
Attempted theft
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041736
On November 22, 2009 at approximately 10:20 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Food Lion Store on Snow Hill Road for the report of an armed robbery in progress. As the officers responded, employees of the Food Lion advised the officers the description of the suspect. As the officers arrived, the officers observed the suspect exiting the Food Lion Store in possession of the stolen U.S. Currency and a shortened shotgun. The suspect fled from the store on foot and was pursued by the officers. During the pursuit the suspect dropped the U.S. Currency and the shotgun, both of which were recovered. The suspect was caught in the area of Regency Drive after a substantial foot chase and taken into custody after fighting with the officers. During the struggle with the officers, the officers were assisted by a resident of the neighborhood. The stolen property was returned to the Food Lion Store. The employees of the Food Lion were not injured.
ARRESTED: Tyrone Voneric Dale, 43 years of age
Hurlock, Maryland
CHARGES: Armed robbery (2 counts)
Robbery (2 counts)
First degree assault (3 counts)
Wearing and carrying a firearm
Resisting arrest
False imprisonment (2 counts)
Reckless endangerment (2 counts)
Theft (over $ 1000)
Disorderly conduct
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041602
On November 20, 2009 at approximately 1:27 pm Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for an assault that occurred in October of 2009. At that time it was reported by the female victim, who is the property manager for a local rental company, that the suspect assaulted the victim at one of the victim’s rental properties during a disagreement. During the assault, the suspect also damaged the victim’s clothing.
ARRESTED: Zqueesha Vyshika Tilghman, 21 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree assault
Reckless endangerment
Malicious destruction of property
Possession of a deadly weapon
Disturbing the peace
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041062
On November 20, 2009 at approximately 3:35 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspects on outstanding arrest warrants received following the execution of a search and seizure warrant at a residence on November 11 of 2009. On that date members of the Salisbury Police Community Action Team executed a search and seizure warrant on a residence on E. Isabella St. Recovered during the execution of the warrant was a quantity of suspected marijuana, a quantity of suspected “crack”/cocaine and drug related paraphernalia.
ARRESTED #1: Chandra Kay Simpson, 32 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Jeri Lynn Bowen, 44 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES (Both): Possession of marijuana w/intent to distribute
Possession of marijuana
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS production equipment
Possession of CDS paraphernalia (3 cts)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900038645
On November 21, 2009 at approximately 9:50 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a residence on the six hundred (600) block of Jefferson Street for the report of a domestic assault. Upon arrival the officers met with an adult female victim who advised that she had been assaulted during a domestic type argument with the below listed suspect. During the argument the suspect, who was known to the victim, refused to let the victim leave the residence. The victim did not require medical attention.
ARRESTED: Robert Carl Early, 28 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree assault
False imprisonment
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041493
On November 22, 2009, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Tractor Supply Store on North Pointe Drive for the report of a theft. Upon arrival it was reported to the officers that unknown suspects had severed a security cable and had stolen three (3) gasoline powered go carts. On the same date at approximately 11:06 am, Officers responded to the area of Harden Court for the report of juveniles on go carts. Upon arrival the officers observed the below listed suspects riding go carts. The suspects fled from the officers and were caught after a foot chase. All three (3) stolen go carts were recovered and returned to the Tractor Supply store.
ARRESTED #1: Juvenile, 15 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Juvenile, 17 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES (both): Theft (over $ 1000)
Fourth degree burglary
Fleeing and eluding an officer
DISPOSITION: #1 released to parent
#2 released to Juvenile Justice
CC # 200900041533
On November 22, 2009 at approximately 1:40 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to a business on Tower Drive in Salisbury for the report of a suspect breaking into vehicles. Upon arrival the officers met with employees of the business who advised that a suspect had been seen in a co-workers vehicle. One of the employees of the business chased the suspect from the area of the vehicle. Responding officers located the suspect who also fled from the officers. After a brief foot chase, the suspect was located and taken into custody on Lorecrop Drive. The suspect was found to be in possession of property taken from the vehicle.
ARRESTED: Juvenile, 17 years of age
St. Georges, Delaware
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)
Rogue and vagabond
DISPOSITION: Released to juvenile justice
CC # 200900041524
On November 18, 2009 at approximately 2:20 pm Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant for a rape that occurred in June of 2009.
At that time it was reported by the female victim that the suspect, who was known to the victim, assaulted and raped the victim in a local residence. During the assault, the suspect refused to let the victim leave the residence.
ARRESTED: Elijah Rashawn Kellam, 19 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree rape
False imprisonment
Second degree assault
Reckless endangerment
Malicious destruction of property
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041076
On November 18, 2009 at approximately 5:50 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the Rite Aid Pharmacy on South Boulevard for the report of a prescription fraud. Upon arrival the officers met with pharmacy personnel who advised that the below listed suspect had attempted to pass a fraudulent forged prescription for a quantity of oxycodone.
ARRESTED: Christopher Thomas Idoni, 19 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Obtaining CDS by fraud
Possession of a counterfeit prescription
Passing a counterfeit prescription
Possession of a forged prescription
Attempting to obtain CDS by fraud, deceit
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900041103
On November 18, 2009 at approximately 6:48 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Walmart Department Store for the report of two (2) shoplifters. Upon arrival the officers met with store personnel who advised that the below listed two (2) suspects had been observed by store employees attempting to take clothing from the store without making payment. The clothing was recovered and returned to the store.
ARRESTED #1: Hereesha Lavae Watson, 18 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Juvenile, 15 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES (both): Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITIONS: Suspect # 1 released to Central Booking
Suspect # 2 released to parent
CC # 200900041114
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A Good Neighbor Aids In Burglary Apprehension
Date of Occurrence: Friday, November 27th, 2009, at approximately 12:00 p.m.
Brian McCabe, 18, of Harbeson, Delaware- committed to the Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of $22,000.00 secured bond.
Cameo Bannister, 16, of Georgetown, Delaware- ordered held by juvenile detention on a $19,000 secured bond
Kristen Krauss, 17, of Georgetown, Delaware- ordered held by juvenile detention on a $20,000 secured bond
Brittney Hulmes, 17, of Georgetown, Delaware- ordered held by juvenile detention on a $20,000 secured bond
Resume: On Friday, November 27th, an alert homeowner in the Avalon Woods development in Georgetown observed some suspicious activity at a residence near her home. She observed a group of subjects leave the house and get into a blue Chevrolet.
The witness called 911 and provided a suspect vehicle description. Responding Troopers located the vehicle near the development and detained the occupants. They were identified as Brian McCabe, Cameo Bannister, Kristen Krauss and Brittney Hulmes. The odor of burnt marijuana could be smelled coming from the car. A search of the vehicle also yielded some jewelry.
Troopers responded back to the house where these subjects were seen leaving and determined that it had been burglarized and ransacked. The suspects were transported to Troop 4 and turned over to detectives who took over the case.
McCabe, Bannister, Krauss and Hulmes were all charged with the following felony offenses: Burglary (felony), Theft (felony), Criminal Mischief (felony) and Conspiracy 2nd (felony). Please see bail information above.
A mug shot is only available for Mr. McCabe:
Wanted Subject Fights With Trooper
Location: Woolford Street, Limits of Seaford, Delaware, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: Saturday, November 28th, 2009, at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Suspect(s): Antonio Whittaker, 29, of Campbell Street in Seaford, Delaware
Resume: Yesterday afternoon, at about 3:00 p.m., a Troop 5 patrol officer stopped a suspicious person on Woolford Street near Seaford. This subject was later identified as Antonio Whittaker.
Whittaker became disorderly with the Trooper and then fled on foot. The officer gave chase and deployed his Tazer, stopping Whittaker in his tracks. The struggle, however, continued. A Seaford Police Officer arrived on the scene and Whittaker was eventually taken into custody.
A computer check revealed Whittaker was currently a wanted subject out of the Court of Common Pleas. This check also revealed he was an interstate probationer and that he had provided the officer with a false name.
Antonio Whittaker was formally charged with Criminal Impersonation, Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct. Bail for these new charged was set at $1,500.00 unsecured. He was committed to the Sussex Correctional Institute in regards to his CCP capias.
ATV Accident
Stanton Ave, in Hebron off Rt. 50 will be closed until further notice. Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is doing an investigation.
Serious Injury Crash Turns Fatal
Sussex County: Earlier today, Mr. Brandon Morris succumbed to the injuries he sustained in the 2:00 a.m. crash.
This incident remains under investigation.
DSP News Release: Sunday, November 29, 2009- Serious Injury Crash Closed Roadway in Sussex County
Location: Hollyville Road and Cemetery Road, Millsboro, Delaware, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: Sunday, November 29, 2009, at approximately 2:00 a.m.
Resume: At approximately 2:00 a.m. this morning, Troopers responded to the area of Hollyville Rd. (Cr305) and Harmon Cemetery Rd. (Cr306) in reference to a serious motor vehicle crash.
This investigation revealed that a 2006 VW Passat, operated by Brandon Morris, 24, of Millsboro, Delaware, was traveling southbound on Hollyville Road. For an unknown reason, the VW exited the east edge of the roadway, struck a tree and then rolled over onto its roof.
The operator was trapped and had to be extricated by mechanical means. He was flown from the scene to initially to Beebe Hospital and then to Christiana Hospital. His injuries are considered life threatening.
This investigation, which is ongoing, has been turned over to the DSP Collision Reconstruction Unit.
The roadway was shut down for approximately two hours.
MD State Police Trooper Hit in Ocean City, Md
A Great Experience
The key reason for my doing so has been to spend quality time with my Family, just as many of you have done. However, there's been another side as well. I have been out ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and I have truly enjoyed meeting so many of you while doing so.
It cracks me up when someone walks up and says, "Are you that guy?" I would simply reply, I sure am. Then they'd say, let me shake your hand. I've met hundreds of people already and believe me Folks, it's MY pleasure.
One gentleman in particular shared a story with me that I'd like to share with all of you. He was telling me about World War II and how the Salvation Army gave away free coffee and donuts to the GI's but the Red Cross always charged for their coffee and donuts.
He went on to say how every single year he writes a check to the local Salvation Army but he went on to say that every single year he would write a letter to the Red Cross telling them of this story and how his money always went to the Salvation Army instead.
Mind you, both of these organizations have done fine work over the years but after today's Red Cross story it makes standing in the cold ringing a bell that much more worth it.
This week will be a difficult one for me as I will be filling in ALL of the empty slots at Sam's Club. So far, from what I can see, I'll be out there pretty much all day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, unless some of you are interested in volunteering some of your time.
That being said, even if you'd like to come out and join me while I do so I'd be happy to discuss issues with you as you'll have my undivided attention, unless a child comes along. You see, I personally enjoy giving out free candy canes to the little ones and get more out of their little smiles than anything else I do out there.
Anyhow, (like last year) we'll provide Posts in the morning but moderation during the days I'm out there will be slower. Fortunately we have plenty of Contributors who know what I'm doing and are willing to help out whenever anything new pops up and needs to get Posted.
In the mean time, try looking at your schedule and see if you can free up some spare time to volunteer to ring the bell. It's an experience like none other.
The images below will show how full the schedule is inside the Salisbury Mall. These slots were filled quite some time ago as they are indoors and are usually the ones that get filled the fastest. However, look at the company names that have stepped up to the plate to help the Salvation Army. Perdue, Courtesy Chevrolet, The Optimist Club with Bob Caldwell, PRMC, Rotary, Bank of Delmarva, Hebron Savings Bank, WORWIC, Pepsi, the list just goes on and on. THANK YOU, ALL of you and please forgive me for not going through all of the names listed in the photos below. Please Folks, click on each image and see who is out there truly serving your community and making a difference.
There will come a time when we list ALL of these fine people and businesses as all of them deserve to be recognized. Inside or out, ringing the bell will help serve some 7,000+ Families a Christmas Dinner, toys under the tree and real HOPE knowing that others are willing to take their time, (that's all it takes) to recognize those in need while many of have the opportunity to give back.
Is it cold outside, you better believe it is. But this is so worth it. If you have children, bring them along with you as so many do. It's a great learning experience for them. Again, I can't thank you enough for your generosity of time. Together we're making a huge difference in the lives of so many that are down and out this time of year.
The Red Cross Bans Christmas
Staff have been ordered to take down decorations and to remove any other signs of the Christian festival because they could offend Moslems.
The charity's politically-correct move triggered an avalanche of criticism and mockery last night - from Christians and Moslems.
Christine Banks, a volunteer at a Red Cross shop in New Romney, Kent, said: 'We put up a nativity scene in the window and were told to take it out. It seems we can't have anything that means Christmas. We're allowed to have some tinsel but that's it.
'When we send cards they have to say season's greetings or best wishes. They must not be linked directly to Christmas.
'When we asked we were told it is because we must not upset Moslems.'
Mrs Banks added: ' We have been instructed that we can't say anything about Christmas and we certainly can't have a Christmas tree.
' I think the policy is offensive to Moslems as well as to us. No reasonable person can object to Christians celebrating Christmas. But we are not supposed to show any sign of Christianity at all.'
Labour peer Lord Ahmed, one of the country's most prominent Moslem politicians, said: 'It is stupid to think Moslems would be offended.
'The Moslem community has been talking to Christians for the past 1,400 years. The teachings from Islam are that you should respect other faiths.'
He added: 'In my business all my staff celebrate Christmas and I celebrate with them. It is absolutely not the case that Christmas could damage the Red Cross reputation for neutrality - I think their people have gone a little bit over the top.'
The furore is a fresh blow to the image of what was once one of Britain's most respected charities.
The British Red Cross lost friends this year over its support for the French illegal immigrant camp at Sangatte and its insistence on concentrating large efforts on helping asylum seekers.
Yesterday officials at the charity's London HQ confirmed that Christmas is barred from the 430 shops which contributed more than £20million to its income last year.
'The Red Cross is a neutral organisation and we don't want to be aligned with any political party or particular philosophy,' a spokesman said.
'We don't want to be seen as a Christian or Islamic or Jewish organisation because that might compromise our ability to work in conflict situations around the world.'
He added: 'In shops people can put up decorations like tinsel or snow which are seasonal. But the guidance is that things representative of Christmas cannot be shown.'
Volunteers, however, said they believed the Christmas ban was a product of political correctness of the kind that led Birmingham's leaders to order their city to celebrate 'Winterval'.
Rod Thomas, a Plymouth vicar and spokesman for the Reform evangelical grouping in the Church of England, said: 'People who hold seriously to their faith are respected by people of other faiths. They should start calling themselves the Red Splodge. All their efforts will only succeed in alienating most people.'
Major Charles Heyman, editor of Jane's World Armies, said: 'There is really nothing to hurt the Red Cross in Christmas, is there? Would the Red Crescent stop its staff observing Ramadan?
'In practice, the role of the Red Cross is to run prisoner- of-war programmes and relief efforts for civilians. Those activities require the agreement of both sides in a conflict in the first place. Celebrating Christmas in a shop in England could hardly upset that.'
Major Heyman added: 'Moslems are just as sensible about these things as Christians. The Red Cross is just engaging in a bit of political correctness.'
British Red Cross leaders have, however, not extended the ban to their own profitable products. Items currently on sale include Christmas cards featuring angels and wise men and Advent calendars with nativity scenes.
The spokesman said: 'The Red Cross is trying to be inclusive and we recognise there are lots of people who want to buy Christmas cards which they know will benefit us.'
The charity's umbrella body, the Swiss-based International Red Cross, has also had politically-correct doubts about its famous symbol. But efforts to find an alternative were abandoned in the face of protest and ridicule five years ago.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-152361/The-Red-Cross-bans-Christmas.html#ixzz0YGIuUeOP
LARGE CROWD Of 400 At Castaways In OC MD
Time: 11/29/2009 @ 0126 hours
Case #: 0996-008076
Location: Castaways 64th Street Ocean City Maryland
Crime: Assist Ocean City Police Department with large disorderly crowd
Victim: State of Maryland
Accused: N/A
Narrative: On the above date and time, MSP Berlin Barracks received a call from the Ocean City Police Department requesting assistance with a large crowd of approximately 400 people at the Castaways Bar on 64th St and Coastal Hwy. Along with Troopers responding, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and other allied agencies also responded to include the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and the MSP Aviation Division.
Upon Troopers arrival several fights were occurring inside Castaways. There was also a large disorderly crowd on the outside of the property. Officers subsequently disbursed the crowd and the Ocean City Police Department arrested 4 suspects for assault and disorderly conduct.
Sources advised that this event was a promoted event and the location of the events change weekly.
Investigating Trooper(s): MSP BERLIN BARRACK
Fatal Vehicle Crash In Fruitland
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Fatal Vehicle Crash
LOCATION OF INCIDENT: S. Fruitland Blvd near Crown Road, Fruitland, MD
CASE NO.: 2009-9907
NAME OF DRIVER: Damian Kinte Thornton Sr.
AGE: 31 years old
ADDRESS: Mardela Springs, MD
NAME OF DRIVER: William Gardner
AGE: 57
ADDRESS: Princess Anne, MD
NAME OF PASSENGER: Jeanette Gardner
AGE: 51
ADDRESS: Princess Anne, MD
DETAILS: On 11/28/09 at approximately 2324 hours, Fruitland officers were dispatched to the area of Route 13 and Main Street in reference to a hit and run accident that had just occurred. Upon arrival to the area, officers did not see any signs of a vehicular accident. Officers were then dispatched to the area of Route 13 near Crown Road for a report of another accident. Upon arrival, officers located Vehicle #1 on the north bound side of Route 13, between the road and the railroad tracks. Vehicle #2 then arrived on the scene, and the occupants of Vehicle#2 advised officers that it was the same vehicle that had struck them on Route 13 at Main Street. The preliminary investigation showed that Vehicle #1 had been traveling southbound on Route 13, when the driver lost control of the vehicle and slid across the median and the northbound lane and struck a telephone pole near the railroad tracks. The driver of Vehicle #1 was pronounced dead at the scene. Both of the occupants of Vehicle #2 were transported to PRMC for treatment of minor injuries and shock.
If additional information is requested, please contact: CPT Bradley at FPD, Mon - Fri between 8:30am & 4:30pm.
Red Kettle Campaign - UPDATE
If you'd like to volunteer for a slot at any of the above locations please, send your request to ringabell4tsa@verizon.net or call Kettle Campaign Headquarters 410-749-RING (7464).
THANK YOU, to all that have so generously volunteered their time to this worthwhile campaign.
Tax Cap Verses Revenue Cap. . . .You Decide
Do you think VOICE should have gone for a Tax Cap? That certainly would have been an easy 'kneejerk' thing to do in light of the Court's decision.
After the Tax Cap was ruled unconstitutional in January 1995, the Talbot County Council in May raised the property tax by 46%. That's right they raised the property taxes by almost 50 percent! But they - SPECIAL INTEREST - didn't have enough! The next year, 1996, they raised it another 46.3%! And we - Wicomico residents - think 23.7% was bad. Now let's try and add this up . . . what's 46.1% and 46.3% over two years. Let's hold the math until the end of this lesson.
The Talbot voters were so incensed they searched for a way to stop these run-a-way politicos and came up with the Revenue Cap concept. The voters rallied to get it on the ballot and it was passed in 1996 by 72.21% of the voters. It stands as law today in that County. Even after many attempts to have it removed . . . VOICE used the EXACT wording in their petition as was used in Talbot County. It's exactly the same language that is law in Talbot now.
So what have we learned today. Hopefully we've learned that from the time a Tax Cap was ruled unconstitutional and was replaced by a Revenue Cap in Talbot County (1995 - 1996) - property taxes went up 92.4%. Actually that would not be entirely accurate as I'm told that before the Revenue Cap could become law the actual true tax increase was 113.8%
The next question is a bit more subjective - after this current events history lesson - is the Daily Times staunch reason for objecting to the Revenue Cap . . . do you now feel the VOICE proposals are obviously not well thought out?
If your property tax increased by 113.8% - would the difference be greater or less than your recent pay raise?