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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Letter to the Editor - March 3rd, County Council CIP Hearing

I would be the first to admit that I've been a little remiss in writing some personal opinions about the political events occurring in our county lately.  At the last County Council meeting, Mrs. Elmore's presentation reawakened my drive to search for facts that I'd like to present to the taxpayers in my own opinions.  In this manner I hope to encourage people to do some research on their own to find the facts and not just listen to the misinformation and outright lies  put out by local media. So Mrs Elmore, Thank - You.

The first remarks that I would like to comment on is Mrs. Elmore's presentation itself.  It appeared that she was trying to present some information that she felt would stop the people's new County Executive from investigating a way to save the taxpayers money by re-purposing all or a portion of the old Bennett  Middle School .  While it appears that the information was not pertinent to the facts she was trying to convince us about, as pointed out later by the County Attorney, her effort did encourage me to look into other areas. Since everyone was trying to convince Bob Culver he couldn't do what he wanted to investigate because this money is bond money we are talking about, I decided to look into the bond Language itself.  Now if you've never read the language of one of these bond bills I suggest you get a cup of coffee, some writing paper and find a quiet spot. On page 15 - I found something interesting and I would like to know how others would interpret what's written. It's really not hard to get to on the computer.  Go to Wicomico County Government, hit Transparency Portal, then Bond Sale Official Statements, finally hit 2013 Bond Sale OS and you will get the $12,500,000 Wicomico County General Obligation Bond.  It states that:

 " any surplus funds not expended at the completion of all projects listed in the enabling legislation must be credited to the capital program for the fiscal year next succeeding the year in which the surplus is ascertained or used for payment of debt service''.

 So how could this benefit the entire county?  Well it seems to me that since no contract has been specifically signed for the demolition of the buildings that the CIP can be signed with a hold on the demolition until a feasibility study is completed to investigate the County Executive's Re-purposing Project. The funding is still in the project.  There is no rule that says that money has to be used in three years or loose it and the taxpayers could benefit tremendously if Mr. Culver's ideas are feasible
So what is the down side of giving time to check out Mr. Culver's plan? 

The down side is that the School Board, Mr. Federicksen and Mr. Foret will not get exactly what THEY want exactly WHEN they want it. As Greg Bassett's protege, Kim Hudson, would say," Ever experienced deja vu?", meaning experiencing something that we've seen before. Well here it is again. These people don't get exactly what they want and it's "Dog and Pony" time again and that Mrs.Hudson is exactly what is causing that divide or rift you have been talking about.  At the last election the voters made it perfectly clear that they were tired of how this county is being operated and run by special interests. The voters want change and voted in Mr. Culver to think outside the box but the BOE simply refuses to change the way it does business. I want to caution you that when the voters get behind a cause that they can make changes. For instance, BOE borrowing is placing the county in jeopardy of meeting other critical services for the entire county and that BOE borrowing should be limited to X percent of the county's borrowing power. Voters could petition to do what Delaware does and let the voters vote on CIP projects for the BOE. And there are more initiatives then those I just mentioned.There is one initiative that I could suggest that you wouldn't believe was coming from me but for now I'm not going to mention it. The BOE has got to recognize that they are not the only entity in this county.  Without improving the economic conditions of the ENTIRE county we're on a steady downhill slide.  No jobs no kids. Mr. Culver is at least trying which is more than I can say for a great number of people at that council meeting.

I would like to comment on just one other item that stood out at that meeting. When Mr. Culver was asking for time to check this re-purposing idea out there were those of you on the council saying;

 "the horse was already out of the barn", "we need to pick our fights", " it would have been nice if you could have present more of a plan when you come here".

 I want to remind each of you that when you were campaigning for your seat that all I heard was how you were going to get jobs back and improve the economy. Well, you've been in there almost as long as Mr. Culver so where's your plans? How many jobs and businesses have you brought to the county so far? So how about stop throwing out obstacles and telling Mr. Culver what he can't do. That's the old way of doing things. Think outside the box.Tell us what you can do. You are going to need time and the voters, including myself are willing to give you that time. Now how about giving that time to Mr. Culver. That's all he is asking for.  Again Mrs.Elmore Thank You. 

John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

Big Stories Tomorrow Morning

Tomorrow morning we'll be delivering some pretty serious local news stories. I can assure you, if you live in Salisbury and Wicomico County you'll want to be here to see them. 

US Hits Debt Limit on March 16, needs to be raised ASAP

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress that the U.S. will hit its statutory debt limit on March 16, setting up another potential showdown between lawmakers and the White House over spending.

In a Friday morning letter to House Speaker John Boehner and other House and Senate leaders, Lew said that his office will be forced to suspend the issuance of State and Local Government Series securities on Mar. 13 unless the debt limit is raised.



WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) together with Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and a bipartisan coalition of Senators today announced that they have introduced a resolution to recognize March 8, 2015 as International Women’s Day (IWD) and commemorate the achievements of women around the world.

“International Women's Day reminds us to celebrate the contributions women make around the world and here at home,” Senator Mikulski said. “Every day, women fight to build stronger economies, improve conditions for families and communities, and inspire the next generation of young girls. That's why I fight every day to make sure that women are at the table and empowered to make a difference.”

“Empowering women is one of the most critical tools in our tool box to fight poverty and injustice. All of us – women and men alike – can help by supporting women’s efforts to claim their legal rights, to be free from violence, earn a decent income, get an education, grow food for their families, and make their voices heard in their communities and beyond,” said Senator Cardin. “Twenty years since Beijing, we’ve made progress integrating the unique needs of women into our domestic and international policies, but there is much more work to be done.”

The International Women’s Day resolution celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future while also recognizing the obstacles women continue to face in the struggle for equal rights and opportunities. International Women’s Day takes place annually on March 8.

In support of the goals of IWD, the resolution also affirms the advancement of women as a foreign policy priority for the United States. It notes that the ability of women to realize their full potential through education and economic empowerment is critical to a nation’s ability to achieve strong and lasting economic growth, as well as political and social stability. Specifically, the bipartisan resolution highlights the underrepresentation of women in all aspects of public life, the denial of basic human rights for women in select countries, as well as the threat of violence and abuse too many women around the world continue to face.

In addition to Senators Mikulski, Cardin and Shaheen, the bipartisan resolution is cosponsored by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine), Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).

Is Marty Really Running To Be Hillary's Vice President

Martin O’Malley Steers Clear of Hillary Clinton Email Issue

Martin O’Malley, the former Maryland governor who is considering a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, took a pass on Friday when asked about the controversy over Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email use at the State Department, but called transparency “required in the modern age.”

Mr. O’Malley made the remarks to reporters in New Hampshire, an early presidential primary state he has visited several times over the last year. He expressed neither support nor criticism for Mrs. Clinton, who is in the middle of the email maelstrom, saying he was unaware of the policies at the federal level. But, asked about what policies he employed in Maryland, he talked about the availability of both government and personal emails when there were record requests.

“I think openness and transparency are required in governing in the modern age,” Mr. O’Malley said, adding later, “Openness and transparency [are] the wave of the future.”



(SALISBURY, MD) – An armed Wicomico County man was fatally wounded early this morning when he pulled his gun during a struggle with a deputy sheriff in that county.

The deceased man is identified as Fednel (nmn) Rhinvil, 25, of the 700-block of Dennis Street, Salisbury, Md. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office deputy is identified as Deputy First Class Benjamin Jones, 35, a 14-year-veteran of the department. The deputy sustained an injury to his hand during a fight with Rhinvil. He was treated at Peninsula Regional Medical Center and released.

Sheriff Lewis contacted the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit and requested its investigators conduct the police involved shooting investigation. Assistance is being provided by the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division, the Salisbury Police, the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation.

The preliminary investigation indicates that at about 1:45 a.m. today, the deputy was patrolling in the 700-block of Dennis Street when he saw two individuals walking on the street near East Road. Deputies had been informed yesterday of information involving threats that had been made to ‘shoot up’ a house on Olivia Street, one block over. Citizens had also contacted the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office recently requesting increased patrols in the area. The deputy stopped and attempted to conduct a brief field interview with the two people on the street.

When the deputy called to the men, one stopped, but the other, later identified as Rhinvil, continued walking. The deputy repeated his request to stop and the man began running. The deputy pursued on foot and caught Rhinvil as he scaled a fence.

The investigation indicates a fight ensued and the deputy was pinned on the ground on his back. As he struggled to escape, the deputy saw Rhinvil pull a handgun from his pocket. Fearing for his life, the deputy pulled his department-issued .45 caliber Glock pistol and shot Rhinvil.

It is not believed Rhinvil fired his gun. Emergency medical services personnel responded, but Rhinvil was pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators have recovered a loaded and cocked revolver from the scene. It will be forwarded to the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division for investigation and analysis. Rhinvil’s body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy.

Investigators have been working throughout the day contacting residents in the area and attempting to identify witnesses. Anyone who may have been a witness is urged to contact Maryland State Police investigators at the Salisbury Barrack, at 410-749-3101 x138.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigation is continuing. Upon completion, the investigation will be forwarded to the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office for review.

Sheriff Lewis has placed the deputy on routine administrative leave, as is procedure. He will be asking the Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit to conduct a concurrent investigation into the police involved shooting.

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-5-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Closing & Delays 3-5-15":

Joe any way you can find out WTF John Fredericksen closed schools for today? It's 40 degrees outside and barely snowing. I have to find a baby sitter or take off the rest of the day to watch them and I can't afford this.

Joe not only have I lost money on sitting services for snow days for 7 days already. Think about it Joe. John Frederickesen has cost many families thousands of dollars in lost money because of these 7 snow days and the many school delays in the morning. I know safety is the so called issue, but everyone is out and about driving in it. Then they let their kids go to the mall or the Elks Club to sled on their hill.

Interesting numbers on teachers pay and schools

Interesting numbers. The national average pay for teachers, $46,325.00 The average pay in Wicomico County is $58,998.00!!!

Put Your Seat Belts On Folks, The Joe Albero Show Is Back

It's been a few years but we are getting very close to securing a deal to bring back the weekly 30 minute television show once again on WRDE/NBC.

Much of our format will involve interviews with the Governor, Congressmen, Senators, Delegates and other elected officials in Worcester, Wicomico Counties as well as City Officials. 

Part of my negotiation was to make it perfectly clear that my intent is to cover CONSERVATIVE minded representatives. I feel it is high time I bring forth representatives that are NOT placed on the defense in interviews like our LIBERAL television news stations have done for years and this is what will make us stand out.

No, we will not be attacking Liberals, not at all. However, what we will be doing is bringing you the OTHER SIDE. Something that has NEVER been done before in Maryland. 

I am proud to have been selected to be the first to provide such coverage on a major Network Channel. 
We'll keep you posted on the progress as there is a lot of loose ends we need to put together before the first segment. You may have noticed the WRDE Logo on the Site. We will be working hand in hand with WRDE on local news. TOGETHER we will produce a far better delivery of news and information here on the Shore.

WRDE/NBC can be seen on Comcast Channel 9 and on Direct TV Channel 31.  


As we all know, most people that get elected on the County Council run as Conservatives, even if they are Democrats. However in the past after being elected their true side comes out. Stevie Prettyman, Matt Holloway, Bill McCain, John Hall and in some cases even Gail Barkovitch. 

Since the 2014 election Bob Culver has been living up to his true Conservative roots. In doing so he has upset the the people that have been getting their way in Wicomico County for a very long time. 

At Tuesday nights Council Meeting they will all show up and scream and yell about the West Salisbury School and the rejection of tearing down Bennett Middle. So it will be in the hands of the County Council to either support or not support these two items. 

This will be a true test of the County Council, will they fold to the followers of the Rick Pollitt reign or will they stand up to the liberals and try to save the taxpayers money. 

What they need to remember is that the voters of the state of Maryland and the voters of Wicomico County sent a loud and clear message that the wasteful spending needs to stop. We can only hope that they heard the message.

Yeah, Crime Is Down In Salisbury, NOT!

Mandy, a prostitute in Salisbury, Maryland, services up to ten clients a day to feed her heroin addiction. With her drug habit becoming more intense, it motivates her to steal from those who love her the most -- her family. Will they get Mandy help, or turn her in?

The video shows a lot of Downtown Salisbury, Sheriff Mike Lewis and the FACT that heroin and crime are in fact UP. Is Mayor Jim Ireton and Police Chief Barbara Duncan PROUD that we have such prostitution right under our noses? It was Salisbury News that broke the prostitution problems in Salisbury years ago and isn't it interesting how it's still going on. But crime is down, right Jimmy? 

You are an embarrassment to Salisbury. You cover up crime and below is a perfect example from a leading Website on crime and statistics, Why all the question marks Barbara and Jim? To keep your stats low, obviously. 
View the video below. 
Then tell us what YOU think.

GO HERE to view video.

County Council President Makes Shocking Statement

At last nights County Council Meeting a large volume of citizens were making comments that seemed to be somewhat repetitive but more importantly very lengthy. Mr. Cannon at one point stated that he's like it if people could keep their comments down to two minutes each. 

He went on to say, (I'm paraphrasing) WE'D LIKE TO GET OUT OF HERE TONIGHT AT A SAFE HOUR.

I commend Mr. Cannon for making such a statement as we have experienced SIX major crimes in Salisbury and Wicomico County in the past 24 hours prior to this meeting. 

Many have contacted me recently stating they saw Mayor Jim Ireton on the news stating crime was down. Ireton was telling people not to believe what others are saying. I believe he said something of the sort, just look around. 

Well Jim, maybe YOU should open your eyes and look around. YOU have silenced the crime in and around Salisbury while all law enforcement have not been publishing crime on a daily basis.

Council President John Cannon sent out a clear message last night, Salisbury and Wicomico County are not safe. That speaks volumes coming from the County Council.

Six Teenagers Skating On Shumaker Pond Tonight In Salisbury

What Idiot Parents would allow their teenage kids to ice skate on a pond with water on the surface and 50 degrees outside?

A Viewer Writes: Here's a creepy thing from the paper

Mass Causality Trailer
Wicomico County Department of Emergency
Services is requesting sealed bids
for a Mass Casualty Trailer.
Bid document can be seen at
www.wicomicocounty.org under Purchasing
Dept.; Current Sealed Bids link.
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00
PM April 1, 2015 at Wicomico County
Purchasing Dept., Gov’t Office Bldg. 125
N. Division St. Rm. B-3, Salisbury, MD
Questions must be in writing to Rick Konrad:
rkonrad@wicomicocounty.org or fax

Carl Anderton Supports Tax Relief For Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury Taxpayers!

Yes, elections do make a difference.

At last, Wicomico County's resident delegate in the General Assembly is actively pushing legislation to include the County among those that must provide a property tax "differential" – a lower rate, resulting in a reduced tax bill – for property in municipalities that provide services such as police/law enforcement and road construction and maintenance/snow removal in the town limits, thereby relieving the County from doing so. It's fundamental fairness because the county tax applies to property in the towns, but the owners don't receive the same County benefits as taxpayers who live elsewhere.

To quote Mr. Anderton, "It's something that's very simple [and] we just have to make it happen." But that’s not how his predecessor and the former County Executive saw it.

During his first term as Wicomico County Executive, Rick Pollitt initially seemed to support the tax differential, as he did when he was Fruitland's town manager. The County together with Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury commissioned a study by an independent consultant to determine an appropriate amount. But before it was completed, Pollitt flip-flopped. Although the consultant reported that property owners in each town should get relief from the County's property taxes, Pollitt objected to that. His notion that they deserve no tax relief because only the County funds the school system is just plain nonsense – the taxpayers in those towns provide part of those funds just like the others do.

In fact, most of the Maryland counties that have incorporated towns – 18 of 21, including many that are not required to do so – provide tax relief for property located in at least some of the towns. Besides Wicomico County, only Worcester and Queen Anne’s don't. Talbot County, which has the same tax revenue cap as Wicomico County provides a substantial reduction in the property tax on property in Easton – equal to $161 per capita in fiscal year 2014 according to a recent study by the State of Maryland.

It seems that Norm Conway opposed legislation that would require the county to provide appropriate tax relief to property owners in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury. For whatever reason he did nothing. Now, as his successor, Mr. Anderton wants to make that happen. The proposed legislation would apply to all towns if they show that they are entitled to tax relief, which is certainly the case in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury and may also be the case in some others.

Salisbury News is proud to have endorsed such a candidate. 

NEW EMAILS Could Send Democrat Elijah Cummings To Prison For Targeting Voter Rights Group

Democrat Leader Elijah Cummings Could Face Up to Five Years in Prison for Illegal Attacks on True the Vote

(Gateway Pundit) -
Last April House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in colluding with the IRS and Lois Lerner against the nonpartisan voters rights group “True the Vote.”

Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of “True the Vote,” testified before Congress in February.
She was targeted by FBI, IRS, ATF, and OSHA after she filed for tax exempt status for her voters rights group.

Engelbrecht said this during her testimony before Congress and Cummings, “Frankly, to sit before my accuser and be silent in the face of what he did was unconscionable.”


Delays & Closings for Friday 3-6-15

Delmar School District - Closed Tomorrow.

Faith Baptist School - School is cancelled for Friday, March 6th; however, we will still attempt to have the Falcon Formal tomorrow evening as scheduled (with road conditions hopefully improving enough for safe travel by that time.)

Laurel School District -Due to inclement weather, Laurel's schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday March 6.

Salisbury Christian School - SCS will remain closed on Friday, March 6, due to the rapidly accumulating snow. Hope to see you at the Gala on Saturday!

Salisbury School - Closed 

Salisbury University - Salisbury University Remains Closed Friday, March 6

Seaford School District will be closed Friday, March 6th.

Somerset County Schools - Closed

Sussex Tech will be closed Friday March 6, 2015 

Talbot County Public Schools will be CLOSED on Friday, March 6th. 

Queen Anne's County Public Schools will be closed Friday, March 6. 12 month employees report by 10:00 am 

UMES - will be closed Friday, March 5. Essential employees should report as scheduled.

Wicomico County Schools - Friday, March 6: Due to inclement weather, Wicomico Schools and Central Office will be closed. 
March 7 STEM Saturday is canceled. March 5 Summer Engagement Expo & More rescheduled for March 12. 

Worcester County Public Schools will be closed for students & 10-mos. staff on Fri., March 6, 2015, due to road conditions & dropping temps. 

Worcester Prep is closed Friday, March 6th. Lower School Grandparents Day is postponed until Monday, March 9th. 

SHORE TRANSIT - Currently we will have a delayed start time of 6am. Roads are still being monitored. 

Tonight's Survey Question 3-5-15

How much snow has fallen in your area?

Please state town and time.

New Jersey Deli Outrages Race-Baiting Leftists With His ‘White History Month’ Sign

A New Jersey deli owner has outraged the far left by putting a hand-made sign in his shop window that proclaims March to be “White History Month” in his store.
The shop owner, Jim Boggess, owner of Jimbo’s Deli, has infuriated the race-baiting leftists saying, “No matter what you are — Muslim, Jewish, black, white, gay, straight — you should be proud of what you are. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about being white.”


Naturally some race baiters tried to have the police arrest the shop owner. It didn’t work.


Star Democrat 'Chicken tax' proposal back in front of lawmakers

Hudson's Berlin farm

Pictured is a chicken farm in Berlin, Md. State lawmakers are considering a bill that proposes a 5-cent per chicken tax to make big chicken companies pay for a share of Chesapeake Bay cleanup.

A bill that proposes a 5-cent per chicken tax is back in this year’s General Assembly, and it aims to make big chicken companies pay for a share of Chesapeake Bay cleanup.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Richard Madaleno, a Democrat from Montgomery County, who said the bill directs the 5-cent per bird tax to the state’s cover crop program.

The bill’s name is the Bay Tax Equity Act, but opponents call it the “chicken tax.”

“Every year on the Eastern Shore more than 300 million birds are raised. They produce 1.5 billion pounds of waste on the Shore,” Madaleno said. “That is more waste than the human beings who reside in Maryland produce, and of course the waste we produce primarily goes through a treatment system.”


I'll be leaving jail in a wheelchair: OJ Simpson barely able to walk

OJ Simpson, who is currently incarcerated in the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada, cannot walk without a cane and fears he will be in a wheelchair when he finally leaves prison, the Daily Mail Online has learned exclusively.

He is furious with prison officials because he says they refuse to allow him to leave the prison to get the surgery he can only get on the outside. let him get medical care outside.

And now, OJ fears he will soon be in a wheelchair and may never walk again.

OJ, 67, was recently seen struggling to walk around the prison with a cane and telling fellow inmates he was angry because he is not getting the specialized medical care he needs.


Facebook removes account of 12-year-old who attacked President Obama

Facebook has removed the personal account of a 12-year-old Georgia boy who posted a viral video last week in support of Rudy Giuliani's comments that President Obama 'doesn't love America'.

Republican C.J.Pearson found out the price of his new found fame on Friday morning when a friend told him it had been deactivated for 'suspicious activity'.

Fearing his video, which was watched by more than 1.4 million people, may have been the cause, Pearson hit out at the social media giant, accusing them of quelling any dissent towards Obama.



Preference of Calendar A, B or C Sought Before Board's First Vote on March 10
The Wicomico County Board of Education is seeking input as it builds a calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. Three different draft calendars showing pre- and post-Labor Day starts have been drafted in order to gather feedback prior to Board votes at the March 10 and April 14 Board meetings.
The three draft calendars, along with a side-by-side comparison of dates in the three calendars, may be accessed from the www.wcboe.org home page by clicking on the Calendar Input button, or by visiting this link:
Calendar A would begin school on Monday, Aug. 24, and end the year on Monday, June 6.
Calendar B would begin school on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and end the year on Monday, June 20.
Calendar C would begin school on Monday, Aug. 31, and end the year on Thursday, June 9.

Cardin Calls DOJ Report on Ferguson Police Deeply Troubling and Cause to Ban Racial Profiling By All Law Enforcement

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), author of legislation that would ban racial profiling by all law enforcement, issued the following statement in response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) report that the policies and practices of the Ferguson, Mo., police department “reflect and exacerbate existing racial bias.” The investigation was launched following the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed African American teen killed by a Ferguson police officer.

“DOJ’s review of the Ferguson police department is deeply troubling. Racial profiling is simply wrong. It doesn’t work, it wastes valuable resources and diminishes the willingness of targeted communities from trusting and working with police when the need is real,” said Senator Cardin. “The blatant abuse of power and racial targeting by Ferguson’s police are further proof of the need for a national standard that prohibits racial and discriminatory profiling by law enforcement at the federal, state and local levels. We need to better educate more of our law enforcement officials in the differences between specific suspect descriptions and sweeping generalizations or profiling that wastes valuable resources. Racial profiling is un-American. It has no place within the values of our country. The people of Ferguson, and other communities across the country, have endured painful lessons of how such actions turn communities against the partnerships needed to keep our neighborhoods safe.

“We need a uniform definition of racial profiling so that law enforcement can concentrate on investigating real crimes and real leads, and men and women across the country can feel secure that they are not being pulled over or harassed by law enforcement solely based on their race, religion, national origin, or ethnicity. Beyond Ferguson, the vast majority of law enforcement officials work with professionalism, diligence, and fidelity to the rule of law. But racial profiling is tolerated in far too many states and too entrenched into the fabric of some police department cultures. We need to end this bad policy now.”

Racial profiling is defined in a standard, consistent definition as the practice of a law enforcement agent relying on race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin as a factor in their investigations and activities. Senator Cardin’s legislation, the End Racial Profiling Act (ERPA), creates an exception for the use of these factors where there is trustworthy information, relevant to the locality and time frame, which links persons of a particular race, ethnicity, or national origin to an identified incident or scheme.

NYC public schools to close on 2 Muslim holidays

New York public schools will add two Muslim holidays to their vacation calendars, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday, a promise he made during his election campaign.

The policy change was hailed by Islamic leaders in New York City.

Under the new policy, the city's 1.1 million-pupil public school system will close on Sept. 24 for Eid al-Adha, which is also known as the Festival of Sacrifice.

The holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, will be observed during summer school in 2016.


Why Is This Facility In Vienna Collapsing?

Do they not maintain this facility any longer?
Notice the lower portion collapsing.

Wicomico County Employees Expect To Work At 10:00 AM

I got up at 4:30 this morning to make sure I had the time to clear our driveway so my Bride could get to work. Obviously the roads are in pretty bad shape. 

With the rain first and then snow on top of it I can tell you, clearing the driveway alone was a major challenge. Snow blowers aren't so great when it comes to slush underneath the snow. 

I haven't had the opportunity to get out there to see how the rest of the road conditions are but hopefully the ones that did go to work today can report back in comments to let us know what to expect. 

Be safe and have a great day. Use extreme caution on the roads, says County Executive Bob Culver.

Senator Mathias - Does he support the 2nd Amendment?

“Listen to what I say…not what I do!” - By Mike McDermott
Recently I was reviewing some of the pro 2nd Amendment bills that are being offered in the Maryland Senate for 2015. These are the bills that have the attention of the NRA and many Maryland firearms groups. I took the time to research the bills along with the sponsors and co-sponsors and found that Senator Jim Mathias is not a sponsor or co-sponsor on any of these bills. Open here for the rest of the story;

Ben Carson: I'm sorry for my comments on prisons and homosexuality

Ben Carson is apologizing for suggesting that "a lot of people who go into prison straight" come out gay.

OnWednesday evening the retired pediatric neurosurgeon and newly announced 2016 Republican candidate walked back comments he made in a CNN interview that aired early Wednesday.

"Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight -- and when they come out, they're gay," Carson originally said. "So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."

In a statement to CNN's Carol Costello Wednesday night, he apologized after facing harsh criticism for his words.

"I realized that my choice of language does not reflect fully my heart on gay issues," Carson said. "I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended."



The Wicomico County Board of Education is seeking input as it builds a calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. Three different draft calendars showing pre- and post-Labor Day starts have been drafted in order to gather feedback prior to Board votes at the March 10 and April 14 Board meetings.

The three draft calendars, along with a side-by-side comparison of dates in the three calendars, can be found on the www.wcboe.org home page by clicking on the Calendar Input button.

Calendar A would begin school on Monday, Aug. 24, and end the year on Monday, June 6.

Calendar B would begin school on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and end the year on Monday, June 20.

Calendar C would begin school on Monday, Aug. 31, and end the year on Thursday, June 9.

Please submit any comments or suggestions as soon as possible by contacting either comments@wcboe.org or 410-677-5251. The Board is expected to discuss the 2015-2016 school calendar at its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on March 10. The Board is tentatively scheduled to have a 1st reading in March and 2nd and final reading at the April 14 Board meeting.

Wicomico has started school in late August for a number of years to give students as much instructional time as possible before the start of testing. However, there is ongoing discussion at the state level about potentially mandating a post-Labor Day start for all Maryland school systems. (Currently each school system determines its own starting date; Worcester County this year chose to start school after Labor Day based on community input.)

With that discussion in mind, three 2015-2016 draft calendars have been prepared for Wicomico Schools. Two of these calendars would start school prior to Labor Day, and one would start school the day after Labor Day. Calendar A would begin Aug. 24 and end on June 6. Calendar B would start the school year Sept. 8, after Labor Day, and end on June 20. The newly added Calendar C option would begin school on Aug. 31 and end it on June 9.

Please note that the draft 2015-2016 school calendars take into account the following:
The school calendar must include a minimum of 180 days of instruction.

Families and staff members have consistently supported two full weeks off for the winter break, whenever possible; all three draft calendars currently provide that.

Wicomico teachers, by contract, work 190 days. The 10 days that teachers do not have students are professional development days or record management days. Four of the 10 days take place prior to the opening of the school year, and one day is scheduled for teachers after students leave for the summer.

Schools must be closed at the following times, in accordance with COMAR (Code of Maryland): Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, from Dec. 24 through Jan. 1, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Presidents Day, Good Friday, the Monday after Easter, and Memorial Day. Additionally, Wicomico schools must be closed when there is a Primary or General Election; a Presidential Primary Election is currently scheduled for Tuesday, April 5.

Makeup days, if needed, will be scheduled in accordance with Board of Education policy. Makeup days may occur on professional days, on a holiday break day, or at the end of the school year, or by requesting a state waiver for some missed days.

Parents Found Guilty Of Child Neglect For Letting Children Walk Outside

As was previously reported on TruthRevolt, a Maryland mother and father were visited by Child Protective Services and a slew of police officers after their two children were found walking home from a nearby park -- a tactic these "free-range" parents utilize to teach their children, 10 and six, independence.

But after months of investigation, the Montgomery County CPS has found the parents guilty of "unsubstantiated" child neglect. This means that a file on Alexander and Danielle Meitiv has been opened and will remain so for the next five years.

Mrs. Meitiv, who detailed the ordeal to The Washington Post in February, told the paper, "We don’t feel it was appropriate for an investigation to start, much less conclude that we are responsible for some form of child neglect." The Meitivs are planning an appeal.

For now, the family is promising to ignore the CPS ruling and continue raising their children as they see fit.

Read more here

A Letter To The Editor From John Fredericks: "Two snaps up"


I grew up in Salisbury. I spent 19 years there before moving to Austin & seeing your page and your article all but shamed the entire town. 

Who are you exactly to be judging others? So what if the mayor is gay? You don't see people writing articles about your poor health choices, lack of vocabulary, and medieval website (but I'm sure they'd be more lengthy than your "article". Or whatever you think your little website is) 

It's 2015 and the rest of the world already has a skewed version of the Eastern shore and your backwards, hillbilly, bullying is only making you look like a dickhead. Grow up.

Dear John,

If you go back to my article I simply stated that it is improper for the Mayor to be abusing his position as Mayor to promote not only a Gay Pride event but a Bar event on top of it. 

As for Jim being gay, it is what it is. After reading the rest of your letter, who's the one with anger and abuse here. You gays want to act like we're the racists here but every time I get one of these messages or comments it becomes more evident that you are the ones with the hate. I do not hate Jim Ireton. I simply disagree with his lifestyle and politics. At least I'm man enough to flat out say it. 

So because it's 2015 I should accept this lifestyle choice? I guess because it's 2015 I should believe Obama is a great President too, eh? Boy, this Country is in BIG trouble.

Questions Swirl About Who Could Replace Senator Mikulski

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — With Senator Barbara Mikulski’s announcement, now comes the race to succeed her as Maryland’s next US Senator.

Derek Valcourt explains there’s a long list of possible candidates.

So far, only one person—Congressman John Delaney—has stepped forward, saying he wants the job. Speculation is running rampant that others are considering running.

Senator Mikulski’s surprise announcement now opens the door to a long list of current and former Maryland political leaders who might be interested in the US Senate seat.



Hillary Rodham Clinton, as a New York State Senator now comes under this fancy "congressional retirement staffing plan" which means that if she never gets re-elected,she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies. 

If Bill out-lives her, he then inherits HER salary until he dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary ($20,000 a month) until he dies. If Hillary out-lives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies, Guess who pays for that? WE DO!
Clinton 's 20 Acre - $11 million mansion is common knowledge. For her to establish NY residency, they purchased this mansion in upscale Chappaqua , New York ....makes sense. They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense.

Here is where it becomes interesting.Their mortgage payments are around $10,000/month. But an extra residence had to be built by the government on the acreage to house the Secret Service Agents. Any improvement to the property is owned by the property owners...the Clinton 's. So....the Clinton's charge the federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of the extra residence to house the Secret Service staff which is just about equal to their mortgage payment. He is the ONLY ex-president to use this loophole, thus earning the name 'Slick Willie'.

This means that we, the taxpayers, pay the Clinton's, salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and it is all perfectly legal.


When she runs for President, will you vote for her ?

“Listen to what I say…not what I do!”

Jim Mathias and the 2 nd Amendment
By Mike McDermott
Recently I was reviewing some of the pro 2nd Amendment bills that are being offered in the Maryland Senate for 2015. These are the bills that have the attention of the NRA and many Maryland firearms groups. I took the time to research the bills along with the sponsors and co-sponsors and found that Senator Jim Mathias is not a sponsor or co-sponsor on any of these bills.
This really came as no surprise to me since, historically, in his years in the General Assembly, one would be hard pressed to find a pro 2nd Amendment bill sponsored by Mathias. They simply do not exist. That is not to say that he has not voted against a few bad bills, but he has never been the deciding vote cast on legislation. In other words, the liberals had enough votes to “allow” him to vote the other way.
Lately I received some correspondence from an Eastern Shore gun rights group who are focused on these legislative issues. They reached out to Senator Mathias for his position on these important bills. They received an email from the senator’s Chief of Staff as follows:
On behalf of Senator Mathias, I have confirmation that the Senator is a co-sponsor on every bill he sent to you.   It can take time for information to be processed by each Committee, hence the missing information. Please let this office know if there are any additional questions.
Thank you.
Dorotheann S. Sadusky , Chief of Staff
It is easy enough to view sponsors and co-sponsors of any bill filed with the General Assembly in either the House or Senate. While many of these bills have democrats listed, you will not find Senator Mathias name as a sponsor or co-sponsor. You can go to the list ofbills sponsored or co-sponsored by Mathias this year and see that he had no trouble having his name assigned to legislation he wanted to sponsor…except for gun legislation.
The reason for the “missing information” provided by his chief of staff is bureaucratic misdirection. There are times, when a bill gets legs and looks like it is going to move, that a “Johnny come lately” legislator will ask to be amended onto a particular bill as a “co-sponsor”. You can always tell when this happens as their name will appear at the very end of the co-sponsor list as opposed to being in alphabetical order like the original bill sponsors. In this case, the senator got caught with his 2nd Amendment pants down!
If his chief of staff’s email is taken at face value, the Senator is not telling the truth.
Here is a list of the bills that Mathias indicated that he had sponsored or co-sponsored this year. You can view the links and see for yourself, but you will not find his name:
Public Safety – Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport a Handgun – Qualifications
Public Safety – Handgun Permit Background Investigation – Armored Car Company Employees
Public Safety – Handgun Permits – Term
Public Safety – Handgun Permits
Sales and Use Tax – Tax–Free Periods – Hunting and Sporting Goods
Handgun Permits – Reciprocity
Public Safety – Handgun Identification Requirements – Repeal
“Liberal Jim” lied about many things during our recent campaign for the senate seat. Our elected officials must never be allowed to lie and get away with it during their service or in their campaign rhetoric. Honesty and integrity are not options for public service, they must always be prerequisites.

Marylanders, take back your state!

Station 7 Says Farewell

Councilmen Marc Kilmer on Wicomico County Council Meeting Last Night

Last night the council had a 5-hour meeting, including 2 hours of public comment on the capital budget. One of the first things we did was approve a new finance director for the county. Leslie Lewis had the unanimous support of the council and I look forward to working with her. The council voted 3-3 on the nomination of John Terrell to be director of recreation and parks. I voted for Mr. Terrell. Even though I have reservations about the process by which he was nominated, I think the executive deserves some deference in choosing his team. However, a tie vote by the council means Mr. Terrell was rejected.

Salisbury: Shooting

Station 16 is being dispatched to the area of West Road and Dennis Street for a report of a shooting. 

Update:  700 block of Dennis Street.  

The police were in a foot pursuit prior to the shooting.  

The suspect has been shot.  WCSO Deputy is ok.

They are still searching for a second suspect

This took place approximately 2 blocks away from Salisbury Middle School.

5-year-old Christian Boy Cut in Half By ISIS

The images of atrocities by members of the Islamic State jihadist group, also known as ISIS, against their soldier and civilian enemies in Iraq and Syria have been have circulating for some time. There have been reports, many documented in images and even videos, of ISIS crucifixions, executions, mass burials and worse.

But now a flood of new reports and photographs reveal such horrors being inflicted on children.

One such report came from the Anglican Communion News Service, which said the 5-year-old son of a founder of Baghdad’s Anglican church was “cut in half during an attack by the Islamic State.”

The report cited an emotional Canon Andrew White, chaplain of St George’s Anglican Church in Baghdad.

“I’m almost in tears because I’ve just had somebody in my room whose little child was cut in half,” he said. “I baptized his child in my church in Baghdad. This little boy, they named him after me – he was called Andrew.”

The report said it happened in the Christian village of Qaraqosh after Kurdish forces left and Islamic State fighters arrived.

A Catholic.org report quoted a source, Mark Arabo, a Chaldean-American businessman, confirming the beheading of children by Islamic State fighters, who then “put their heads on a stick and have them in the park.”

More here