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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Salisbury: Shooting

Station 16 is being dispatched to the area of West Road and Dennis Street for a report of a shooting. 

Update:  700 block of Dennis Street.  

The police were in a foot pursuit prior to the shooting.  

The suspect has been shot.  WCSO Deputy is ok.

They are still searching for a second suspect

This took place approximately 2 blocks away from Salisbury Middle School.


  1. I'm at work and I heard 4 shots. Scared me half to death.

  2. Glad the deputy is ok, maybe another piece of scum off the streets. Good Job to the Deputy!!

  3. Glad deputy is o.k. I here the guy is dead. Good These thugs around here think they own the neighborhood

  4. Please tell me why if WBOC is so grate why dont i see anything about it on there site

    1. Because they are covering it up for the mayor and chief and like i said now they are going to get people Killed.

  5. I'm so sick of ppl getting on here making assumptions about the situation or ppl involved....until you know all the facts, stop assuming someone is a thug, scum, etc... There are people out here in the power of authority that can also be those same things you are calling these people

    1. Ahole only a THUG would pull a gun on a cop U. Tbug.

    2. 7:15 is right. I would bet most of the people posting about "Yay kill the thugs" are so-called Christians as well. How about waiting to learn the entire story before rejoicing in the fact that another human is dead? These particular comments make many here appear to be slack-jawed yokels.

  6. But it was a thug, so your point? Move on, you are wrong.

    1. His record doesn't reflect thug. Did you know him?

  7. This happened in the county not in city limits. Let's ask sherif Lewis about why is crime up in the county

  8. Yeab sheriff what about crime in the county.

  9. In the Bury it's pronounced "Wessroad",just one word.

  10. 10:14 MORON im glad you can spell 5 letter words now you can move to the 3rd grade oh i forgot you must work for WBOC so you can stay in second grade

  11. Don't be so foolish 7:15. You can bet your last penny that the dead person was a thug. A loser going nowhere except to prison or to an early violent death. This person became a victim due to their own actions. You live a high risk lifestyle-it will catch up to you.
    How much you want to bet, the victim was born illegitimately with no positive male role model in their life. Was a drug user and has been in troble most of his life. Did poorly in school and has no work history or ethic. Probably an illegitimate child or 2 of their own with no means to support the child.

  12. 10:50 get off your parents couch in the basement and go get a job. LOSER.

  13. Joe they all missed this one you were on it. Hope Deputy is good sorry for the dead guy but Oh well. You get what you ask for. What was he out in the middle of the night for. Just another Gangster dead. Good work Deputy.

  14. 11:42 LMAO must of touched a nerve By the way i make more in one day working then you do living off my taxes so go out and use your EBT card and just say Thank you

  15. The person killed was a Haitian immigrant that did work full time at one of the local chicken plants. What the circumstances were surrounding the shooting we may never know considering only one is able to tell his story. Either way it's very tragic and there is a family grieving a loss and an officer who has to live with taking someone's life. Prayers to all involved.

  16. 12:22 I paid more in taxes than you made. It is painfully obvious you have been educated beyond your intelligence.

  17. 12:57 you just like to argue with people and sit at your computer and be the cyber bully insulting people and keep things going so with all that was said i hope your life don't suck as bad as you do have a good day

  18. 1:29 sucks about 50% of your miserable life. I'm having a great day.

  19. Tragic is an innocent person being killed. This wasn't tragic, this was a potential tragedy averted by training and good aim.

    Here's a more appropriate and potentially lifesaving slogan for you people:

    "Hands off the gun
    Or you're done."

  20. The real thugs are the police, If the man that got shot was a real thug He would have shot the cop first and I even have doubt that this man had a Gun. Your comments on this board Show the world that you are a race of DEVILS.A bunch of gun toting cowboys. (BOYS)


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