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Sunday, March 08, 2015

County Council President Makes Shocking Statement

At last nights County Council Meeting a large volume of citizens were making comments that seemed to be somewhat repetitive but more importantly very lengthy. Mr. Cannon at one point stated that he's like it if people could keep their comments down to two minutes each. 

He went on to say, (I'm paraphrasing) WE'D LIKE TO GET OUT OF HERE TONIGHT AT A SAFE HOUR.

I commend Mr. Cannon for making such a statement as we have experienced SIX major crimes in Salisbury and Wicomico County in the past 24 hours prior to this meeting. 

Many have contacted me recently stating they saw Mayor Jim Ireton on the news stating crime was down. Ireton was telling people not to believe what others are saying. I believe he said something of the sort, just look around. 

Well Jim, maybe YOU should open your eyes and look around. YOU have silenced the crime in and around Salisbury while all law enforcement have not been publishing crime on a daily basis.

Council President John Cannon sent out a clear message last night, Salisbury and Wicomico County are not safe. That speaks volumes coming from the County Council.


  1. I thought I heard him say that. Thought it was an odd comment for him to make, but speaks to the conditions in Salisbury.

  2. You bet it does, and Mr. Mayor needs to get his head out of the sand and tell the public the truth just once. Why keep denying that there is no crime in Salisbury - it's horrible and everyone knows it - but Mr. Mayor just keeps on denying it.

    1. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 4, 2015 at 11:47 AM

      You mean Ireton telling the truth? That would be the 1st time in Loooong Time. Why would Mayor Liar-ton want to tell the truth? It doesn't benefit him or his cohorts in any way, so why even bother, right Jim?

  3. Will there be a report on what happened during the meeting?

  4. Im sure the mayor is safe in his baby blue home on Philadelphia ave in Salisbury after all crime is down, good job mayor.

  5. Don't understand Ireton. You'd think he would want to keep his citizens safe. At least Cannon does. Although he may have been referencing the weather. LOL

  6. He also could have meant that it's not safe to walk around late at night because the police will stop and question you for it. Crime-wise, I don't see where it's any safer to be out at 5pm vs. midnight nowadays.

  7. The mayor can depend on WRDE airing an uncontested statement.I wasn't aware that actual Sby based stations were doing interviews.

  8. It has been reported that after the shooting on Dennis St some thug was walking around the neighborhood with a sign that said "hands up, don't shoot." Is he so ignorant that he doesn't understand if the deceased had of done just that, instead of running from the cop, that he would be alive today.
    You would have to be a really brave individual to want to be a cop these days. I realize there are bad apples in every organization, but if we allow thugs to disrepect law enforcement officers, we will turn into a lawless society.

  9. OHH snap!!!!! lmao

  10. pull a gun and they will shoot.

    great job officers.

  11. Look. If I'm a cop in this day and age my goal each day is to get home safely to my family at the end of my shift. I'm not looking to harass, intimidate or profile but if I'm paid to protect the citizens of my community and I see someone at 2:30am acting suspiciously it's my responsibility to look into it. The guy runs, I'm going give chase and order him to stop. If he turns and pulls a gun then he's a threat to me and anyone else and he's going down. Period.

    Good job officer.

    1. You are correct Officer 10:55 am. Stay safe. Not all of us are cop haters like a few of the criminals making most of the anti cop comments on here.

  12. This just reflects the condition the mayor and his administration has let the city fall.

    In order to have a thriving, safe and secure city, you need real leadership. You have to be on the job all day everyday. The poor condition in every aspect of this city, proves how terrible Ireton and his administration are and the collective jobs they have and are doing.

    Ireton needs to stay out of bars, and start taking a hard look around this city. It is dirty and he is making it worse everyday.

    Everyday there are MULTIPLE crimes committed. I'm sure many go unreported for several reasons. I don't fault the police officers out on patrol each and every day. They are proud to serve and protect. I don't know of many other jobs (except firefighters) that on a daily basis put their lives on the line for people they don't know. All of them deserve a great deal of our respect and credit for doing their jobs.

    I think there are a lot of reasons we have a high crime rate, but that doesn't negate the fact that first we must have administration acknowledge the problem without all the fluff, admit the increase in all areas of crime, and actually put a workable, functional plan in place to attack said problem. Staying behind a computer, in an office doesn't solve much. There is no shame in needing help. I would suggest contacting a more productive police agency that actually has demonstrated results and follow their model. Until you actually get results, you will always be leading from behind when you need to be out on the battlefield leading in front.

    I have great respect for all police officers and pray for their safety.

    Salisbury could be a good city if we actually had strong leadership ability, and put the focus on the important issues first before all this fluffy nonsense that the mayor and his administration wants to focus on. Their priorities are not in line with what is happening in this city.

    Truth is a powerful tool, one in which it would greatly benefit the mayor and his administration to start using.


    1. Screw Jake Day only an idiot would vote for him,

  14. You can tell the unvarnished truth about who's committing crimes or you can be politically correct.

  15. 10:55
    That's not how law enforcement works. You are enforcing zero laws by chasing someone who runs from you without any actual crime taking place.

    1. No...10:55 has a valid point. Then why are they running? Pretty sure the guy wasn't out for a jog.
      You dislike the way law enforcement needs to function but you'll be the first to call for a cop when someone pisses in your cereal.

  16. The SPD police chief and mayor are corrupt when is the gov office getting involved in a investigation?

  17. Why run if you are doing nothing wrong?

  18. 12:28 That's why I couldn't be an officer. I wouldn't run after them, I would shoot them in the leg, then catch them.

  19. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 4, 2015 at 1:16 PM

    10:55 is right. I may add - Once the man started running from the cop, he became a suspect with a charge FLEEING FROM THE POLICE.

  20. As far as crime goes, i dont ever remember being told that there was NO crime in Salisbury. I am out and about at all hours of the day and night. I use the same amount of caution that I would use in any town in America. There are idiots who commit crimes EVERYWHERE. As far as the shooting goes, ehhhh, one less crackhead (probably) to worry about. If a police office tells me to do something i do it. And ive never been shot before. Weird how that happens.

  21. Being in denial doesn't save lives.

  22. A vote for Jake Day is as bad or worse than Ireton and everything he has made a mess of. Day would only continue with the mess because he has no leadership abilities at all, and no experience that really amounts to anything.

  23. I know of two people who turned down job offers to relocate to Salisbury after an internet search revealed all the crime in the area.

  24. Don't give Jake Day a free pass on this. That Dirtbag swears crime is down in Salisbury and he gets ignorant about it. I think Jake Day is so stupid he believes Jim Liarton.

  25. Hey jake day are you and the council going to take heat for crime going up how about Doubling the damn police force.make tbe welfare crowd work,lol.

  26. The office was getting the Hell beat out of him. Then it sounds like it became Dodge City. I didn't know it was not legal to carry a gun in that neighborhood.
    When is Al going to show up.

  27. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoMarch 4, 2015 at 3:25 PM

    A vote for Jake Day is just same as vote for Ireton. The Welfare crowds have been coming to this town for while. Ireton and Day Have Done Nothing To Stop It. On contrary, THEY ENCOURAGE IT AND PROMOTE IT, look , they got welfare queen Laura Mitchell making decisions about other people's money?! They forgot that creating more Section 8 housing, welfare crowds come and gangbangers come and Crimes Goes Through the Roof. But of course, they don't want to take any responsibility or action. Instead they Stick Their Heads In Sand and Pretend "Oh, There Is No Crime In Da Bury"!

  28. NEVER VOTE FOR JAKE DAY - would be more of the same of what we already have.

  29. Cops can only do so much. Until this area begins to grow with jobs the crime will continue. The biggest indicator of a crime ridden area is a lack of jobs. Period. All of the cop bashing, mayor bashing, etc. is pointless. Real energy needs to be put in pressuring elected officials to get jobs to this area. Tongue wagging is absolutely not helpful. Crime is simply a reflection of poverty and people lacking a purpose. Are there bad folks just looking to hurt someone? Yes, but rarely is crime perfect stranger vs perfect stranger. If you live a certain type of life you are more likely to be a victim of crime. I understand in a online setting people love being theatrical but for those lacking the ability to reason, it takes things too far out there. The moment this area obtains more gainful employment for it's citizens the very next moment crime will go down. This is not rocket science.

  30. Jobs coming to the area...maybe that would help however; in order to have real jobs and growth potential, you have to have a leader with real ability to do the job. To bring jobs other than eateries to the city. In the city, there is no strong, intelligent, leader with ability to bring job growth, and the city council is just a bunch of jv groupies.

  31. Remember property owners that don't live in the city have no vote but they pay taxes,so the real vote come from ?

  32. Look - I testified at that hearing last night - and at 8:30 PM I left. When I exited out from the City's municipal lot next to the Library - I went down East Main Street.

    This is not a joke - when I went under the trestle bridge - I saw two City Police cars detaining a woman right in front of the Salisbury Middle school - on the sidewalk. Lights were flashing and there was something going on.

  33. SMS isn't near the trestle bridge. And who really cares anyway.

  34. Ireton is just like Obama. No truth comes out of his mouth. Don't trust either one.

  35. I have my own business and many times I have to walk out of my office in the dark (my landlord for some reason does not seem to care about keeping the parking lot lights on at night I guess to save money)
    I feel very uncomfortable and uneasy especially knowing a thug will kill you for 50 cents.


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