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Sunday, March 08, 2015

US Hits Debt Limit on March 16, needs to be raised ASAP

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress that the U.S. will hit its statutory debt limit on March 16, setting up another potential showdown between lawmakers and the White House over spending.

In a Friday morning letter to House Speaker John Boehner and other House and Senate leaders, Lew said that his office will be forced to suspend the issuance of State and Local Government Series securities on Mar. 13 unless the debt limit is raised.



  1. This proof of the more Government gets the more they want. What happen to a balanced budget. Where is the House in putting together a budget that shrinks the Government and use that money to fund what they can. They could also reduce their benefits and
    unbelievable retirement in the same bill.
    When are we going to replace these whore-mongering Politions.

  2. Thank you Barbara Mikulski, now my kids and grand kids will forever be indebted to you.

  3. remember not too long ago how the libz and their media mouthpieces foamed about Bush's 500 billion budget? OMG the world was coming to an end!!

    But now, with their King in charge, 18 Trillion is nothing to worry about.

    It boggles the mind how these mouth breathers can even come out in public.

    it's a damn good thing i'm not in charge.

  4. You heard me say it first. The negotiations with Iran should be very simple you have nukes now and you are hiding them so come out of the closet because your foreign aide to you and your friends has ended as of March 13 2005.
    That means our budget woes are ending by the end of 2015 and no more US debt limit increase.

  5. The president and congress remind me of a bunch of crack heads arguing over who gonna be payin' da rent dis monf.
    Not one of them has any money, but they have a stolen checkbook.
    Oh yeah....one more thing - the bank (we, the people) never seems to worry about it.
    Keep cheering.


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