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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Yeah, Crime Is Down In Salisbury, NOT!

Mandy, a prostitute in Salisbury, Maryland, services up to ten clients a day to feed her heroin addiction. With her drug habit becoming more intense, it motivates her to steal from those who love her the most -- her family. Will they get Mandy help, or turn her in?

The video shows a lot of Downtown Salisbury, Sheriff Mike Lewis and the FACT that heroin and crime are in fact UP. Is Mayor Jim Ireton and Police Chief Barbara Duncan PROUD that we have such prostitution right under our noses? It was Salisbury News that broke the prostitution problems in Salisbury years ago and isn't it interesting how it's still going on. But crime is down, right Jimmy? 

You are an embarrassment to Salisbury. You cover up crime and below is a perfect example from a leading Website on crime and statistics, Why all the question marks Barbara and Jim? To keep your stats low, obviously. 
View the video below. 
Then tell us what YOU think.

GO HERE to view video.


  1. Sad way to live her life......

  2. Regardless of where you live, this is an epidemic many cities are facing. Rather than bitching, be proactive and DO something! I'm glad the family was bold enough to expose the ugly facts of life. If it helps one person, than we my be able to change the course of the outcomes. Remember, this could be your family, get off your high horse. More transparency and action, less smack.

  3. That is pathetic, and to the sister SHAME ON YOU ! You are no better then Mandy driving her around on the streets with an innocent baby in your car,,You need that baby taken away...And mandy You are a disease caring junkie..I hope You get help but you dear are a PIG to society at this time..We all have to make choices in life and You chose to let nasty drug addicted men use Your body for your next high,,YOU ARE A NASTY ANIMAL! Get your life clean lady!

  4. Glad to see you guys picked this story up. I'm the one that sent you the email about it this morning. The ppl of Salisbury need to see this to know what's going on in their community. Heroin has taken a strong hold on the streets of Salisbury and the community needs to work together to rid itself of it.

  5. WOW this is a HUGE embarrassment to the mayor and Salisbury.

  6. The sister is complicit in the crimes and should have the baby taken away for bringing her along with them.

  7. Yeah, newsflash Heroin is everywhere!!

  8. The chief and mayor and DA the Sberiff and Salisbury look like fools.

  9. "We can't arrest our way out of this problem." That's why I like Mike Lewis, the man has always been ahead of the curve! Kudos to the family for putting their lives out there in hopes to help another living soul. Sad story, so worth the time to watch it all!

  10. It was bizarre and very unsettling to see her going into houses that I recognize from my own neighborhood and around the city to service the men who see her as a sexual commodity. I then think about all of the women who are doing the same thing and worse in this city for the same reason, that being an addiction to heroin - and there are lots of them.
    And then I think about the guys I see every morning and afternoon and evening, hanging on the same street corners in my own neighborhood, selling their poison.
    This is an epidemic, 1:17 is right. It's also an incredible drain on our city and county resources, from police to State's Attorney and court personnel, to social services and everywhere in between.
    But the worst part is just what was depicted in the documentary: the destruction of families, relationships and lives.
    Those who ignore the signs are fools and victims themselves by being the enablers, trying to be satisfied by wishing away their all to obvious problems and those of their family members who feed off their well-intentioned but misguided and problem-promoting enabling actions or passivity.

    This should be not about blaming, but I hope that it is a loud call to action, action that is evident to every person in this city.

  11. Great work on crime in Salisbury all bc of the mayor fudging the numbers.

  12. Sorry, that should have been "all too obvious".

  13. Does anyone have Mandy's phone number?

  14. And just to make sure that comment wasn't taken the wrong way, I meant to say, if anyone has her phone number our pastor would like to give her a call.

  15. Since these shows are filmed some time ago does anyone know how she is doing?
    If the truth be told heroin has become the problem it is because of Obama and the democrats lackadaisical immigration policies.
    These policies have enabled Latin American cartels to flood the US market with cheap pure heroin.

  16. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?11621-Streetwalker-Reports

    This link provided is for the USA Sex Guide. Mongers (Johns) report their experiences. It's clear to see prostitution is alive and well in Salisbury. I know about this site, because we used it when I worked at a non profit in Balto City to keep tabs on and to see what our clients were up to.
    It can be a valuable source for LE as well.
    SW stands for streetwalker which needs no explanation.

  17. If you watch the whole video it shows how she is doing

  18. Did anyone see the video clip underneath where Mandy was interviewed after her treatment? Her life is totally changed now. She looks like a different person! Nice to see the update.

  19. I think Mandy is Jonathan Taylor's sister.

    1. Don't make idiotic statements. Focus on the problem of our town and how to change things.

    2. Get RID of the mayor and chief elections are Coming up jimmy and u r DONE.

  20. I still don't know why we spend resources on charging and prosecuting prostitutes. In this day and time where everything goes?

  21. If you go to the web site mentioned, there is a short follow up call between the interventionist and Mandy. She is apparently still sober and still here in Florida. She stayed here, knowing that if she came back to Salisbury, she would be at risk of relapsing.

    Good point, any time there are undesirable behaviors, it is always best to make a clean break from the environment which fostered those behaviors.

  22. Piss off 1:26. That doesn't help anyone, anywhere. Except to soothe your self righteous soul for a brief flicker in time...

  23. Addiction is a terrible disease. Marijuana and alcohol are gateway drugs, this has been proven time and time again. I respect her for agreeing to treatment. But realize in most cases it will take many attempts before she becomes sober for good, if she survives that long. I am sad for her, her family and our community. I applaud ya baby attempts to try get addicts help, we have got to start somewhere!

  24. I mean how is she doing today. For example, I know from experience a certain reality show that was filmed last June (2014) is to be shown on TV in April (2015), a whole 10 months later. This is the norm. The update could have been from months ago.

  25. The follow up story indicated a January 2015 date and an upcoming March 2015 court date. Presumably, it is current.

  26. This was filmed sometime when the trees still had green leaves on them.
    In the update she said she spent 90 days in rehab and had been clean for 100 days so the update appears to be a few months old and doesn't answer how she is doing today.

  27. Oh please 1:26-go somewhere.
    I give the sister a lot of credit, the whole family too.
    What do you think she was going to stop "business" just because the sister wasn't going to drive her? The sister knew this, so committed to driving her so she would have a safety net. The sister made it clear she did not approve.

  28. So sad to see what has been done to screw up this country.
    I blame it all on the liberal no law , no punishment , no jail time idiots .
    Go to the top of the ladder , $hit rolls down hill people.

  29. 3:17
    No it is not. His sisters name is Virginia Mitchell and she is much older than this young lady.

  30. Ms. Ireton really has no clue. Along with her sister, Chief Duncan, all they can do is keep their heads in the sand!!

  31. Found the video disturbing. I've lived here all my life. I spent my childhood living on Maple Way in North Salisbury.

    At that time it was a working class neighborhood. They used get upset with us if we did chores on Sundays like mowing the grass or hanging the laundry on the lines.

    I can't say I have been sheltered, but it is shocking how much things have changed and are changing and not for the best. I can't judge, but I feel like the parents are partly to blame. I am their age, and probably when to school with the father or mother.

    It's as if there is no shame, and anything goes. Like a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. I thank god my two son's haven't grown up to be drug addicts or criminals.

    It certainly doesn't put Salisbury or Wicomico in a positive light.

  32. The cheap strong heroin that has pervaded every small town in America, providing distraction for the unemployed youth of the country, with few prospects for the middle-class life of their parents, even with education--and the unpayable debt they take on casually to get it--comes from Afghanistan--
    In 2000 the UN certified that the Taliban had virtually eliminated the poppy as a cash crop. Unacceptable to the shadow government, and source of black-budget funds for the CIA, that was unacceptable--and voila, our favorite mujahaddein, Osama, who fought the Soviets to bankruptcy there as our proxy army, with US stingers and Billions, became the patsy to justify the invasion, and now 14 year old occupation of that Poppystan.
    Anyone remember the southeast Asian heroin that accompanied the war in Vietnam, and turned the "black power" seething urban ghettos into couldn't-care-less junkie enclave?
    Afghanistan heroin, brought to your neighborhood by that same CIA, is a rinse-and repeat part Duh of the same scam--except this time it is aimed at the potential "Occupy Wall Street" dissension of the white kids in the small towns and burbs, raised to believe that everything was theirs for the taking, and discovering that an overpriced iPhone account and their old room in Mom's basement was as good as it gets--and with that good dope, who cares?
    Women(girls) trick, boys steal and deal--that's how you pay for dope. The government is behind the supply--it is social engineering.

  33. 1:26 PM you need to catch a round! If that was your sister you'd feel different or maybe not you might be her best customer! GET A LIFE!

  34. I hope this turns out to be a success story. The family is lovely. It takes a lot of love and courage to go to such great lengths of putting you life in the public eye in order to help a family member. Mandy has so much going for her-a family who loves her and she's also a beautiful girl who thank God stopped before the drug turned her into a physically ugly mess or worse kill her which it will do, no question about that.

  35. Pot, and drugs you can see the devastation yet people want to make this junk legal. Are you completely nuts???

    People walking, driving, and taking needles, drinking, etc. around causing all manner of trouble and accidents on the road or shooting people; it is stupid not to move quickly to repel legislation and not make any of this stuff legal.

  36. Until recently, the heroin problem in Maryland has been something no one wants to talk about. Thanks to whoever shared this.

  37. I am bothered seeing what I have known goes on, not only here but other places I have lived. Seeing my neighborhood made me ill and mad. I have no solution but to tell anyone involved to not be silent, if the person won't listen don't be a doormat let them get the realization the way they need to and that is done not by a rose covered yard with fountains. Easier said than done but I can prove it.

  38. 126 is correct as she was selling her body she is a pig,,If she has cleaned up her life then hurray for her..But as far as her sister driving her around all day with a baby , again shame on her ..she is just as guilty..and yes this family is strong and God bless them..But we don't add fuel to a fire,,We have to find other ways to help these girl..Think of all the disease that have been spread due to this young lady ..Iam proud of her getting her life together...Good for her..But ladies there are other ways to earn a living instead of being a pig and letting so nasty man with no good morals woller on you for 20 minutes,,thats just nasty.

  39. This show about Mandy was on Discovery ID last night

  40. Fatboy is threatening SBY News posters over on his blog....Im so scared!

    1. Joe should run a repost on how the white trash Foxwell family tried to hijack the surviving childrens college fund and how he put a stop to it. That why they hate him. He kicked them off the gravy train!

    2. JT is gonna get u 4 tellin the truth about his favorite slimebag family! Unless u bribe him with donuts!

  41. 126 and 727 no a pig is a farm animal, she is a human being that needed help. Get off your self righteous judgmental high horse. People have problems. Calling them names will not solve their problems.

  42. That was a real eye opener for me. Recognizing the various neighborhoods and realizing the depths people will go to for their fix, whether drugs or sex. I wish they'd offered Kelsey help too. Praying Mandy stays strong. She has a beautiful smile and light in her eyes now. To Mandy's family, especially Kayla, thank you for making us aware. No little girl wants to grow up and be a prostitute. Kayla- thanks for putting your daughter first now. Be the Mom she deserves!!

  43. Spot on 6:31!!! Comment worthy of a post Joe!!!

  44. atleast she didn't drive around high!

  45. Scary that she apparently did her last drug transaction at Barnes & Nobles.. Now I feel that I have to keep my child even closer when shopping there .. Sad

  46. 1:17 I'm not sure why you think joe is simply bitching about this issue and not doing something about it. Imo he is doing something about it by reporting on it and giving the people an outlet that opens the subject for discussion. Funny how on your post you seem to be one of the ones bitching. Lol.

    Another point i would like to make is. For some reason you people in Salisbury are under the impression this drug problem is something new in the area. Well plain and simple it's not new by no means what so ever.stop acting like your so shocked that this is going on. Hell when I moved here 27 years Ago Salisbury Had An Open Air Drug market. You had anywhere from 50 to 100 black men and boys selling Crack and any other drugs they could get there hands on out in the open. All one had to do was go to the save-a-lot parking lot across from Perdue after dark you could buy anything you wanted. To act so shocked about it now days is laughable.

  47. Another political soapbox for mike lewis.

  48. Let's legalize heroine And crack and do away with the police. Save lots of money.

  49. It's sad how this little town has dropped to this level, like so many other small towns and cities all across this nation and world.

    I am glad Mandy and her family allowed themselves to be public and shared their story.

    I'm not going to say a whole lot about these nasty, ignorant and just plain uninformed comments I have read. I would rather be friends with Mandy, who was a prostitute and drug addict, than I would with most of you self-righteous hypocrites.

    IMO she has more courage and strength than any of you who are so willing to throw stones.

    Mandy wanted and accepted change and she knew she would have to start with herself. Her behavior, her attitudes, her way of thinking and the people she associated with.

    IF any of YOU want change, either with yourselves or your environment, YOU will have to start with YOU as well.

    Thanks for sharing this Joe. It was an eye opener. To me and some others at least.

    Mandy was wise not to return here. She probably would have fell in with the same crowd and started using again.

    And some of the attitudes expressed in these comments would not have helped her, or anyone else for that matter.

    Even one is still under the false illusion about pot and alcohol as gateway drugs.

    Regardless, to end on a positive note, it took the love of her family and her desire to get off drugs and better herself. Not blame, or hate, or laws. CARING. Each one of us can afford to show more of that.

  50. It'd help thin the ghetto herd, anyway.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let's legalize heroine And crack and do away with the police. Save lots of money.

    March 7, 2015 at 10:39 PM

    One town got rid of its police dept and crime went DOWN 61%.

    You might be on to something there.

    We have city, state and county police in the same city and crime has steadily gone UP.

    Put the cops in jail and give the 'criminals' badges. I wonder what difference, if any, that would have on the crime rates.

    I would bet the crime rates would go DOWN.

    The more corrupt the government, the more laws you have.

  52. Joe, I am very surprised at you of all people would use a story on intervention of a heroin addict as a platform about drugs and prostitution here in Salisbury . You have heroin addiction in your own family and know how heartbreaking it is for the loved ones. I really thought that you were more about helping a situation and had more compassion then I've seen here. I am the mother of a recovering addict and I know the heartbreak that it causes in a family as you watch your addicted child slowly kill themselves.I know you will say that you are reporting the news but at what expense and where do you draw the line? My message is not to bash you but hopefully enlighten you.

  53. " Anonymous said...
    Joe should run a repost on how the white trash Foxwell family tried to hijack the surviving childrens college fund and how he put a stop to it. That why they hate him. He kicked them off the gravy train!

    March 7, 2015 at 10:36 PM"

    Sad. The unfortunate fact is no one expects any of the Foxwell children to aspire to a higher education. The life they live-illegitimate children, government dependence, fixture within the court and corrections systems is all they know and is exactly the path they will take.
    It's not just the Foxwell children but a whole sub culture within society who fall into this category.
    The family unit is broken and that is the root of many of societies problems including drug abuse. All these years of focusing on the "leaves" and pulling them off have allowed the root to grow and now the problem is out of control.

  54. 8:32, I received a call yesterday telling me the other blogger had stated that all of my kids and step kids are thieves and heroin addicts. I'll deal with him and his utter lies another day. Heck, maybe our boys will deal with him another day through their own lawyers, since he has defame them the most.

    That being said, this show was aired on a world wide network, (Discovery) two days ago. Where are you getting the impression that "I" have done something wrong by posting this story.


    By exposing this documentary, (God Bless this young woman for allowing her story to be exposed and told) it shows that we have a massive problem right here in Salisbury and Wicomico County. My hat is tipped for Sheriff Lewis for stepping up and participating as he recognizes we have a problem.

    Now, as for COMMENTS, people have the right to their opinion. They are NOT my comments, unless my name and picture is on it. I will NOT censor comments unless they do not follow our rules.

    As for this situation hitting home, that is absolutely true. We have had a horrible experience with one of our children with heroin and you are correct, it's like watching your own child drown and there's nothing you can do about it. We did everything in our powers to help and it cost us tens of thousands of dollars, all of it wasted.

    Now if that other blogger wants to make me or our Family out to be bad people because a grown adult made these choices, guilty as charged, I guess. However, YOU (8:32) know that WE have done everything possible to get that child clean during very difficult times.

    As for telling the news, THIS IS NEWS, THIS IS REALITY. If you are disappointed in ME for doing what I feel is necessary, even admitting we have experienced this within our own home, then I'm sorry you feel that way but you are wrong.

    There needs to be more exposure like this. Oh, it's OK to publish all the shoplifters and expose them along with their arrest photos but it's not OK to publish this story? We'll agree to disagree on this documentary.

    As for the other blogger, it's one thing to go after me, I'm cool with that. HOWEVER, you bring my Family into it and LIE, well, your time is coming because we do have a Family Lawyer who has been waiting for just this moment. We have screen shots and while I'm sure you'll come back saying you're not scared. Well, you better be this time because your lies need to be stopped and we have the resources to do just that.

  55. 8:32 I'm going to counter your comment with this-What better a way to draw attention to the drug problem and all the other problems attached to addiction (crime) than with a personal, hit close to home story?
    When we read or hear stories about addicts from the inner cities and other communities it doesn't have the same effect. I personally feel with this local family they are one of us. It makes us who are not directly affected want to do something to try and help.
    If it's not the young lady conducting "business" to pay for her drug addiction then it's the young man who is stealing from cars and homes to pay. It's all inner connected with the drug problem. All aspects of addiction need to be the focus including the crime an addict will commit in order to score drugs.

  56. Joe mentions the shoplifting reports. Without a doubt most if not all of those caught shoplifting are doing so to support a drug and/or alcohol addiction. Don't be fooled into thinking it's because of the hard economic times nonsense. Same goes for the panhandlers. Each and every aspect of the epidemic needs to chipped away.

  57. "Anonymous said...
    Pot, and drugs you can see the devastation yet people want to make this junk legal. Are you completely nuts???

    March 7, 2015 at 7:13 PM"

    Over 65 percent of heroin abusers started with marijuana as compared to 17% who used prescript pain relievers as the stepping stone/gateway drug.

  58. Oh Jonathan Taylor can kiss off. In his pea brain he thinks he's oh so righteous and holier than thou, but allows anyone who is in favor with this blog to be bashed. His life's mission is to bash anyone approved of by this blog. Personally I can't believe he even has a wife. No decent self respecting woman would put up with him for one second. I've always heard some women will marry anything and that marriage is the perfect example. She's no better then he is for allowing him to be so hypocritical. 2 peas in a pod meant for each other because no one else would lower themselves to have either.

  59. I don't completely agree with Sheriff Lewis' comment that we can't arrest our way out of this.
    Some people don't have the resources for treatment and the MD Dept of Corrections does have treatment programs. This worked for my friend's nephew. He's been off drugs for well over 10 yrs now, this after the family spent 10's of 1000's on treatment and yes he did steal from them, including burglarizing his own aunt's home.
    The grandmother finally told him the only money she has left is to bury him with, so when he was arrested again he was on his own and was sentenced to a few years so went into the state system. He had a wake up and became 100 % committed to being clean and took advantage of the corrections depts programs.
    Incarceration does work for some and I think a lot of it has to do with not only total committment to stop using but also if the person has a place to go to where they are not around the influences daily esp someone who isn't fully committed or is a bit weak.

  60. how many heroin users started out with beer,wine,or liquor?

  61. I am very sorry for the struggle your family has had with heroin - that you for your honesty and bravery in talking about it. My prayers for your family and child as you continue to work through this.

  62. Oh I've just been chomping at the awaiting such a comment 1:19.
    So to answer your question, probably every single heroin user started out with alcohol.
    However an overwhelming majority of those who use alcohol don't ever touch hard drugs unlike those who smoke marijuana.
    The risk greatly increases for marijuana smokers to go on to harder drugs because of several factors.
    1. the changes in the brain make other more powerful drugs appealing.
    2. A marijuana user is likely to be around people who are other users and sellers of other drugs.
    3. Using a mind altering substance is high risk behavior and those who use marijuana are more likely to try because of high risk personalities other methods to get high. To simplify-
    Most people try and/or use alcohol. A small percentage will step up to smoking pot, then a greater percentage than stepped to the pot from alcohol will step up to harder drugs.
    Interestingly enough inhalants, the most available, inexpensive and easily attainable intoxicative has a very low gateway progression.

  63. Every Time there were prostitution arrests locally and it was posted on this site I used to try and tell everyone that drugs were involved but no one believed me.
    Now see how right I was. And don't think Mandy is the dealer's only customer. The boys buying heroin are the ones stealing and robbing people to pay the dealers. So much is intertwined with addiction to the point where it is affecting everyone from the crime on down to the money it costs tax payers and consumers. We have to realize we are all paying for this epidemic.
    And the heroin overdose deaths. The victims are the "testers" for the dealers. Poor souls who are so helplessly addicted that they are willing to play Russian Roulette to get high. If they die, oops need to cut the heroin more, if they don't get high, cut less. This needs to be a main focus. Finding out who the dealers are and charging them with murder when someone dies.

  64. There is no such thing as a 'gateway drug'. People who are so inclined will try any drug until they find one they like. It's the persons personality that gets them addicted to whatever substance they choose.

    Drug use is either recreational or a symptom of something wrong in their life. They use drugs as an escape, to lessen whatever pain they may be going through.

    Some people can pick it up and put it back down. Others cannot or will not. There is nothing new about drug use/abuse. Most of these illegal drugs were legal at one time and could have been bought over the counter.

    Just attempting to address the drug problem without treating the underlying conditions that brought someone to become addicted to any drug will always fail. I believe that is what sheriff Lewis meant when he said they cannot arrest their way out of this problem.

    You can sit here and point fingers back and forth all day and it will solve nothing.

    As for the person complaining about Joe posting this story, I don't understand what you are complaining about, at all.

    Bringing it out in the open and discussing it is the correct way to deal with it. Putting your head in the ground ignoring it hoping it will go away is what allows it to continue and also enables others to keep doing it.

  65. Heroin is an epedemic in this area. Within the last few months I have heard first hand of atleast 10 OD cases. heroin is affecting people from Nithsdale to the ghettoes of Salisbury. Wakeup peolpe we need to educate our children about the dangers of drugs. Its not a liberal or conservative problem. This is reality. No time for dishing out blames, right now there is someone shooting up, it could be your child and it might be too late. Call your elected representative and lobby for treatment instead of incarceration.

  66. The main problem with heroin, in simple terms, is that it's a downer. It isn't just an opiate, but THE original opiate: you got on this to take the edge off of _everything_ to the point that your whole life is blank and rather numb. You feel no pain and couldn't care less about anything. You just sort of drift through life.

    The catch with this stuff is: you build up a tolerance to it and _Quickly_, faster than even with alcohol. Nothing is ever as good as the first high on the stuff--people call this addiction "chasing the dragon" for just that reason. It takes more and more of the stuff to feel _good_

  67. 8:35, Let me explain just how insignificant JT is. Rarely ever do I receive an e-mail from others stating he has said something that deserves my attention. Rarely EVER do we get even ANONYMOUS comments of the same nature.

    What I'm getting to is, he has no following. People have seen enough of his rants and lies that NO ONE trusts him or believes him. Oh sure there are some people out there who just want to hate and there's absolutely NOTHING anyone can do to change their personalities. I accept that.

    One only has to look at COMMENTS on both sites to see the guy is a nobody and writes his own comments to stir the pot.

    He does not spend countless hours researching information. In fact, now he has Farlow doing things for him. Think I'm wrong, sue me Farlow and let's see where you get.

    The only reason anyone goes to JT's site any more is the train wreck. JT is a lazy bottom feeder who feels the need to attack my defenseless Wife and Grandson. What a big man, literally.

    I have not visited his site in more than 5 years. Yes, I get told when he attacks because people care, especially for my Wife and Grandson. Even IF JT met my Wife and Grandson he would walk away saying, now that's a nice Lady and a very smart and well behaved young man.

    However, he doesn't want that. Instead, even though our Grandson has had a horrific beginning of his life, JT would like to bash the young guy in the hopes of destroying him and guess what, NO PARENT will stand for such a BULLY. His time is coming.

    All that being said, I don't care what that low life piece of sh!t says or does. He's a mental case and anyone who visits his site that can't see that, well, they have mental issues too.

    Someone said earlier that JT has an obsession over me and that is very true. He's never held a real job and sucks off the taxpayers. I do not, nor have I ever done so. He is a shill for the former Dream Team and that's where he gets his drive. Well, they deserve another point of view. However, I can tell you first hand, very few people go there while MILLIONS of people come here.

    Oh, and if ANY one of his followers, (including JT) ever wants to see my traffic FIRST HAND, I'll be more than happy to show them in person. I have NOTHING to his and everything to be extremely proud of. Perhaps that will finally shut them up knowing he never amounted to anything. I don't need to see his numbers because I wouldn't want to fall over laughing. The comments tell it all, especially when anyone smart can see he's writing to himself.

    So please, let's drop any more JT discussions here. He's nobody.

  68. I've seen a lot of comments about how the women/girls prostitute themselves and the boys/men steal. The truth is both boys and girls are out there prostituting and stealing to support this ugly habit. I applaud Mandy and her family for having the fortitude to stand up and tell their story. To show the neighborhoods where she is conducting her "business". Heroin addiction, like any addiction is a disease. The difference I see is death comes sooner from heroin than any other disease. I'd like to know how many calls for service go out daily for drug overdoses.

    Another comment made was this drug is from Nithsdale to the ghettos is correct. While many are shooting this poison into their veins, there are many more sniffing it up their noses thinking they can't die because they are not injecting it in their veins.

    Thank you Sbynews for getting this conversation started. Thank you Mandy for providing the information needed to get this conversation started.

  69. JOE this needs to go back up top this afternoon.

  70. Some of you are just clueless. Every heroin addict smoked pot. For years now everyone thinking pot is harmless and everyone is doing it and pot smokers are laid back excuses.
    Pot and heroin give you the same kind of high, of course heroin more intense. Because pot became so acceptable and parents and courts overlooked it heroin took over as opposed to crystal meth which is an upper. Kids wanted to and started to experiment w/heroin for a more intense high then they were getting from pot. Some thought they would use heroin as a temporary replacement for pot. This is what started the addiction epidemic. Too many naive people thinking pot is harmless.
    As someone else said the first time you shoot heroin it's unbelievable. The euphoric feeling you get from weed is 100x more powerful from heroin. So this makes you want more and more until you become addicted and can't think of anything else.
    So if your kid is smoking weed don't overlook it. They will want to try heroin and might.


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