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Sunday, March 08, 2015

New Jersey Deli Outrages Race-Baiting Leftists With His ‘White History Month’ Sign

A New Jersey deli owner has outraged the far left by putting a hand-made sign in his shop window that proclaims March to be “White History Month” in his store.
The shop owner, Jim Boggess, owner of Jimbo’s Deli, has infuriated the race-baiting leftists saying, “No matter what you are — Muslim, Jewish, black, white, gay, straight — you should be proud of what you are. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about being white.”


Naturally some race baiters tried to have the police arrest the shop owner. It didn’t work.



  1. I agree. There is Black History month and Latino history month. Why not white? If you disapprove then you are the racist!

  2. We need more people like Jimbo to stand up for the white race. As long as we all just sit back and do nothing we will always be in spots like this. it seems every body can celebrate except whitey!

  3. I think it would take more than one month to talk about the accomplishments of the white European. Or all the inventions who have benefited all of mankind?

  4. So I guess my idea of the White Entertainment Channel is somehow racist, too?

    Maybe it's time everyone steps back and take a good look at what we've allowed to happen.

    Then fix it.

  5. guess what people if they release the last census report in totality you will see that the White race is the minority.
    Guess again we don't get the benefits of Minorities. That is definitely Racist.

  6. Anonymous said...
    We need more people like Jimbo to stand up for the white race. As long as we all just sit back and do nothing we will always be in spots like this. it seems every body can celebrate except whitey!

    March 6, 2015 at 7:46 PM

    How can Jimbo be a liberal Democrat if he hate black people. Well you know that other name he uses at Mojo's and what he calls them when they walk in. Oh that's right, true Democrats like to keep them in chains by making them dependent on the government. Typical progressive.

  7. I find it disturbing that the police would even bother to go to the location to investigate further, just based on someone complaining they "felt harassed" by a simple sign. Obviouly these people think "freedom of expression" only applies to them, considering the hate filled signs, t-shirts and signs they brazenly flaunt, calling for violence and oppression of others.

    It wasn't even a matter of the owner posting a sign opposing black history month. The complaint was about the sign stating a desire for equal recognize of his people's importance and accomplishments.

  8. White people have just completely CAVED on the issue and allowed blacks and the whites they have duped into supporting them write the narrative.
    We must understand, to an ignorant person, white history month is just bragging and or spiking the ball!
    Whites have to take it, absorb it when they celebrate or over blow some moderate achievement as history making, whitee can't for fear of offending someone.
    F that.

  9. Sorry, race baiters, fair is fair.

  10. What about "Native American" history, and the true history, of how our government systematically exterminated entire tribes, languages, culture, and those brave "Indian Fighters", like Custer, actually slaughtered old men, women and children. The Nazi have nothing on us, our people condoned the extermination of an estimated 20 million Indians!

    1. My people came from Ireland in the 30s,so "my" people never killed indians "we" never owned slaves or killed anybody in the nazi death camps! So by you lumping all whites together it your ignorant rant shows how uneducated you and dare i say racist? !

  11. Actually the other 11 months are all about white history.They just aren't called that,so it's actually "White History Year" minus a month.

  12. that would be redundant, because you celebrate White History Every month .Our children are always taught your Your Story . Blacks are not included , you don't want them to know their true History , However Truth Crushed to Earth will rise again, just like a seed you plant. So for you to want to have a White History month only tells the world that you are paranoid.

  13. Pretty sure there is at least one holiday in each months that celebrates white history.

    1. Name one that is a "white " holiday.

  14. As long as we have group identity celebrations we are divided and easier to conquer as a nation...It's American history or nothing.

  15. I agree and way to go!

  16. "Pretty sure there is at least one holiday in each months that celebrates white history." OK. You probably know that there are 12 months in a year. Can you list the 12 holidays that celebrate 'white' history for us?

  17. "Actually the other 11 months are all about white history." Actually, they are not. The other 11 months tend to drag on about slavery and the civil rights movement, as well.

  18. Slavery and Civil rights are a part of America History. American History would be fine except you and I already know the whole truth will not be told. Its really something how you gratify the civil war , however you don't want to make the accomplishments of Black people include. With this kind of thinking We will never be ONE.

  19. No one has mentioned Asian History Month. They brought us things such as gun powder, Kung Fu, acupuncture and Asian cuisine! I'm a little tongue in cheek here but there are a lot of contributions that Asians have made to society in general. If we're going to recognize groups of people then let's recognize all of them.

  20. I hope during black history month they show recent history with how many are in institutions and how many unwed single mothers are on wic,ebt,free housing and so on.Maybe they can visit jimbos {da bury} to see first hand the trickle down effect of 60 years of give me in this country and how its never worked and killing the one time great working nation.

  21. Black history month,

    riots robbery murder x 11 more months.

  22. 10:55-How about Human History Month? Celebrate everyone at once and get it over with.


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