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Sunday, March 08, 2015


As we all know, most people that get elected on the County Council run as Conservatives, even if they are Democrats. However in the past after being elected their true side comes out. Stevie Prettyman, Matt Holloway, Bill McCain, John Hall and in some cases even Gail Barkovitch. 

Since the 2014 election Bob Culver has been living up to his true Conservative roots. In doing so he has upset the the people that have been getting their way in Wicomico County for a very long time. 

At Tuesday nights Council Meeting they will all show up and scream and yell about the West Salisbury School and the rejection of tearing down Bennett Middle. So it will be in the hands of the County Council to either support or not support these two items. 

This will be a true test of the County Council, will they fold to the followers of the Rick Pollitt reign or will they stand up to the liberals and try to save the taxpayers money. 

What they need to remember is that the voters of the state of Maryland and the voters of Wicomico County sent a loud and clear message that the wasteful spending needs to stop. We can only hope that they heard the message.


  1. Joe, the liberal BOE/Dunn/Bassett/Pollitt holdovers are all working behind the scenes to undermine Culver. His own Director of Administration is one of them as is Sharon Morris. Culver needs to root out all of these cancers and rid the County of them. All they want to do is spend, spend, spend with no regard for what the majority of the voters want - WHICH IS CHANGE. THANK YOU BOB CULVER FOR BEING TRUE TO YOUR PRINCIPLES!

  2. The people who asked for change with their votes should show up and remind the executive and council they are watching. It is important that we continue to support those who are trying to make change happen. It isn't easy because the county govt still has some from the "machine" employed. Show up and support and thank those you elected.

  3. Culver supporters UNITE. The liberals are loud mouth whiners. We need to contact all the Council members and let them know we stand with Culver.

  4. Cannon is a RINO to the core and is in cahoots with the liberals to undermine Culver because he wants to be county executive. Republicans need to let him know they WILL NOT SUPPORT his disrespect of the elected REPUBLICAN County Executive.

  5. All the Republican council members should be run out of town on a rail if they vote with the BOE spenders. However, I don't believe Cannon has the courage or backbone to go against them as they are his buddies. He will put their interests above the vast majority of the voters who voted AGAINST those kinds of policies.

  6. Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer need two more votes. I am hoping Dodd will be smart enough to vote with them and that Hall will see the error of his ways and act like a real Republican. It is tough for him when his wife is a rabid Democrat - remember Carolyn Hall? He needs to realize this is HIS career now, not hers.

  7. gee maybe they should just get things done instead of taking sides. NSINO

    Not stupid in name only

  8. Cannon, Matt Holloway and Hall are the ones to watch. It will be a test of them and what they are made of. Cannon and Matt have higher aspirations. You think with Maryland being Republican now, they would support their party. However, the liberals have their hooks into them. We'll be watching...

  9. This will tell the voters if the elected are listening!

    The voice is only a small part - the action tells all!

  10. I have never, never considered Gail Barkovitch to be anything but conservative to the core. Just because a person doesn't always agree with you does not make them a RINO or a DINO or any other kind of stupid name. Maybe they are just doing what they believe is best for our community whether you like it or not. There are none here at the moment but the people I have seen on here that keep threatening Culver to stay conservative or suffer their wrath are really laughable.

  11. I agree with the first poster, it's time to get rid of Sharon Morris and Wayne Strausburg. They are a hold over cancer and you can bet Sharon is telling the BOE/West Salisbury Democrats everything Bob is doing. Get rid of both of them now. Sharon has been there long enough that she can retire and Wayne should never have gotten in that position.

  12. Be sure to watch live on PAC 14 if you can't attend this meeting and stand up for the taxpayers.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer need two more votes. I am hoping Dodd will be smart enough to vote with them and that Hall will see the error of his ways and act like a real Republican. It is tough for him when his wife is a rabid Democrat - remember Carolyn Hall? He needs to realize this is HIS career now, not hers.

    March 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM

    Dodd is smarter than you give him credit for. The ones to watch out for are John Hall and Matt Holloway. After all Matt Holloway was the President of the council when he had the County Council reconvene in a special meeting to vote on the new BMS.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Cannon, Matt Holloway and Hall are the ones to watch. It will be a test of them and what they are made of. Cannon and Matt have higher aspirations. You think with Maryland being Republican now, they would support their party. However, the liberals have their hooks into them. We'll be watching...

    March 2, 2015 at 1:19 PM

    I agree with you. They are using the county council as a stepping stone to get elected to something higher. Cannon shouldn't have been elected as President, but someone wasn't using their heads when this happened.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I have never, never considered Gail Barkovitch to be anything but conservative to the core. Just because a person doesn't always agree with you does not make them a RINO or a DINO or any other kind of stupid name. Maybe they are just doing what they believe is best for our community whether you like it or not. There are none here at the moment but the people I have seen on here that keep threatening Culver to stay conservative or suffer their wrath are really laughable.

    March 2, 2015 at 1:49 PM

    You are wrong here. I would say she was conservative, but not to the core. She did support Bob Culver during the election so that was a good thing.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer need two more votes. I am hoping Dodd will be smart enough to vote with them and that Hall will see the error of his ways and act like a real Republican. It is tough for him when his wife is a rabid Democrat - remember Carolyn Hall? He needs to realize this is HIS career now, not hers.

    March 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM

    Why don't you call Dodd and talk to him about it. That's what this is all about. Our council members represent us the people, not the BOE of the Libs.

  17. Actions speak louder than words. IT IS THE ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL WE WILL BE WATCHING. The PEOPLE voted for 6 of these council people because they had an "R" next to their name. ARE THEY MEN OF PRINICPLE OR SELL OUTS TO THE VOTERS??!!

  18. Watch the meeting? Attend the meeing? The tax payers are working for a living! I am sick and tired of the leach class that live off of the sweat that I produce in the form of tax dollars constantly going to these things and acting as paid lobbyists for local government, did the voters at large kick out the progressives or not? ..now guess what? The five minutes I'm taking for lunch is over, some of us have to get back to work

  19. Voted for Bob! He let me down allowing the past councils criminal behavior to continue with the FOP!

  20. 1:49 Are council people elected to vote for what they as an individual think is right or for WHAT THEIR CONSTITUENTS THINK IS RIGHT? I believe council members REPRESENT the people. As we know, the MAJORITY of voters in Wicomico County VOTED FOR CHANGE. If the council continues the policies of Pollitt/BOE/&Company they are not respecting or honoring the WILL OF THE PEOPLE FOR CHANGE. These votes tomorrow are not about each council member, but the desire of the District they represent. Time will tell how many make the vote about their personal agenda.

  21. Well I certainly hope they do their job for a change and do what taxpayers want and that is the right thing. Remember we are the ones who voted for you. Cannon and Hall, are you reading and listening? Thank you Bob Culver for all you do and for standing up for the taxpayers who voted for you.

  22. 2:12 understand what you mean, but watching at home will only inform the viewer and does nothing to "stand up for the taxpayers". If you can't attend the meeting, contact not only your council member, but all of them to let them know how you feel. KEEP PRESSURE ON THE RINOS TO DO THE RIGHT THING.

  23. The biggest problem I see is that the BOE and their crazy followers, the Dunnettes and the Bassetthounds are all more vocal than the conservative crowd. Weak council members like Cannon, Hall and M Holloway will use that as an excuse to vote for the old spend, spend, spend ways rather than true Republican values. They will say they heard more from that crowd - in other words, they will allow themselves to be intimidated by a loud mob rather than use thoughtful reasoning.

  24. 2:27 think you are being unfair on that one. If you want to be upset about something, look into the benefit package the county employees get. How much they contribute to their medical insurance not just for them but for their dependents. Supposedly the most generous package among all the counties including Montgomery and Howard. The County is drowning in health care costs when all other employers have passed more on to the employee. Fat benefits and they whine for more pay. I'd rather give them higher salaries and not be on the hook for medical insurance to the tune of 12-16K per employee per year. It's nuts! Thank your Democratic friends for that.

    1. Thanks. I wasn't aware. I will do some looking and see. Trust I will make a stink if need be. The FOP deal is raw. A simple re-vote to clear it up is all that's asked. If the FOP feels so strongly that the community is behind them in this , why note re-vote to prove so? The past council was corrupted. That is known. Yet the FOP claims they never once asked for this. Makes no sense. Never did a municipality give more money ,benefits or anything else to employees for no reason. And there are to many gray areas that leave us vulnerable to have to pay for health problems instead of on the job injuries. If the ballot didn't hide this matter in with another it would have never passed.

  25. Strasburg and Morris are both back-stabbing, poop-stirring holdovers from the previous administration. They are not helping Culver to try to rein in spending. Both need to be FIRED. They do their own thing without regard for who they answer to...they need to go NOW!!

  26. If the Council doesn't vote for the people Culver wants to appoint as Department Heads, then we will know that there is a conspiracy within the county government trying to cause him to fail. He should be able to build his "team" with people who support a conservative view of government. These votes will reveal a lot about the Council. Cannon is overreaching in many ways. It was a terrible mistake to make King John the council president.

  27. 2:37 Hilarious - the Dunnettes and the Bassetthounds. Now that's funny and I don't care who you are.

  28. 2:31 said,"1:49 Are council people elected to vote for what they as an individual think is right or for WHAT THEIR CONSTITUENTS THINK IS RIGHT? I believe council members REPRESENT the people. As we know, the MAJORITY of voters in Wicomico County VOTED FOR CHANGE

    People who voted for Obama voted for change too. How did that work out for you? The people we vote to represent us have more than one voter, not Just you, vote for them. Everybody may have voted for change but the idea of what that change should be is not always identical for each person who voted for it

    Prime example: 2:27 said, "Voted for Bob! He let me down allowing the past councils criminal behavior to continue with the FOP!" He let me down too but obviously some of his supporters must like what he did.I have seen few complaints.

    1. Its the only time he has let me down. Bob keep up your spring cleaning!

  29. Anon 2:49 Details and specifics please. Who are they backstabbing, details!

  30. 3:12 if you think either of them voted for Culver or are promoting his agenda, you're nuts. Ask anyone who works in the GOB about their ways, who they hang with, who they question and how they undermine their boss every chance they get. It is no secret. They aren't nearly as slick as they think they are. They trust the wrong people too. Their actions are the talk of the building. They are fools if they think they are fooling Culver. The clock is ticking....

  31. 3:05 I think it is quite clear that people voted for less spending and no more taxes. You are right they have more voters than me. Why then did 6 Republicans win? I think because the MAJORITY of voters were fed up - including some Democrats. Please find one voter who wants more tax and more spending.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Actions speak louder than words. IT IS THE ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL WE WILL BE WATCHING. The PEOPLE voted for 6 of these council people because they had an "R" next to their name. ARE THEY MEN OF PRINICPLE OR SELL OUTS TO THE VOTERS??!!

    March 2, 2015 at 2:21 PM

    You are ALL that is wrong with politics today. Voting for someone because of a letter next to their name? Are you that easily manipulated? Start paying attention, it's not like any of these names are surprises when it comes to misleading voters on their platforms. Most of what was voted in was "the lesser of two evils". But, voting just because of their party is lazy and disrespectful to the United States of America.

  33. Please don't give the decent breed bassetthounds a bad name by using Greg's name in the same sentence. Other than the affront to dogs, I enjoyed the laugh!

  34. 4:11 Wow - you are an ugly person! I was well aware of the pluses and minuses of all candidates. I DID my homework. I am just making the statement that one would like to believe that if someone claims to be part of a particular party, then they believe in at least some of that party's principles. Republicans are not known for big government, excessive taxes and regulations, etc.

    You are right - several council members were elected because they were the lesser of the evils available. With that said, why not run as independents if you don't support or follow the basic tenets of the party you claim to be a part of?

    Someone who writes in such an snide manner like you is what is wrong with our society today. Discourse is uncivil and hateful thanks to people like you.

  35. I see John Terrell will be announced at the meeting as the new Recreation and Parks director. Hopefully he will toss all the MACKESNOMICS policies and management he had in line under him out in the old mall parking lot were it belongs.

  36. Can't wait to see if Liarton, Fake Day and Donut-hole Dunn are among the whiners.

  37. 5:46 --

    Will this be lights out for Pam Oland at the Civic Center.

  38. Terrell will bring light into the darkness that was the Mackes empire. If you think employees haven't complained about poor treatment by Mackes, you don't know much. How many times did HR have to deal with messes he created by his bad temper and inappropriate behavior? His chosen lieutenants will never get ahead by showing the same arrogance he did. Your co-workers have let it be known who and what you are.

  39. 6.28..
    We can only hope!

    I miss Dawn Adams. She was such a nice and low key 1st class lady.

    Maybe John Terrell can talk her in to coming back. As far as oland theres a circus there this weekend. I am sure she can join and direct it as good as anyone just ask her.

  40. Amazing that with 6 "Republicans" on council we have to discuss whether they'll show their "liberal" side. Sad state of affairs in Wicomico County.

  41. I am so sorry that I voted for John Cannon. I thought he had learned a lesson from his last run on the council. Sounds like he is worse than ever. Honestly though, the choices weren't that great.

  42. What has oland done? Not familiar with her? What makes her disliked?

  43. There is a very sick culture within the county government which some of the council members are a part of and want kept quiet. Taxpayers should be asking questions about the council's support staff and all their special privileges. Other employees should file discrimination suits for the special deals the council allows for their staff. No work Mondays, frequent "working from home" - yeah right!, and even worse on taxpayers dime. There are no secrets in that building. People know what is going on. Supposedly not all council members agree with it, but Cannon and Creamer do and they are calling the shots.

    Labor Relations Board, Ethics Commission - someone who knows right from wrong needs to be made aware of the discriminatory practices promoted by the council for the benefit of their staff. Taxpayers - they are wasting your money. They need to get their own house in order before they even consider going after Culver.

  44. In my opinion, they need to give Culver a chance to flesh out his ideas. At least he is trying to live up to his promises to the people. What is the Council doing to prove their worth?

  45. Marc Kilmer is the most polite, thoughtful person on the Council. He doesn't talk just to talk like some of them do. I think he should be the Council President. He seems more even-handed than Cannon.

  46. I heard Cannon campaigned among the council members asking them to vote for him for president. He got one over on them, but they can also vote him out. Wish they would sooner rather than later.

  47. Here is why this Dem supports Culver, at least in spirit because I'm up in Delaware now - common sense and openness.

    Bob never got hung up on being "an R," just like I don't get hung up on being "a D."

    Take Bob's response to that flaming idiot Mike Dunn who did such a good job for the public radio station at SU, it almost went away forever.

    Here's just one example. With his ideas for the old Bennett Middle, Bob is more pro-environment than the "it ain't pretty let's trash it" Democrats. I have always thought there was a sensible way to approach the environment so that everyone, especially the environment, wins.

    Nobody is ever going to score a 100% on votes for every single supporter. If you would easily desert a good person over one issue, you got a problem.

    Show up and support the good guys. Call them, express yourself and don't threaten. If you don't show up and support the good guys, you will lose them. Joe lost the election. Debbie Campbell, too. Blame vote rigging all you want, but I didn't see letters to the editor supporting her in her time of need or butts in the chairs at the council meeting except Liarton's and Dunn's minions.

    I'm saying "you" instead of "we." I've been as guilty as anyone. But being up where I am now, I don't count any more. I've learned my lesson, so next candidate or official I really like, I will make time to help.

  48. Support Culver. Show up at meeting and/or call, email your councilman.

  49. Where is the Republican Central Committee? Aren't they talking to these supposed Republicans? If they can't vote for the majority, then the Republicans should make sure they get no money next election and find other candidates to run against them in primaries.

  50. I hope Hogan is made aware of every turncoat Republican on our council so that none of their "buddies" get appointed to anything, especially them. Disloyalty is a sign of poor character. Unbelievable that Owemalley is finally gone and some of our council members are stuck in the Owepollitt past.

  51. From what I've observed, it seems to me that Culver needs to communicate better. He doesn't seem to explain himself unless he gets attacked. Don't get me wrong, he does it very well when he finally puts something out there. However, I think he would be better off explaining why he is doing something right from the start so he isn't always digging himself out of a hole. It must get exhausting having to put out fires that didn't need to get started in the first place. I like the guy, just offering a little advice.

  52. Anonymous said...
    2:27 think you are being unfair on that one. If you want to be upset about something, look into the benefit package the county employees get. How much they contribute to their medical insurance not just for them but for their dependents. Supposedly the most generous package among all the counties including Montgomery and Howard. The County is drowning in health care costs when all other employers have passed more on to the employee. Fat benefits and they whine for more pay. I'd rather give them higher salaries and not be on the hook for medical insurance to the tune of 12-16K per employee per year. It's nuts! Thank your Democratic friends for that.

    March 2, 2015 at 2:46 PM

    You start messing with employees health benefits and you will be ran out of office. We know who you are and there are a lot of employees that work for Wicomico County and they vote. Not only do they vote they have many friends and family that vote and those votes will tip the scales on your election.

    You would rather give higher salaries than than 12-16K per employee? How much to you want to raise their salaries? Five dollars? You cheap bastard people work for benefits and that is all that the county has to offer to keep good employees. Do you think people are stupid enough to fall for your double speak? You want to give the employees the $16K or more for their salaries? I didn't think so. You are trying to rape the county employees and you won't get anyone to work for the County. That will end up costing the County even more to keep hiring people over and over training new employees constantly. What an ass!

  53. Look out voters, Cannon is a real snake in the grass!!!
    John Terrell is a good man to replace that pompous a$$ Mackes, he will be fair to all , especially to his employees and will do good for Wicomico County. As far as Oland lookout she is in it to make a name for herself!!! Also time for John Terrell to get rid of Andy (do nothing) Wisk!!

  54. Anonymous said...
    Where is the Republican Central Committee? Aren't they talking to these supposed Republicans? If they can't vote for the majority, then the Republicans should make sure they get no money next election and find other candidates to run against them in primaries.

    March 2, 2015 at 8:35 PM

    You sound dumb. Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about. The Central Committee has no authority and no influence over the candidates.

  55. 9:08 don't know who you think I am, but I'm a private citizen who has done a little research. Tired of being taxed to death and looked to see where all the money goes. Your threats have no affect on me as I'm not an elected official and would never want to be one. You need to realize that the county cannot continue to support big benefits. It would come to a head even under your precious Pollitt. It is just a matter of time until Wicomico county catches up to what is going on in the rest of society with regard to health care. Open your eyes man, you are the one out of touch with reality.


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