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Saturday, February 06, 2010

New 'Bill Of Particulars' Cites Obama Failings

Citing American patriots such as Thomas Paine, James Madison, Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry, Judge Roy Moore lit a fire in the hearts of tea partiers tonight – inspiring four impassioned standing ovations with his reading of a "bill of particulars" against President Obama.

Moore, WND columnist, author of "So Help Me God" and candidate for governor in Alabama, began by quoting Thomas Paine as he made his case for independence from England:

"These are the times that try men's souls," he told a packed banquet room at the first national tea-party convention in Nashville.

"Once again we live in a trying time, not just trying to the souls of men and women, but the soul of our nation," he continued. "Once again, people across our country are rising up, tired of politics as usual, angry about the direction of our country."

The recent elections in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts send a strong message to the Democratic Party that Americans are weary of the direction in which the nation is headed, he said.

"I admit that often it is not easy to identify those responsible for these ills in our society, for they call themselves Democrats and Republicans," he continued. "They call themselves conservatives and liberals. They pose as Christians and non-Christians."

However, Moore said those responsible have a few things in common.

"They hate our country and our past," he said. "They have no regard for our beloved Constitution. They have a love of wealth and power more than of liberty and freedom."

He added that they have yet another thing in common: They don't quit.

"One of those who said he didn't quit is our current president, Barack Obama," Moore noted.

He then began to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence. But rather than addressing grievances to the king of Britain, Moore presented Obama with his own "bill of particulars":

He has ignored our history and our heritage, arrogantly declaring to the world that we are no longer a Christian nation. He's elevated immorality to a new level, setting aside the entire month of June last to celebrate Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender pride.

He now threatens to change our law, 10 U.S.C. Section 654, to allow homosexuality in our military in direct opposition to the law which says that the attempt to engage in homosexuality will create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.

He has apologized to the Arab world for our past, subjugated our national sovereignty by bowing down to the king of Saudi Arabia.

He has pursued a socialist agenda by taking control of private companies and pushing a national health-care plan with a public option. Backed by a willing Congress, he has bought off our senators and our representatives with our own money in an effort to mandate this agenda. And when opposed by members of the Senate, he smugly smiled and said, "I won."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judge Moore is a great patriot. I remember when he refused to take the 10 commandments out of the courthouse. We are a Christian nation. If we do what Judge Moore said in his speech we will leave a great nation for the next generations.