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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Climate Alarmism Dubbed Bigger Danger To Nation than Terrorism, Nuclear Weapons

"When it comes to your freedom in day-to-day life, environmentalists are the greatest threat to America now and America in the future."

That is the stern warning publisher and self-described libertarian Steve Milloy told a packed room at the first national tea-party convention in Nashville.

Milloy castigated both Republican and Democrat politicians for their global alarmism, saying those on the "right" have failed Americans because, "Republicans have been terrible when it comes to environmental issues," he said. "Don't even get me started about the nit-wit governor in California."

A resounding applause erupted from a crowd of 600 attendees.

He continued, "By contrast, there's the left. Although the left has think-tanks, they don't really need them. Their thinking was done for them by Karl Marx and hasn't changed much since. … The left rarely thinks; it usually just acts with reckless abandon."

Milloy called for the tea-party movement to become more engaged at every level of government in the battle against global-warming alarmism.

"Through global-warming alarmism and cap-and-trade regulation, the greens will use the force of government to tell us where we can work, where we can live, how many children we can have, how much energy we can use, how much water we can use, what sort of food we should eat, what the temperature of our homes can be, what sort of cars we can drive," he said. "In California, regulators are already deciding what color cars we can drive."

More from WND


Anonymous said...

Milroy would rather have us believe in his own brand of alarmism, by making unsubstantiated claims regarding "the greens". "The greens" are a vague and ambiguous straw man portrayed as some powerful entity with the ability to use the government to regulate (ruin) our lives and take away our choices and freedoms.

Sort of like the fantasy "death panels" of HCR. News flash- we already have "death panels". Insurance Companies tell you which Doctors you can or cannot see, which treatments you can or can't have,etc.
The basis for this argument is fear. Regulation & Government= bad, unregulated free market= good. The unregulated free market has brought us things like genetically modified crops("what sort of food we should eat"). You get the idea. "The greens" have no ability to force the Government to do anything. Many of these "choices" have already been made for us by extremely powerful corporations, via high paid lobbyists.
If you are part of the ever dwindling ranks of the middle class, these "choices" are shorthand for affordability. Where you work, were you live,how many children you can have,how much energy you can use,how much water we can use,what sort of food we should eat,what the temperature of our homes can be,what kind of cars we drive are already regulated by what we can or can't afford to purchase from the Corporations, whose only interest is their own profitability. Did we have a choice when our jobs were outsourced overseas? Did we have a choice when lead paint and contaminated drywall and tainted pet food poisoned our homes, children and pets? Do we have any choice, given astronomical energy costs, what temperature our homes can be?
What baffles me is that ordinary people rush to defend the "rights" of Corporate America,as their individual "choices" become more and more limited by affordability, or lack there of.
"The greens" and the Government are not nearly as much of a threat to our lifestyle as greedy unregulated Corporations, their lobbyists, and the politicians that aid and abet them.

Anonymous said...

seriously, drop your arms everyone, no one man is right, get ur s*** together or make this thee end for all