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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

YOU Decide

Two men, two tales. Click on these videos and then YOU decide.

Please let me know what you think.

God Bless America


Mardela said...

God Bless America

God will only come where he is asked. He will not force himself on you but come with open arms asking for your love and faith. We make the choice to accept or reject him, and the day we as a nation choose to reject him is the day we will cease to be. I hope and pray that we wake up and return to the creator that blessed us with this great land. Otherwise, we will fail and fall like every other great nation that ever existed. Don't think it can't or won't happen.

Anonymous said...


An oxymoron. Jesus Christ was a Jew. He abolished Judaism. He is the Son of God.

This did not "sit well" with the Jews of the day. Obviously, as we know the fate of Jesus Christ in the 1st Century.

Christianity is about Jesus Christ.

Judaism is not about Jesus Christ.

The two religions are diametrically opposed. They are not congruent.

I believe our Country is Jewish, but many people believe they serve Jesus Christ. We are primarily Jewish. Our loyalty to Israel is evidence of this fact. The number of Jewish Government Officials also make it evident. We are Israel - in essence. We await the Messiah to lead us into the promised land. Many people believe Barrack Obama is that Messiah.

He cannot admit we are Jews when he is speaking in Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Well spoken. You are referring to our Jewishness obviously, as you did not mention Jesus Christ.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt have a darn thing to do with God.

Anonymous said...

Obama is trying to be polite to his guests.

America is a Jewish State. We certainly tolerate Christianity and Islam. However, we sincerely believe we are the "city on the hill". We are destined to govern all the nations of the earth. We await our Messiah, however, I for one do not believe Obama is the One.

He pretends to be the Messiah. But we will know him when we see him. It is not Obama.

It was America who saved us from the Holocaust. It is America which has given us freedom and opportunity. We are just and fair.

God bless America.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure not one of our founding fathers would agree with obama.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget...religious freedom. God means different things to different religions. Judeo Christian isn't the keeper.

Two Sentz said...

You have to ask yourself why Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), the guy in the first video, would vote against a resolution recognizing that the United States Capital was built using slave labor. All the resolution wanted to do was place a sign acknowledging the role slaves played in the construction.

It passed 399-1.

King claims it was a frivolous resolution. Hmmm. But a resolution saying we acknowledge a certian faith and it's contributions, in a country founded on the right to worship as we choose, isn't frivolous? OK. But you won't acknowledge the people who built the very building in which you work because they were black? Classy.

Anonymous said...

Count me as firmly in the camp of those who believe our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principals.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz what a load of crap, it was worthless and time wasting. This has nothing to do with what Mr.King is talking about - this nation was formed for freedom of religion based on Christian values. What your President has stated is a lie from his own worthless mouth.He is so full of crap he doesn't even know the history of the country he is supposed to be running.I guess that's what you get when you have a President who wasn't even born in this country.The construction of the capital being done by slave labor is history of our forefathers which we can do nothing about.As far as recognizing them for that is fine but the next thing you know the families of the slaves (who have never been slaves themselves) think that we owe them something. Problem is that I have never owned nor has my family ever owned any slaves so I ask you why do you think I owe them anything?
Get back to the point about your president he is way off base with his statements and needs to be thrown out for them . Send him back to Kenya maybe they can use the turd there!

Anonymous said...

This post is about Religion. Not racism.

Only one religion is racist.

my two cents said...

"Otherwise, we will fail and fall like every other great nation that ever existed. Don't think it can't or won't happen."

No otherwise about it. Christianity or not, religion or not, our nation will eventually fall because it is based on free-market capitalism. When other nations (China) begin to drive the world economy, our standing will be diminished. It has nothing to do with Christianity.

chuck said...

The Treaty of Tripoli (1797), signed by President John Adams, and passed unanimously in the Senate explicitly states in Article 11:

"The United States is in not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion".

So, by virtue of our founding fathers, a valid United States treaty, and history itself, Obama is correct and King is wrong. We are a secular nation, with a secular government, and freedom for all to worship however they please.

Anonymous said...

2 sentz , the pyamids were built using slave labor , the great wall of china was built using slave labor , on and on , get over it.
Thousands of years ago , it was a part of culture for many nations and still is.Give a rest! The slave issue is not of any importance now. Get over it!

Anonymous said...

god help us.

Anonymous said...

The US is NOT based on Judeo Christianity. The guy can say what he wants. Most of the founding fathers were deists,which means they acknowledged a god but one that had little to do with the outcome of life on earth, I believe. I am however not a theologian so I may not be totally correct on the definition. One thing is for sure, the Christian right sees the word god and they immediately take it to mean their God which of course is not always the case. Of course, most Christians, especially the ones who frequent this board will immediately reject the historical fact for their own biased purposes.

Mardela said...

Just because we as a country allow people of all faiths to worship as they please, doesn't mean that we weren't founded as a judeo/christian country based on the values and ideals of those people. It is those beliefs that has formed our way of life, and it is the erroding of those beliefs and practices that will destroy us.

When our time as a nation comes to an end, it won't be because of some larger army destroying ours and taking us over, but it will be from the erroding of our morales, values and patriotic beliefs. We will fall from within, like a cancer eating us away. We'll be done as a nation before we even know we've been attacked.

This is America. People coming here need to assemilate to us, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

The Jewish Religion and the Christian Religion are totally separate.

What is wrong with stating that?

Do you not realize they are completely separate religions?

Mardela said...

They aren't "totally" seperate. The old testiment is the Jewish religion. The new testiment is the Christian religion. Jesus was born a Jewish person. To say that Christianity has nothing to do with the Jewish religion is fullish. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Jewish people believe the Messiah hasn't come yet. Jesus abolished some of the Jewish laws, but not all of them.

Anonymous said...

Jduism and Christianity shared the same base of beliefs as does Islam

Anonymous said...

He gave us a new law: To love your neighbor as yourself.

Dropping bombs on residential communities does not qualify as loving your neighbor as yourself. You wouldn't intentionally bomb your own home.

Jesus Christ abolished Judaism. It had become an abomination. They were committing usury in the Temple. They are still committing usury and are the curse of our Nation.

The Messiah they await will conquer all the nations of the earth. Got it? Not friendly.

Anonymous said...

We will fall as a nation because our schools turn out people who spell like Mardela.

If the U.S was founded on Judeo-Christian values, then why does it not say so in the Constitution? Why bother having a Constitution at all? Jefferson and Madison would cringe at the ignorance on display here.

Anonymous said...

Come on, the Founders were Masons. They accept all religions in the beginning. As you grow and progress through the levels, you learn there is only one religion.

It is not Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Long live the Templars.

chuck said...

Yes. Long live the Templars. :)

Anonymous said...

The end is near!

Chimera said...

Some Christian religions frown upon memberships into "secret societies" like Freemasonry.
And contrary to what has been suggested,not all Jews in America are rich-not even close.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between race and religion. The Ashkenazi Jews of Europe had no known blood relation to the Jews of the Bible. Many non-Jewish bloodlines are involved in Freemasonry. The agenda however is Talmudic Messianic Destiny. They believe they are elite and are destined to rule over all the nations. This is called Zionism.