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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Did Nano-Thermite Take Down The WTC????

Could the most audacious terrorist attack in history be a “sophisticated masterpiece of demolition”?


Anonymous said...

What? Why haven't we heard this information before? Now I find out there was a 3rd building which fell later in the day? And it was never hit by a plane?

This reminds me of the local news reports in Oklahoma City after the Murray Building was bombed. They reported of bombs being taken out of the building - after the first bomb went off. In other words, someone had planted bombs inside the building and not just in the Ryder truck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh my god! 9:24 what planet have you been hiding on, not to have known there was a 3rd building (wtc # 7) that went down late in the day of 9/11?

Anonymous said...

Those towers did fall straight down. You would think they might topple over and fall into the street or something. The area below the impact zone was totally unaffected. It should have supported the buildings.

Anonymous said...

Break out the aluminum foil cone hats.

Two Sentz said...

10:31, what architecture/structural engineering company do you work for?

mrtv said...

Interesting to say the least.

Anonymous said...

You are not taking into consideration the bombs which went off in the basement of both towers. The lower section was not unaffected. It had been badly damaged by these bombs. It was the talk of the day - at the time. Even reported by the media, but only on the day in question.

Two Sentz
You also miss the point of the comment. You don't have to be an architect to assume the bottom sections of the buildings would support the damaged upper portions. If you do not know about the bombs you would in fact assume the bottom section would have remained in tact. The planes added little weight in the scheme of things. If it weren't for the bombs in the basement, why wouldn't the bottom portion remain in tact? tell us Two Sentz, we want to know your thinking.

Anonymous said...

It isn't going to do any good to keep trying to explain what happened. The Gov said it wasn't demo and thats the way it will be. Even if it can be proven it still wouldnt do any good. Just like when they discover Obama isn't a U S citizen, it wont matter because the Gov wants a black man in office. Obama could put on one white glove, dance around with high waters and sleep with kids, it still wouldnt matter. Hes black, he president and thats the way it will be. The Gov knows whats best for us little worker bees.

Anonymous said...

We on back on this crap again?
The planes hit it and it fell down.
Who shot Kennedy? Man, give a rest.

Anonymous said...

not again please.

Anonymous said...

10:13 Its called gravity.
Is metal a conductor for heat? Yes. What happens when metal gets really, really, REALLY hot? I mean like so freakin' hot it weakens and/or melts?
Come on people...think about it. Its not a conspiracy nor a sci-fi movie.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:22, your nuts! If you actually believe heat brought down all three buildings, you're nuts.

Anonymous said...

Monsters did it

Anonymous said...

The scientists for 911 Truth Movement have clearly documented the falacy of the heat theory. Jet fuel does not reach the temperature required to weaken reinforced steel. The building were designed to handle the fire. They came down way too fast - near free-fall speed (no resistance). Building #7 wasn't even hit by a plane and had small office fires in the hours prior to collapse. There was no investigation by the police. This was a crime, treated as an act of war. If an investigation had been done the evicdence of explosives would have been overwhelmin. When you watch the towers fall now, given the separation of time and emotion, you will clearly conclude the buildings came down exactly in the manner of a controlled demolition.

This is not silliness folks. If 911 was an inside job the implications are enormous. Do some research. Wake yourself from your slumber. Things are happening very fast now. There is a criminal element in control of our media and governmetn.

Anonymous said...

Joe please tell me you are not one of these nuts that believe the towers did not fall from damage inflicted by the planes.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:59,

Please tell me you're not STUPID enough to believe that two planes took down the Trade Centers.

Americans have become so passive, they'll believe anything.

I'll simply say this. Years before the buildings collapsed there was a bombing in the basement that caused enough structural damage, 60% of ONE building was unoccupied. This was caused because they did not feel the building could not structurally handle the weight.

How was the owner of the building supposed to survive with a loss of 60% of their renters? Have you ever been in those buildings? I have, man, many times. My Aunt used to work for Port Authority and I visited her there often. Those buildings sway like you wouldn't believe and on many days she went home because the winds were so strong, many people inside became sick, similar to motion sickness.

Anyhow, who was paying for the damage from the terrorists. Well the Insurance Company said it was terrorism and they weren't covering ot. The Government said they weren't covering it. So here we had structures just sitting there, one of them almost worthless. The City wasn't getting their fair share of taxes, (or maybe they were) however, it's one thing to construct such buildings. No one ever considered how to take them down. Why do you think terrorists chose such buildings to attack. Not once, but twice. You've seen the taped of Bin Ladin stating he would go after the Twin Towers.

Do you think our government didn't know about this. My guess would be, they most certasinly did and my additional guess would be that they did NOTHING to stop it. So that should answer your question that there's no doubt terrorists were involved. There was motive to allow it to happen, especially with Daddy Bush wanting to return to Iraq and finish what he had started.

By the way, do YOU believe our Government didn't know about Pearl Harbor before it too was hit? Did you also know that the Pentagon was under construction when an alleged plane also hit it. Did you know that the plane just happened to allegedly hit the exact area of the entire Pentagon that was getting ready to be rebuilt too? Nah, you wouldn't know that because our government would never release that kind of information. However, I had someone inside the Pentagon who had been there 36 years. That section was ALSO the least occupied area of that entire (largest building in the world) building.

So dopn't try blowing smoke up my rear end with this plane fuel getting so hot it melted the steel crap. It's bullsh!t. Our government knew everything that happened that day well in advance, no question about it.

There are many things I happen to know about our Government 99.9% of you don't know. I can simply say that I had an Uncle who worked for the Officer of the Secretary of Defense for almost years. Many of you like to call people like me, "come here's" but let mer assure you, what I bring to this area is a wealth of knowledge many people from where I come from would call you hicks. You're NOT privy to the kinds of information some of us have been exposed to so it would be very understandable to disbelieve what others know our government is perfectly capable of.

Now I know others will rag on me for making such statements, that's cool. However, I do know more about this kind of stuff than 99% of you and I expect you wouldn't believe me, that's your right.

I lost a Cousin in one of those buildings, as many of you know. However, I am not bitter, I understand and I accept that loss. What pisses me off more than anything are the people that bought all the BS that came along with it. Remember Bush sitting in the classroom being told we were under attack and he just sat there and waited and even went so far as started reading to the children. Yeah, he knew exactly what was going on.

Anyhow, it is what it is. I bet you believe the new Fire Palace in Salisbury really cost $14,000,000.00 to build too, right?

bob kight said...

Wow Joe, what size tin-foil cap do you wear?

The planes took out most of the supports upon impact. The rest, already damaged, gave out from the heat of the fire. When the 20 or stories fell from the top it pancaked the rest. I watched it happen. I'm no fan of the government, but give me a break.

Chimera said...

I still don't understand why #7 collapsed,it was not hit.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Building 7 fell for no good reason at all. Investigate what was in building 7. Interesting. Also interesting, the fact that one of the towers was a Federal Reserve Bank. There is over $300 million gold reserves missing. In the intense heat, the gold may melt, but as we all know there is no reason for it to not be there at all! It is a natural element. Where's the gold?

Anonymous said...