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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Joe Albero & SFD Go At It Again

In response to your responses:
- Your assumption is that if firefighters agree with our leadership, we are "kissing their a$$". False. Most of us just agree with most of their decisions and appreciate the direction and progress the department is taking. Also, we have no trouble telling them when we feel otherwise, and know that the right thing to do is either carry follow those decisions regardless or walk away from the organization, not take shots in this forum.

So are you telling me ALL of you agree with the $10,000,000.00 Fire Palace expense? The $860,000.00 Fire Boat? Gifting Salisbury & Wicomico County equipment for FREE to other Counties and I'm talking about a LOT of equipment too, not just chump change and old stuff? Clearly on Monday night the SFD and its representatives verbally attacked and threatened a City Taxpayer who disagreed with the Administration. So is this what we're to expect down the road any time anyone challenges you? Is it all the Blogs fault, like you claim. Remember, I wasn't even there that night and had absolutely nothing to do with it. The Mayor and Council act like the Citizens need to be watched and must have a City Police Officer there because of their fear, yet it's the Administrative people who have PROVEN to attack the Citizens and NOT the other way around.

- There IS a restriction on accessing this blog from the department computers, a practice that has as much to do with keeping personnel productive as it does with preventing them for participating in your chat sessions. There is no restriction on what we do on our own time and our own computers. Further, any members who post departmental attacks on this forum would have more to worry about from the majority of fellow firefighters who remain loyal to the organization than from its administration. It continues to amaze most of us how none of these charges or complaints will be made in the light of day, such as at volunteer corporation meetings, or where someone with knowledge of the situation is present, where they can be addressed.

Is there such a rule on visiting the Daily Times and their comments? Is there such a rule on the Watch Desk? Come on now, who are you trying to fool here? The TRUTH is, See & Gordy want to try their best from any of you seeing the TRUTH.

- I stand by the term "disgruntled members", though you and I will never agree on their relative number, as they typically show their colors only in this forum, with no way to verify their identity or affiliation.

You, Sir, do NOT understand what disgruntled means. IF someone was disgruntled they would be terminated. Fed up, yes. Disgruntled, absolutely not. See & Gordy would fit more the definition of disgruntled than any employee at the SFD, seriously.

- Reputations - Gordy, See and Hoppes should be rightfully proud of what they have accomplished on behalf of the citizens of Salisbury and the SFD. This blog's practice of targeting the personal lives of those with whom it disagrees is inappropriate, to say the least, and debating such opinions would only fuel its foulest nature.

Inappropriate? These people are "public officials" and if they can't take the heat, stay at home with your wives and don't go to work any more. When you apply for a job, they check your credit scores and do a background check. Do you think most of these people would be hired today based on their ratings and background? I think now. Means a lot to me when someone wants to LEAD.

- "Our leaders are not idiots or crooks" - you and some of your readers levy repeated accusations and hints of impropriety, often repeating the same charges every few months, but never seem to provide substantive evidence. Repeating the same off-the-cuff, out-of-context quotes of your enemies is your weakest tool. If somebody did wrong, bring the evidence to the police. If you still got nothing, I guess you can always just keep talking.

Are you trying to get me to say something I'm simply too smart to do, because I won't. Believe me, I have gone to the Police with the equipment issue and we are demanding an investigation. I'm one voice for many.

- The fireboat. You admitted to receiving an answer to your question about how many homes along the river have access problems, apparently just not as specific as you needed. Speaking only for myself, as a member of the SFD, the fireboat issue is a lot bigger deal for you in cyberspace than those of us staffing the land-based apparatus. Our leaders want to get a grant to buy something they think would benefit the city, and many of you disagree. Have at it. If and when they come to us for support, they will provide a rationale and explanation for the vessel. In the meantime, try to keep in mind most of us dislike watching you beat on our fellow firefighters, whether they are wearing a white shirt or a blue one.

The rich keep getting everything they want, that's all there is to it. The numbers don't call for a $860,000.00 Fire Boat. We have ALL seen what you guys have done to the old one and many question if you didn't let it sink TWICE in one week simply to preach that you need a new one. Others have questions if you blow engines to get new equipment as well. I disagree with the blown engine theory but sinking the boat, yeah, I think that was done on purpose, I'll be bold enough to admit that.

- The facts that I was referring to had to do with the pile of other mis-statements made on this blog, such as those regarding the new tower: most of us can't drive it; it won't fit down 40% of the streets; Salisbury doesn't need such an apparatus; it's too heavy; it's too big; it cost too much; we didn't need new tools to go with it; we're wasting fuel when we are doing driver training; we're running red lights; and so many more. If you truly want to debate someone about these opinions, come to Station 16 and ask away. Someone there will provide your answers, or find someone else who can.

Let's get something perfectly clear. Yes, there are some comments that are wrong about what you have stated above. However, I have not! You need to stop comparing comments to my Posts, that's unfair. I just want to make that point clear as you seem to be becoming quite the blogger. Red lights, oh yes you did and there are photos and witnesses to prove that. These things happen. I have a very large Motor Coach and I understand what it's like to stop that puppy on quick notice.

Joe, you are very clear that this blog represents your opinion, and those of posters, and I respect that, and know that reasonable persons disagree. Let's just try to remain reasonable in our discourse, and realize that the more outrageous comments and charges posted might draw more readers, but serves no purpose in truly resolving differences..

While I appreciate that thought, use your real name and I'll show you more respect than you'll ever know. Until them, you're nobody. You're a guy/gal sitting behind a computer spitting out thoughts with absolutely no credibility whatsoever. Sorry, it's true.


Anonymous said...

Now that is the JOE we appreciate for his caring.

Anonymous said...

The fire boat issue: You forgot that it was already put into the budget, or proposed budget. If it's not needed, then it never should have come up. If it is needed, there should have been sound reasoning and statistics behind the request.

joealbero said...

anonymous 5:38,

Come on now, that's BS. The SFD coned the Council into that budget item and said if they didn't need it they'd pull it from being requested.

This is exactly why Comegys will not get the votes he needs to become Mayor. I clearly recall Debbie & Terry shooting it down because they said, once you allow this, you'll come back when the time comes and say, we can't get a reputation for saying we'll do one thing and then not do it.

Especially at $860,000.00!

Anonymous said...

From reading what SFD has to say, sounds to me like SFD is a cult. We know who the leaders are.

Or is it that these men and women are loyal to the leadership and their decisions because no one else wants anything to do with the decision making.

Everyone already knows what happens if someone from there does decide to speak their mind. Suddenly a well liked person is known as troublemaker. Which one is it?

Anonymous said...

ok lets see what world are you living in dude!!!! we cant get on the blog at the fire house why agian? Because we will be more produtive lol ok so that's why we sit around surf the web and play card games right? and if we were so productive they would not have had to block the site right? And as far as thinking See and the leadership has done great things and most of us agree with them WRONG!!!!!!!!! maybe you and a select few butt kissers looking for that white hat or if your not already there.And you dont think we would get fired for not following what the masters say? dude you better thing about the list of ppl already been forced out of SFD.because they did not or would not agree with See. and if you dont remember your beloved leader even ran the super nice very loyal Rev.Dixion away. So i sure hope you wake up soon or stop smokeing that stuff! your brain is in your butt! Will the next chief be the hero and put things back to the way the should be? Do away with all the useless postion created to look like we are understaffed! put this people back on the engines, put the assist. Chiefs back in the right front seat were they belong, and that would be a great start for aleast frist two days on the job!

Anonymous said...

If this person from SFD is so up the chains rearend why not show your name? I would but now that I've seen how you verbally attack taxpayers I'll refrain from using my own. Afterall, there sure are lots more of you than there is of me. Yes, I don't trust any of you now.

Anonymous said...


Joe did you hear that by order of John Pick we are not allowed to talk to the council or canidaties about any issues or we will be repermanded. Look into it came out this morning!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, did you see that Barrie held a news conference today and blamed bloggers for scare tactics? Guess she didn't see SFD the other night.

Anonymous said...

Does this individual now what a budget is and how to prepare one responsibly with fisical prudence. It appears not, since their comments are not fisically responsible, since they put a lot of faith in leadership on excessive and irresponsible spending. This is Tax Payers money they are spending / wasting. You only follow because you lack the confidence in yourself. Questioning leadership should not be punishment but open up logical discussions for need instead of desires. It appears to me one of the so called leaders wrote this post or had someone else to send it in, to grammer correct. Anyone using common sense can figure this out. That is why they don't sign their name.

Anonymous said...

On Monday night the firemen there said my husband lied when he said the firehouse cost the tax payers 10million dollars. Then Mr Records said to me, " the trouble is that you are getting your information from the blogs, well today I faxed a letter to them from the Mayor's office where Mrs Chambers wrote to us a break down of the cost and it was close to 10million, so who is lying to mayor or the firemen. If anyone would like a copy feel free to contact me.

Wanda Disharoon

joealbero said...

Wanda, I don't care what they tell you, that Fire Department cost more than $14,000,000.00. There's a ton of hidden costs, including the cost of the land, the City doesn't include. Engineering, it goes on and on.

The building is already falling apart. The cracks in the floor on the second floor would blow your mind. Holes in the concrete the size of a softball.

The Firemen have been trained to keep their mouths shut and not ask a lot of questions. We, on the other hand, have done far more homework on their business, (finance wise) and the City refuses to answer questions properly. Look at my last line of questions. I was extremely specific and detailed and guess what, they simpley refused to answer my questions.

When I called Debbie Campbell to ask if she had seen the rep[ly she said, OH YEAH, I was it. I said, they didn't answer ANY of my questions. She replied, I KNOW.

It's time for a change, period. Like I said, if the taxpayers refuse to step up to the plate and make a difference, wait till this Blog goes away and everyone starts reaching out for support and answers, more iportantly, the truth! It won't be there any more.

Remember Folks, many of you may be too young for this but there are entire major towns across America that became "GHOST TOWNS. Businesses moved away, the local economy was shot and eventually they completely shut down and even abandoned the entire town. Salisbury would be one of the first to fall into that catagory. Like I said 2 years ago, move to Delmar, DE. where life is good. Sooner or later the extremely stupid business people locally will think, guess what, if we relocated a Mall to Delmar, THERE'S NO SALES TAX!!!!!!! Salisbury will be the next Ghost Town, you wait and see. Somebody better do something fast because the Downtown area is seriously closing down fast! Two of the biggest retailers in Downtown Salisbury are closing their doors, you just don't know about it yet. I'll post something about it tomorrow.

So Firefighters, with all due respect, you don't know jack about the finances within your own company, as you shouldn't. You job is NOT about knowing such details. That's why you're supposed to rely on certain people, certain responsible people who have a background in managing funds. You know, like a spoiled brat who gets everything from Mommy & Daddy and the other one who goes bankrupt. You've got the perfect mix, exactly how the Mayor likes it.

But we're supposed to believe these two guys are the answer? NOT! I don't hate either man. I just think they SUCK at what they do and I have every right to my opinion. The problem here is, I'm right and they're wrong. Don't think so Gordy? Well, then where's all the equipment that was GIVEN away to Fire Departments outside of the County? You people SUCK UP and try to ACT like BIG SHOTS with taxpayer equipment and try to influence others into believing you're special because you can do what you do and no one challenges you. Guess what, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!

Anonymous said...

Bryan records for fire chief! And this sh*t will go away. Hey hoppes, two words "bye, bye".

Anonymous said...

there is NO NEED FOR A FIRE BOAT. ANy structure on the river can be attacked from the land and if your talking about the new condo's off of riverside drive needing the fire boat your nice new ladder truck should be plenty enough to reach from one side of the river to the other, at least it can use the spray nozzle while your firefighters do an interior attack. People its salisbury not new york where a fire boat is needed. also i would love to know how many times the old fire boat was used to put out fires on land. this number would justify the need of a new boat if one is needed at all.

Anonymous said...

Barrie on t.v. tonight lol now that.s the kiddle calling the pot black. Who use;s the scare tactics mayor? See? all no It's you Joe! lol right.Trust me Joe i know what happens when you stand up to the mayor and fire leadership. And if not for my family indoring more hardship i could give enough information about things that this mayor's office and fire leadership have done to me that would blow your mind, because i would not go along with their views or way of doing things. Joe iam sure after the threat's that you have had in the past you can understand were i am coming from by not signing my name to my post. Personaly i dont care and can take care of my self. But my wife and kids safety are my first thought and concern here.But just want Mare, Troll,Gordo to know its so nice to see you getting just what you deserve finally. Just so sadden to see the sfd being drug through the mud with these people for their actions!! at one time sfd was a fire dept that was proud of who we were and we had a lot of respect among other depts. now its the laughing stock of the eastren shore. There are a lot of good people in sfd , so please dont blame the whole fire service at sfd for action's of a few. I do hope that the next chief can turn things around and make this a proud and respected dept agian.

Anonymous said...

While I appreciate that thought, use your real name and I'll show you more respect than you'll ever know. Until them, you're nobody. You're a guy/gal sitting behind a computer spitting out thoughts with absolutely no credibility whatsoever. Sorry, it's true.

This last comment of yours truly struck a note with me. I realized that I have no more right to credibility than the posters with whom I am arguing. While I care nothing of gaining your respect, given our obvious disagreements regarding who you have chosen to disrespect, my reluctance to continue this debate without anonymity is because your posters make it like trying to have a fair fight between two persons while the audience is allowed to throw rocks, bottles, and worse. I would find it too hard to block punches and flying missiles at the same time, though you apparently do not share that weakness. Further, it has become quite apparent that you and your following have pretty rigid beliefs and skepticisms that are resistant to my arguments. Therefore, I will be taking my own advice and leaving the blogging to you and yours, and limit my battles to the "real" world. (I also cannot believe how much time it takes reading and responding to postings. How can you manage to get anything else done?) Stop by the firehouse if you ever want to chat (it really is open to everyone, taxpayers or not).

Anonymous said...

I have known Richard Hoppes for a long time and this looks like his writing. He tries to emulate an intelligent person, but we all know it's all show.

One thing about it I have my doubts about Hoppes getting promoted to chief after the election. Bubba already has Gordo in mind and Ireton is way to intelligent to promote him.

Like 950pm said Bye, Bye!!! LMAO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

on the stupid fire boat issue.....
if my house was on the water and on fire im not sure i would want them spraying river water on could be a hazard to anyone in the area to breath the mist and steam from the river,if ya cant swim in it it surely can not be ok to breath it.

Anonymous said...

Joe , if you keep chipping at the rock , it will surely break. Good work! You do speak for many.

Anonymous said...

Cj, tell me why you want to use a mastersteam device (the tower) when you have firefighters on the inside making an attack? Are you asking for a line of duty death or injuries to the interior attack crew?

Anonymous said...

Adding to what C.J. asked, how many river rescues have been made on the wicomico river? check with other fire departments that have boats to see how many river rescues/boat fires they have responded to in the past one to five years. salisbury does not have a major harbor or port that it needs to protect with this type of boat. if the people of salisbury end up buying this boat, it will more likely become the chiefs (both fire and spd) personal party barge.

Anonymous said...

If one lives on the river and there is a concern about the fire apparatus getting to the home, my suggestion would be to beef up the driveway. Why should the taxpayers bear the burden for those very few? It is not like we are a waterfront mecca. Does the homeowner bear any responsiblity for making sure emergency vehicles can get to their property, or is that for the city constituents to support financially. I believe there is waterfront property in the county too. Bottom line--THERE IS NO SANE AND RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION FOR AN $800,000 OR EVEN A 100,000 FIRE BOAT FOR SALISBURY.

Anonymous said...

Glad they didn't use the fire-boat in the tony tank area yesterday. they could of sprayed fuel on a house fire. can you imagine !!!

Anonymous said...

I read this on another blog today, but it seem to fit what we have been talking about on your blog " A government which robs Peter to pay Paul, can always depend on the support of Paul. ( George Bernard Shaw )
W Disharoon

Anonymous said...

5:57... So, if you're house was on fire and the fire department was trying to save it, you would be audacious enough to be picky about the source of the water? Would you prefer they open a million Aquafina bottles and pour them on?

And to Joe's comments about Salisbury becoming a ghost town.. haha man this isn't Idaho or Wyoming where towns are 100 miles apart. Honestly you could board up every single building in the downtown plaza and NO ONE would even notice. Seriously, I don't think Kanpai sushi joint closing down (or whatever other businesses are actually left down there) is going to send dramatic ripples through the towns economy.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

You better hope its high tide when a fire starts on a river house or the boat wont even be able to get close enough to be any good.

Anonymous said...

a $860,000 turd cannon is not a good idea.........

Anonymous said...

Joe only 27 comments so far? I wonder if you have been blocked on the city computers?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
a $860,000 turd cannon is not a good idea.........

2:50 PM

ROTFLMAO, Be sure to name it after Bubba's First Lady, Bubba's Bovine Beauty!

Anonymous said...

Donations are great but volunteering your time and waving signs is just as important.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:55 and the first 11:52

DUDE!! PLEASE!! Go back to elementary school and learn our language!! Lord have mercy!! You ruin any remote point that you're trying to get across by showing everyone on here just how uneducated you truly are!! Your credibility is just...well...I cant even think of an adjective to describe it! It's impossible to come up with any one word that would begin to describe how silly your rantings become in your posts.


The second 11:52 makes a very good point regarding a statement you made about anonymous folks being "a nobody...with absolutely no credibility whatsoever"
That's 99% of your posters (including this one!!), which leads one to wonder about the credibility of this entire site!! Not trying to be "smart" towards you, but you must agree it is an ironic statement made by you, caught by a few of us.
Might make one "make" people put their names to their posts and see exactly who the "real men" (sorry ladies, no disrespect meant...figure of speech only) truly are. I'd do mine if they'd do theirs!!! roflmao!!! (as you so often put it)
Bet you wont print this comment. I TRULY don't mean to be disrespectful. On the contrary, I'm using that my God-given right (same as you) to "freedom of speech".

joealbero said...

anonymous 6:57,

Let's start with this. First of all, my name is on every Post I produce. Therefore the credibility starts with my name. While I agree, anyone using anonymous cannot be taken seriously, I think everyone can tell when someone is on top of what they say. Many cannot do so in fear of retaliation from this Administration and ost cannot afford the attorney fees.

Let's take the Mayor's State of the City Address from yesterday. The Mayor speaks of the $30,000.00 it cost the City in expenses because of one Blogger. OK, the Mayor cost ME $130,000.00 CASH just to fight for my Wife's rights when she was terminated from the Zoo. TheMayor and Chief have cost me another $30,000.00, (at least) in personal expenses for attorneys to fight off THEIR Lawsuits against me personally. I'd say my costs have far outweighed theirs in the end, so she needs to stop putting her foot in her mouth.

Nevertheless, IF I had remained anonymous and not stood up for my Wife, for myself and for all the Taxpayers, things would be much different in thie election as I believe the Mayor would still be running for Office again.

The bottom line is, my Wife and I stood up for the animals at the Zoo and it cost us dearly, financially. Most cannot afford such an expense and they respectfully remain anonymous. You may see things change quite a bit after the 7th of April.

Anonymous said...

Mr Albero,

I am not aware of the details dealing with you and your wife's battles over the zoo. I commend you for standing up for what you feel is right. That issue is owned by you and your wife and you get to deal with that as you see fit. I hope you got what you wanted out of it, and what your wife deserved if she was wronged.

All these other issues however, I cannot offer you any sympathy. Your continued attacks on the city heads like the two "Chiefies" are something you brought on yourself. Your legal bills are of your own doing and are your own fault. You often have allowed very demeaning comments on this site, and either you or your PTM'ers are to blame for such nasty and mean remarks as you approve their viewing.
You own this site and are subject to the fallout of whatever you either print directly or whatever you allow to be printed. When you speak of the city costing you money, I'm sorry, but I believe you cost yourself that money. If its so costly, you have a simple option that can keep that from recurring!
How some of the things stated on here, especially by you, dont constitute liable is beyond me and here I certainly have to give you kudos for taking responsibility for your own posts. You certainly put your name to posts. Cant fault you for that. BUT, you get to live with the results as well.
Freedom of speech is guaranteed under the Constitution, but not freedom from what you say. Thats to say that you say what you want, but live with what happens after.
No disrespect meant in any way, but if you cant take the heat, there are always other kitchens to enter.
Keep up the great work with the humane society.

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:23,

Did you see me counter sue the Mayor? NO! I man up to everythig I say and I agree with you 100%, I would deserve ANY punishment a jusge places upon me.

However, mind you, unlike everyone else, I have shown no fear from ALL of those who have challenged me and I have yet to lose a single challenge. Many seem to have forgotten that.

I do not ask for sympathy. I simply ask that when you look back at the Mayor's State of the City Addres, you see through her BS and recognize that she has gone after each and every person that disagrees with her. George Chevallier was her most recent victim. Rachel Polk comes to mind. Von Siggers, Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Linda Kent, it's always someone else's fault.

I read a comment on the Daily Times where they said it was the Bloggers fault for the Sludge Pit and several other problems the City has faced. They were being sarcastic of course but the reality is, this Mayor nor the Chief of Police can handle public critisism and they do not understand what freedom of speech means.

Many of the people mentioned above wereELECTED by YOU the citizens. Now, if they were Department Heads, Barrie could control them. However, since they're elected, she can't touch them so she verbally attacks them at every opportunity in the hopes of breaking them down.

Don't try to sit here and back Barrie Tilghman up and act as if because I have stood up for me, my Family and all of you, Barrie Tilghman has something up on me. That goes for the Chiefy's as well. If they have nothing to hide, they would walk away from anything I say and simply say, eh, that Albero is just full of crap. They're defensive because I'm right. They sue me because it's their final straw. They cannot win, they will not win and my pockets are much deeper and they know it.

Thank you for your comment though.