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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bend Over Maryland Taxpayers, The Tax Man Has arrived!

Want to buy a pack of cigarettes in Maryland, like a pack of Marlboro? That will be $7.00 a pack, please! Off brands are now $6.08 per pack! Oh, if you think that's bad, the cost of liquor also went up due to the new Health Tax. There is also a new tax of 52.4% increase on Cigars. So what will Joe Albero do, quit. It's that simple.

Kind of ironic how they chose alcohol and tobacco to help the sick. LOL


Anonymous said...

well, considering that smoking is a major contributer to poor health, I guess that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Makes total sense. Smoking is a cancer to the American Health System.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm a non-smoker so I don't really care about the cost of cigarettes BUT here's the deal. This increase is due to a federal tax that is supposed to help pay for this healthcare thing the Obamanation is proposing. After all of the touting he's done about how he will not raise taxes on the middle and lower income folks, he has just increased taxes on a product primarily consumed by those very people.

But the important thing is this people. When 50% of the consumers decide they can't afford these things and quit smoking after this illustrious health care program is up and running, the revenue stream created by this tax WILL DRY UP! Where will the money come from then? Everyone else! Folks, we have to start thinking about things that will happen in the future. We are allowing these people to sell this country out. This is another socialist program that cannot be sustained. Why can't some of us see this?

I can see the responses to this comment now. "You shouldn't smoke anyway" and "Smokers cause most healthcare problems and should be forced to pay for it". For those who make those comments, go back to the second paragraph and think about it thoroughly before you comment again. We had all better re-think this increasing taxes thing. the worst thing you can do to a struggling economy is choke it further with more taxes.

Winston Churchill said “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle” It can't be done.

Anonymous said...

The fact that alcohol and tobacco are unhealthy is precisely why they've been taxed. It raises the revenue to deal with the aftermath of using these things: illness due to second-hand (or first-hand) smoke, treatment programs for alcoholics, the devastation of alcohol-related car crashes.

That being said, I think I'll have a beer and fire up a cigarette bought in Delaware...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I stand corrected. I guess this is a state tax for the socialized healthcare thing. The federal tax is to come.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:22

Well said. Most people don't care about increase taxes as long as it does not affect them.

What's next? A tax on obese people?

How I long for those years of my youth when common sense was alive and plentiful.

Anonymous said...

OK, If I go broke buying booze and smokes, will this fine state bail me out? Whats next, Big Mac's? They make people fat and they tear up the roads more--tax them more!

emo said...

shouldn't the tobacco tax go to programs that help people quit?

Dave C said...

I think this is an excellent tax! As a former smoker, I think this is a great incentive to get folks to quit. I also like how this tax on something that is so notoriously bad for public health and creates a burden on our health system has been directed to fund good programs such as education and health care. Smokers can complain all they want, but when it comes down to it the tax is there to do something good: either persuade smokers to quit and live longer lives or keep smoking and help fund education!

About 22% of Americans smoke cigarettes. Americans that live below the poverty level account for almost 30% of smokers. That means out of 1000 people, 220 of them smoke. Of those, 66 of them live at or below the poverty level.

About 9% of Maryland lives at or below the poverty level; however 6.6% of Maryland lives at or below the poverty level AND SMOKES! 73.3% of Maryland's residents (poor residents) that CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY FOOD can fit cirgarettes in their budget! We (The tax payers) pay for these burdens on society to live and what do they do? They smoke cigarettes and put a further burden on our healthcare system!

I say tax the sh!t out of them! It looks as though the tax is at least a $1 increase so if the population of MD is 5,633,597 (2008 Census) and 22% of them smoke. If that 22% smokes a minimum of one pack per a week $64,448,349 a year in tax revenue! Nationwide, that's $7,740,449,928 a year in revenue. Sounds like a good start to get some of that $700 billion back...

Anonymous said...

the problem is that when the government depends on this tax to fund things. people get fed up with the higher prices and cut back or quit
then they have to raise other taxes to compensate.
it will eventually reach the non-smoker/drinker. its just a matter of time.

if i remember correctly the obamas plan for the federal cigarette tax would require 25 million new smokers to fully fund what it was intended for.
everyone needs to bend over and lube up, its on its way

Anonymous said...

Tobacco like most industries has gone global. They don't rely on
Americans any longer to be successful. They don't need us
to purchase their products when they got the Europeans and the Pacific rim addicted. The point is
where does the taxing stop. This morning it was mentioned on the news that patrons of strip clubs are next to be taxed.

Anonymous said...

I predict moonshine making a big comeback.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that government is using taxes to control peoples behaviour. If you say anything is for people's health, almost anything goes. And do not think everyone will not be hit, they will eventually tax something you do or love in the name of something. once it starts, it never stops. Something has to be done about our taxes.

Anonymous said...

"Singer smoke it and players of instruments too. Legalize it, yeah, yeah. That's the best thing you can do. Doctors smoke it. Nurses smoke it. Judges smoke it. Even the lawyers too...Legalize it-even tax it, but don't criticize it!!"

Anonymous said...

It's cheaper to buy pot & roll your own than to buy cigs. Chances are better getting the munchies, than getting cancer too.

Anonymous said...

Well then let's see some interest in that tea party. Get the word out!

Anonymous said...

I won't stop smoking or drinking. I'll continue to buy at the inflated price. Why not?! It's your money, not mine I'm wasting. Bring it on! ROFFLMFAO!!!

Anonymous said...

liquor just went up due to what what new health tax?

Be a little specific...or at least don't sound like you're making it up.


Anonymous said...

Those who are sick of this increasing tax B.S. needs to let their voices be heard. Contact

and get involved.

Anonymous said...

This is fundamental math. Basic math. If you start a business and your entire income stream is cut off your business goes under. If a govt. program loses funding they will tax the poop out of the public to support the program.

Chimera said...

Everytime something is posted about cigarette taxes,the militant "born-again" nonsmokers come out of the woodwork.Is self-righteousness a side effect of quitting?Really? Rejoice all you want,but like Anon 922 said,if enough people stop smoking the well is going to run dry...
And as far as the poverty level and smoking thing-If someone gets food stamps but they can squeak out $30 a week for smokes,I have a problem...
If someone smokes two packs a day and then expects Medicaid(AKA,taxpayers) to pay for their inhalers,hospital,I have a problem.Anyone would,but if someone is self-supporting and wants to smoke,its still a free country.
States are now considering bills that would make smoking in the car with kids illegal-common sense.People should know better but because they do not the government is going to get involved and make it all better.Whats next?Our homes?

emo said...

bluto just reminded me of something....did i hear correctly that the law for eliminating smoking with children in the car states "children 8yrs and under"??? WTH??? what about the lungs of 8+ yrs???

Anonymous said...

We should all quit smoking anyway.

Anonymous said...

Buy Alcohol in Delaware

Anonymous said...

As a former smoker almost 50 years of age, I can't say I've EVER incurred health care costs due to smoking.
Some of you are just full of sh&t!
When I smoked, I was not raising the cost of anything on anybody else. I didn't go to the doctor more often and as a matter of fact, I felt BETTER when I smoked than I do now.
I quit 1-1/2 years ago.
When I go to the doctor, I pay the bill. I do not have health insurance, so you can't say I cost you money there either. I pay my own way!
So all you self-righteous people out there just need to keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

I think the obese should be taxed by the pound,drivers should pay additional taxes per mile for fouling the air. Why not socialists can and will do as they please. We won't drink,smoke,over eat,drive our cars etc etc and then we will all be healthy and broke.

Anonymous said...

"We should all quit smoking"
OK, when we all quit smoking and drinking what will be the next thing taxed to pay for the health care deadbeats?
I smoke my cigars and drink like a fish, I run 2 miles each day and spend 30 min. on the wii, I have not been to the doctors in over 20 years for smoke or alcohol related problem, I do pay into the medical system and have all my life so shouldn't I get a discount on my smoke and drink for not abusing the system and paying for the deadbeats.