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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Breaking News: Asia Argento, a leading voice of #MeToo, arranged to pay an actor after he claimed she sexually assaulted him when he was 17, documents show.

The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault.

But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.

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The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault.

But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.Read More »

A Viewer Writes: Wanna Chuckle?

The Salisbury Art Counsel painted the power box behind the district court house. The mayor's office and Verizon told them they could. Problem is it's state government property and they never got permission from the state building manager.

Topless Case Plaintiffs Blast OC’s ‘Moral Balance’ Argument

OCEAN CITY — Days after Ocean City filed a motion in federal court seeking to prevent a preliminary injunction allowing women to immediately go topless in the resort, the plaintiffs this week fired back with a motion in response that calls into question the town’s “family-friendly” reputation.

On July 27, the Town of Ocean City filed a motion to stop a federal judge from issuing a preliminary injunction that would allow women to go topless on the resort in the same public areas where men are allowed to go bare-chested. The issue will ultimately be decided in U.S. District Court after the named plaintiffs filed suit against the town early last year challenging the constitutionality of an emergency ordinance passed in early June 2017 preventing the practice.

Ocean City’s opposition to allowing female toplessness in the same areas as men are allowed to go without shirts is rooted in the “character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination.

“They seek to disrupt the character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination, visited and enjoyed by so many people whose expectations and sensibilities do not contemplate and likely will not tolerate nudity in such a densely-populated and wholesome tourist setting as Ocean City and its beaches,” the town’s motion to stop the preliminary injunction filed in late July reads.


Why I Do What I Do

I'm frequently asked, how do you do it and why do you do it. While my response is usually one on one, I think it's time I take the time to explain it to all of you.

It is NOT about hate, anger or simply being negative. Many years ago I sat back and watched some of the most incredible behavior, starting off with and going all the way back to reading about how a local female City Councilwoman had been physically attacked immediately following a Salisbury Council Meeting. I truly couldn't believe what I was reading. It garnished so much of my interest that I actually came to Salisbury for the court hearing and listened to several eye witnesses independently explaining how the Chief of Police had physically removed the person from attacking that Councilwoman, yet he had claimed and the local paper published him stating he hadn't seen a thing. 

It was right then and there that I knew something had to be done. I spoke with the Publisher and Editor of the Daily Times and their reply to my stating if they didn't start printing the truth, I was going to start my own newspaper. They replied, "we love competition". I had heard about, (back then) this Blogspot thing and in time SBYNews was created. They went from hundreds of employees, owning their own building and are now lucky to have a dozen people working there.

For many of you who have followed me for many years, you know the many death threats I've received. You know how the Mayor and Chief of Police sued me, (I won). You know how the local media took advantage of publishing so many one sided stories against me in the hope they'd get me to shut down. Their intention has always been to remove any credibility. Many of you know how the City would retaliate against ANYONE, (especially me) who spoke out against each administration. Heck, the Liberals have even created numerous anti Albero Websites that bash me, my Wife, our children and even grandchildren on a regular basis. Their hope and intent, (admittedly) has always been to shut me down. 

I created a niche, much like the anonymous comments the Daily Times would publish daily, all in favor of attacking individuals and or especially public officials. Well, two can play that game. 

My goal with SBYNews has always been to share the TRUTH. It has always been to stand up for the UNDERDOG. What I created was a platform for the people, a voice  for the people who no longer had to fear retaliation. 
Today SBYNews will surpass 64,000,000 hits. Not too shabby for a one man show! No one else can say they've reached such a plateau. Oh sure, WBOC can run commercials stating they come close with the multiple sources they now own in the hope of garnishing advertisers but they CANNOT say they come anywhere close within their WBOC News channel. Nevertheless, we are by far the most read local news source out there because WE EARNED IT. 

Now, do I have to do what I do, absolutely not. Do I have to get up at 3:00 every morning and start publishing articles, no. I do it because YOU need a voice. I do it because I start watching the local news at 5:00 am every day and suffer through fake laughing, listening to these Eastern Shore Idiots, (supposed professionals) who say things like Temchur, instead of temperature. I do it because I watched every single county on the Eastern Shore overwhelmingly vote for Donald Trump to be their President and your local news spends every single day bashing this great President. I do it because we conservatives need a voice.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I want you to think about something here. Last week I delivered multiple articles showing how Mr. Mark Odachowski went out and purchased hundreds of Donald Trump 2020 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN flags to give away to ANY angler wanting to proudly display this flag. Hundreds of anglers called him day in and day out, can I please have one of those flags. I can personally tell you, Mark had shipments coming in every single day, including Sunday deliveries in order to fulfill these requests. Only SBYNews published just how overwhelming this movement became. What did your local media do, they bashed it. 

Even President Trump put out a Tweet thanking Ocean City for such incredible support. And what made the White Marlin Tournament so GREAT? How about the FACT that a man from MEXICO won 1st place and MILLIONS of dollars! Did you hear of ONE conservative complain that someone from another COUNTRY won this tournament, HELL NO! This is just one small reason together we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There is NO HATE from the conservative party but your local and national liberal news wants to paint a completely different picture and this is why I do what I do. They want to make us look like we hate blacks, welfare recipients, you name it. The Liberals wanted to attack, (through comments) the anglers in the WMO as the one percenters.

Let me just explain a little something to you people. You don't hear these same LIBERALS complaining when Gillis Gilkerson buys up all the Downtown properties or ALL of the other Good Ol' Liberal Boys who buy riverfront properties for $5,000.00 and so forth. You don't see your local media going after their own. No, they simply want to brainwash you by filling your brain that anyone who dares to support President Donald Trump is a fool. Think of it as a business for a second. If you know that the mass majority of your customers overwhelmingly supported and voted for Donald Trump, wouldn't you know that you'd be pissing off that mass majority by calling them Idiots every single day for YEARS?

SBYNews is here because I will NOT stand for such brainwashing. I will NOT allow your local media to make complete Idiots out of each and every one of you. YOU are NOT that stupid and guess what, SBYNews, (a one man show) rose to the very top with absolutely ZERO experience because WE RELATE. 

I'm passionate. I Pay It Forward. I'm dedicated and I tell the TRUTH. Would I LOVE to have someone else just as passionate and dedicated come along and take over what I do, absolutely. I have a Family. I have Grandchildren I'd love to spend more time with. If what I do every day was complete bullsh!t and had no meaning or influence I'd quit in a New York Second. However, what other news outlet delivers what I do here every day. In the mean time I'll keep plugging away because it is my way of thanking this great country for allowing me the means to do so. 

In the mean time, THANK YOU! Together we have created one of the biggest news Blogs ever created. It has been people like YOU that help me every single day, delivering me articles of interest that we can publish. We are so well rounded because it's both men and women sending me information and that's so important. We are only successful because you make us successful. I also can't thank our Advertisers enough for their financial support. Together we do incredible things for so many people and organizations here on the Shore. Thanks for putting Good Money After Good Money. 

NFL won't discipline Kneelers as Anthem Protest Continues

Professional football is back and so are the take-a-knee protests, but the NFL isn’t planning on disciplining players who refuse to stand during the national anthem—at least for now.

Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat on the bench while the anthem played before Friday night’s preseason game, just as he did last year, and Miami Dolphins receivers Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson knelt prior to the Thursday game in Miami.

In a statement, the NFL said it was still engaged in “constructive discussions with the NFL Players Association regarding the anthem and issues of equality and social justice that are of concern to many Americans.”


Breaking News: Catholic leaders across Pennsylvania covered up the sexual abuse of more than 1,000 children by priests over 70 years, a grand jury found.

The report, which covered six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses, is the broadest examination yet by a government agency in the United States of child sexual abuse in the Catholic church.

Look! A Sh!t Sprayer

"Have you noticed the new fountain in the river next to the Amphitheater? This beauty is going to be LED uplighted, adding to the appeal of our newly-renovated riverwalk both day and night! It's all coming together!"

Ocean City Maryland Politicians Discriminate Against Cruisers & H20 Participants

When the language was created for these "special event zones" it was created for ALL events. However, it turns out there are no special event zones for Jeep Week or Bike Week and let me assure you, car clubs are pissed! 

It would seem to me that Ocean City is purposely looking to push certain groups out. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can tell you that I personally am involved in a massive project to relocate many of these events to another location in the next two years, if all goes as planned. If Ocean City wants to slap these groups in the face, we're going to fix it. 

More to come...

The Salty Sailor and The Fireman

The views this mother has about Donald Trump are much like many others. Her characterization of Trump as the "Salty Sailor" or as The Fireman paint an excellent picture!!. She has written many great books about her son and family..This is a Comment from KAREN VAUGHN, Mother of Aaron Vaughn, Navy Seal.

Sometimes God uses the no-nonsense, salty sailor to get the job done. Appreciating what the man is doing doesn't mean we worship the salty sailor or even desire to be like the salty sailor. It doesn't even mean God admires the salty sailor. Maybe He just knows he's necessary for such a time as this.

I believe with all my heart that God placed that salty sailor in the White House and gave this nation one more chance in November 2016. Donald Trump is what he is. He is still the man he was before the election. And without guilt, I very much admire what that salty sailor is accomplishing.

He's not like me. That's okay with me. I don't want to be like him. I
will never behave like him. I know we've NEVER had a man like him lead our nation. It's crazy and a little mind blowing at times. But I can't help admire the ability he has to act with his heart rather than a calculated, PC, think tank-screened, carefully edited script. I still believe that is WHY he became our President and WHY he's been able to handle a landslide of adversity and STILL pass unprecedented amounts of good legislation for our country AND do great works for MANY other nations, including Israel.

I'm THRILLED with what he's doing for my nation, for the cause of Christ (whether intentional or unintentional, doesn't matter to me), and for the concept of rebuilding America and putting her FIRST. I will not be ashamed of my position because others don't see him through the same lens.

Should it matter to me if a fireman drops an f-bomb while he's pulling me from a burning building? Would I really care about what came out of his mouth in those moments? Heck no! I'd CARE about what he was DOING. He wasn't sent there to save my soul and I'm not looking to him for spiritual guidance. All I'm thinking in those moments is, "Thank you, Jesus, for sending the fireman."

I'll post this article below again for those who still might not understand me. This man is crass. Okay. He's not careful with what he says. Okay. You feel offended that he's not a typical statesman. Okay. But he is rebuilding the nation my son died for... the nation I feared was on a fast track to becoming a hopeless cause.

Forgive me if I'm smiling."


A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Maryland Police Covering Up Serious Crime Ahead Of Folk Festival


I was looking into a crime that happened in my neighborhood and was wondering of the outcome. I looked it up on the Salisbury Police Departments crime page and it shows it was an assault: hands, injury. The way this has been handled amazes me. From what I understand it was a burglary with two older woman's home and the suspect beat one of them almost to death. The thing that amazes me the most is that nothing was put out to the public about this. There are a lot of elderly people who live in this area and I feel they should have been warned about it and this kind of thing needs to make the news. Please put something out there letting people know that there are criminals targeting the elderly in this area. This happened on the corner of Christopher St and Harrington St, off of Hammond St.

Thank you

Breaking News: Aretha Franklin is dead at 76. Known as the Queen of Soul, she had a string of indelible hits and was one of the greatest singers in any style.

Ms. Franklin had a grandly celebrated career. She placed more than 100 singles in the Billboard charts, including 17 Top 10 pop singles and 20 No. 1 R&B hits.

Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

“Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.”

An idealistic young American couple was killed in an Islamic State-claimed terrorist attack last month while on a cycling trip around the world.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, who were both in their late 20s, last year quit their office jobs in Washington, DC, to embark on the journey. Austin, a vegan who worked for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office, decided that they’re were wasting their lives working.

“I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,” Austin wrote on his blog before he quit. “I’ve missed too many sunsets while my back was turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed.”

The couple documented their year-long journey on ​Instagram and on a ​joint blog. As The New York Times ​put it, they shared “the openheartedness they wanted to embody and the acts of kindness reciprocated by strangers.”

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote.

Read more

Baltimore Named ‘Coolest City On The East Coast’ By British Newspaper

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore is getting some international attention – and not for what you may think.

Charm City received high praise from a British magazine for being the “coolest city on the east coast.”

The Evening Standard called Baltimore the new “millennial hotspot.” The paper points to the growing arts scene, great restaurants and nightlife, and deep-rooted history.



According to your Mayor, he assured you that ALL of the Downtown construction would be complete TODAY, no matter what. Well, clearly from the image above, he's full of crap and he is not even 50% done with what he assured all of you. (especially the business owners along Main Street) 

He still has to get from here to Division street and then through the Downtown Plaza, ALL of which is what he promised would be done by today. 

By the way Salisbury Taxpayers, your last Mayor said you'd be able to swim in the Wicomico River is 10 years. The difference between them and me, I DON'T LIE

BREAKING NEWS: A Viewer Writes: Scam Alert

Joe, I wanted to share this with you right away. Our accountant got this email with a "DocuSign" attachment on it regarding a power bill this morning... she opened it and it was a worm that has compromised our entire system. They are hitting area businesses and we will now have massive bills and loss of data because of it. Please warn everyone!

Breaking News: President Trump revoked the security clearance of John Brennan, the former C.I.A. director who has been a fierce critic of the president.

Mr. Trump has questioned the loyalties of national security and law enforcement officials and dismissed some of their findings — particularly the conclusion that Moscow intervened in the 2016 election — as attacks against him.

Nope, Those Aren't Mailboxes: Paris Rolls Out Sidewalk Urinals

In Paris, authorities are taking an unusual approach to combat the scourge of public urination: Make urination even more public.

The city is experimenting with completely exposed, eco-friendly urinals.

The devices are called "Uritrottoir," which combines the words for urinal and pavement. They're not at all subtle. They're bright red and in heavily trafficked areas — for example, directly next to the Seine near the Notre Dame Cathedral.

And if there's any confusion, a large white and red sign with a red arrow and a cartoon of a man peeing probably clears it up.


NFL Refresher


NFL "Refresher" NFL History...history not often reported or leaked to the ticket holders. I hope this helps you; it opened my eyes, to better understand when and why the public’s respect for the NFL organization started to crumble....

In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling before each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.

In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.

In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said "Know Jesus Know Peace" but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.

In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black for breast cancer awareness.

In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise
awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem...).

*In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.

2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression. It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, or for the Memory of 9/11...

BUT they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America , and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now has shown itself to be.

Honor our military; too many of whom have come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.

Trump blames 'local politicians' for derailing military parade

President Trump on Friday canceled his military parade as he accused DC politicians of price-gouging — a day after his own secretary of defense scoffed at a report about the price tag.

“The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it. When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it,” Trump said on Twitter.

“Never let someone hold you up! I will instead attend the big parade already scheduled at Andrews Air Force Base on a different date, & go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th,” he wrote, referring to the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

“Maybe we will do something next year in D.C. when the cost comes WAY DOWN. Now we can buy some more jet fighters!” Trump added.

He did not explain how the costs would be reduced and it was not immediately clear what previously scheduled parade he was referring to at the base in Maryland.
