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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Topless Case Plaintiffs Blast OC’s ‘Moral Balance’ Argument

OCEAN CITY — Days after Ocean City filed a motion in federal court seeking to prevent a preliminary injunction allowing women to immediately go topless in the resort, the plaintiffs this week fired back with a motion in response that calls into question the town’s “family-friendly” reputation.

On July 27, the Town of Ocean City filed a motion to stop a federal judge from issuing a preliminary injunction that would allow women to go topless on the resort in the same public areas where men are allowed to go bare-chested. The issue will ultimately be decided in U.S. District Court after the named plaintiffs filed suit against the town early last year challenging the constitutionality of an emergency ordinance passed in early June 2017 preventing the practice.

Ocean City’s opposition to allowing female toplessness in the same areas as men are allowed to go without shirts is rooted in the “character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination.

“They seek to disrupt the character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination, visited and enjoyed by so many people whose expectations and sensibilities do not contemplate and likely will not tolerate nudity in such a densely-populated and wholesome tourist setting as Ocean City and its beaches,” the town’s motion to stop the preliminary injunction filed in late July reads.



  1. The people that want topless in a family resort are Disgustingg POS let them go to a Strip club were they Belong.

  2. This is a PUBLIC BEACH how can 1% of these scum be allowed to override what 99% of the people DON'T WANT.

    1. Same way the LBGT crew is doing it! There is an agenda at hand: must read: “Hidden Dangers the Rainbow”

  3. oc hasnt been family friendly in over 30 years

  4. And some things have to be explained....

  5. Ocean city has fallen from being a family resort. It is a crime infested hood rat colony. Allowing topless women would only make it worse.

    1. Post the judges address so I can send some ole topless whores to walk past his house day and night.

  6. Only sl*ts want to go topless. Also, I don't care what the Europeans do.

  7. This is. PUBLIC BEACH not a PRIVATE Nudist colony.

  8. Can you Imagine bringing tour children to the beach and some junkie whore walks past Topless ?

  9. Body parts in the OC Neeeeeeeeeeeeewssssssssssss.

    Fiscal Mismanagement, lack of true capital improvement plans, strategic human capital planning, comprehensive future plans, route 50 bridge replacement, hatred towards off season revenue generators (Special Event implemented rules for Bike Weeks, Cruisers/trailors and H2Oi) etc., etc., still needs to be front and center. Not boobies, not parking kiosks, not aquariums, not smoking/cussing on the boards, carnival acts, taxi medallions, City Hall personal wants/needs, insert other petty but expensive projects (millions for the highway drunk wall, millions for painting water towers) and on and on and on.

    Not to mention the city gov't payroll being grossly upside town (aka TOP HEAVY) hence the high price for governing with an very aging/outdated workforce.

    Family oriented or focused environment - HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

    Talking about boobies...HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHHA

    1. I hope you don't have children HYPOCRITE.

  10. What is "Family-Friendly"? A bar every 30 feet / every street corner / every block? How many bars / liquor license in OC? Alcohol every where. Drugs every where. Violence every where. Homeless every where. Beggars every where. Is this a Family-Friendly atmosphere? Equal rights is supposed to be for everyone.

    1. Bars are NOT on the Damn Beach Fool.

    2. There are not any buildings on the beach, but if you haven't noticed they are on the boardwalk as close to the beach as you can be. People here are hypocrites.

    3. Looks like your the fool!!! There is a bar every 30 feet on the board walk..AKA the beach...

  11. I think there wasn't a problem at all until the government there tried to legislate morality, and got hung up in some sticky territory....

    If they had left well enough alone, no one would have cared, and the few women who insisted on going topless would have been mostly ignored.

    You simply cannot argue that men are allowed to be topless and women can't. There is no sound argument to support that, and it is a clear civil rights violation. Never mind whatever puritanical ideas you have about what is appropriate or not...

    1. Next it will be Transgenders with Duct Tape pacing back and fourth in front of your CHILDREN.

    2. Actually that's right now at any school bathroom in America. So what the big deal about nipples?

  12. Does anyone remember the Bob and Tom song - Man Boobs??
    By the way, 3:18, family friendly means a place people bring kids in abundance. OC fits that description despite bars and nightclubs.
    Majority still rules. Andy if the majority doesn't want their kids to see women's' nipples, then so be it. Aren't there enough private places where women can sunbathe naked NOT in front of children??

  13. Dittp what 3:22 just said.

    And OC ceased being a family resort at least 20 years ago, probably 40-50.

  14. Make the men wear tops too then.

    1. Stupid comment.

    2. I agree with you. They are boobs. If people don't like to see a woman's, then everyone should cover up. I've seen worse on a man, but it's allowed. Atleast section a certain part of the beach to be topless.

  15. Some of us support freeing those puppies, and letting the Ta-Ta's breath in fresh air, and get some sun. OC hasn't been a family resort for over 30 years. The drugs, and crime make it a adult playground. If it was truly family friendly, than anyone at anytime should be able to wonder any place in OC and not have to worry about getting robbed, beaten, or raped.
    You anti-topless fools need to grow up, this is the 21st century, a boob or two isn't going to kill your eyes, or corrupt your kids. Hell, if your kid is using the internet ether at home or a friends house, they have been exposed to a lot more!

  16. A Hundred year storm and all problems solved.

    1. we are due one soon

    2. all the honeys will be wearing their ECI issued Jeans
      playing pocket pool on the boards ....while looking at Bull Dikes without tops on

  17. Shorebillies scared of boobies. LMAO!

    1. No we have children and morals fo YOU Scum ?

  18. You see more slutty crap from underage teenagers at the boardwalk than what you would see with a woman without a top on at the beach. You guys are a bunch of whiners.

  19. As far as "encourages underage drinking, I would think 100 citations would speak for itself. Do you have any idea how hard it had to be able to contain 100 teenage drinkers from running! Most parties the word police incites a marathon in all directions.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I hope you don't have children HYPOCRITE.

    August 15, 2018 at 4:02 PM

    Anyone who brings young kids there in June, July or August is an idiot.

  21. 3;59 who is the fool they are all over the Boardwalk that is 20 feet from the beach. They are all the children on the Boardwalk inter mingling with the drunks as they leave the bars to walk the Boardwalk and go back on the Beach.

  22. What is the big deal about a boobie nipple? Current law allows all boobage to hang out except the ninnies. You mean to tell me if ur kid sees the nipple of an otherwise exposed ta ta, they are going to be scarred for life? Ridiculous! Set those puppies free!

    1. August 26th those puppies will be flopping about.

  23. OK...lets look at where we are society wise on nudity, like it or not. We are legally required to accept a person with a penis to go dangle his doodads in a school girls locker room, just because he's feeling feminine, but were making a big deal over bare boobies at the beach? If the one is legal, the other certainly should be.

  24. Those "boardwalk performers" don't look so family friendly, to me. Hell, I've even seen a pole dancer in a skimpy bikini on the boardwalk "performing." OC can no longer claim to be family friendly. It hasn't been for years.

  25. Why do perverts have all the rights today

  26. “They seek to disrupt the character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination" ...so says the morally corrupt politicians rape, robbing and pillaging our towns. Typical projecting by the progressive communist democrats.

  27. If thy right hand offend thee , then cut it off.

  28. The Scum that want this on the beach I can't wait until the Trasgenders are next walking past you with there nut sack hanging out like BORAT right past your face and your wife's.

    1. My wife would be the first to tell them that we sees why they wanna be a girl, as they ain't got much man equipment to speak of.

  29. “character and moral balance of a historically family-oriented tourist destination. HA HA let me compose myself after after the biggest laugh of my life.. Hypocrite much ocean city?

  30. I think it is a great idea & will draw a lot of tourism, what is the harm?


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