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Sunday, August 19, 2018


According to your Mayor, he assured you that ALL of the Downtown construction would be complete TODAY, no matter what. Well, clearly from the image above, he's full of crap and he is not even 50% done with what he assured all of you. (especially the business owners along Main Street) 

He still has to get from here to Division street and then through the Downtown Plaza, ALL of which is what he promised would be done by today. 

By the way Salisbury Taxpayers, your last Mayor said you'd be able to swim in the Wicomico River is 10 years. The difference between them and me, I DON'T LIE


  1. It's just a number.

  2. As someone who works on the block that is currently under construction, I can confirm that it is not even close to being completed. The entire "sidewalk" still consists of dirt, gravel and giant holes. The most recent feature of our block is a giant red porta-potty directly in front of our office window. We can barely get in our front door and are forced to walk down the middle of the street to get to our cars. The biggest kicker is that the city has recently started ticketing our vehicles for parking on the surrounding blocks. I understand the need for parking meters under normal circumstances, but its ridiculous to expect the businesses that are already suffering due to this construction to force their employees, clients and patrons out to navigate the mess that is our block every 2 hours to fill the parking meters. I think we have already been inconvenienced enough for the past almost 2 years now. The businesses on our block are clearly suffering and the city has offered no relief. The Supplement Shop has gone out of business, the local food market is rarely open because they get no business, another new business lasted only a few months. How can the city expect for downtown to thrive if they make it nearly impossible for businesses to survive their first year? All of this "renovation" will be for nothing if businesses are forced to close.

    1. the mayor wants you to go out of business so he can sell your property cheap to his butt buddies

    2. Yup

  3. Boy Wonder is the ringleader of quite a SH*TSHOW! So people over the years keep trying to make downtown happen, and no one else wants anything to do with Salisbury. So they keep hyping it up, and business owners try to come downtown and they deal with years of this nonsense til they go broke from lack of business, because no one wants to deal with the construction, the lack of street parking, and feeling unsafe from all the transit riders.

  4. Past Mayors and past County Executor promised the completion of Jasmine Dr, by Golden Coral to Tractor Supply, would be completed to. This road will be complete if they would pave maybe 150 yards would be constructed.

  5. When are you moving to North Carolina as promised?

    1. Lol he is and always has been.

  6. No it is a commitment that wasn't kept. It is a failure of leadership by incompetents.

  7. Failed architect, failed urban planner, failed Perdue employee, failed Mayor, failed folk festival planner, failed construction manager...Baby Jake's on a helluva roll! What will he fail at next?

  8. 10:04am - i personally asked the mayor about Jasmine Drive back in January 2017, and he it would be done by October 2017.

    Every thing the mayor touches is a broken promise.

  9. I just don't understand how it has taken this long. Two years to finish a single block! Wasn't the entire downtown Main Street, including the Plaza, supposed to be done by now? I guess we'll be able to enjoy the re-done plaza sometime in the 2030s.


  10. Waiting for arrival of Paris style public outdoor urinals the holdup?

  11. gonna be great with the shitshow coming to town!

  12. 9:47 AM the lost businesses is the saddest part of it all and no one in city hall give a crap.

    People lose everything because some moron doesn't know how to manage the projects he starts.

  13. How nice now the Folk Fest attendees can stumble around messed up roads and get lost and end up in Thugsville.

  14. My heart goes out to the business people on Main Street. It's been way too long.


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