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Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Wanna Chuckle?

The Salisbury Art Counsel painted the power box behind the district court house. The mayor's office and Verizon told them they could. Problem is it's state government property and they never got permission from the state building manager.


  1. And “THAT” guy is a real jerk and will probably paint over it!

    Hot today, shaggy on the hilltop. Never will forget that day, July the Five!

    1. I hope he does paint over it Snowflake.

  2. So according to last nights' report, the Mayor is now predicting 60-80k for the folk festival. I guess if you give a different number every time you're asked you're bound to be right once.

  3. If it is truly a power box, it can't possibly belong to Verizon

  4. I am sure he will say that's ok after the fact! After all who wants to be the kill joy for the wonderful Arts Council. Got be part of the 'good ole' boy' gang of you want to play.

    1. I hope they paint build da wall on it cupcake.

    2. 5:43- What's with all the name calling? Got up on the wrong side of the park bench?

  5. Who is that "Counsel" and what does he or she do?

  6. It's minimalist but hardly a Mondrian. I think some Mossy Oak camo would be more appreciated locally.

  7. So glad my tax dollars aren't being wasted on frivolous $hit

  8. Sounds about right for Boy Wonder. He thinks he's supreme ruler of Salisbury and can do what he wants. No need to get approval from city or county council, or evironmental approvals from MDE for his river projects for the festival. Bully the liquor board into giving him a alcohol license,tell the health Dept to approve his food vendors, code and compliance to ignore rules, etc etc.

  9. Bet it belongs to DP & L and will be painted over soon

    1. Definitely DP&L and sent a curious correspondence as to why they are using company resources to support LGBT

    2. Exelon who owns DP&L now do support LGBT. You should see all the garbage they put out to support it. Sickening.

  10. If there liberal Democrats they are immune from the law.

  11. Someone please write on it " ITS THA ART OF THE DEAL 45" LOL.

  12. I'm not sure if there are federal rules regarding color of electrical transformer boxes but if there are I'm certain they don't allow this color/pattern.

  13. $250 fine for not having the proper permit.

  14. Salisbury has such bad taste and is so unsophisticated. Those boxes while necessary are ugly no matter what you do to them. It's best to try and blend them into the surrounding and not call attention to them.

  15. Day's festival is going to get 200 300 400 people a day tops. Mark my word. It will end up another one of his waste of money asinine ideas in a long list of them.

  16. That's pathetic looking. They should be embarrassed. Artists only in their own mind They should have tried to blend it into the surroundings more, maybe grass and flowers or an extension of the building behind it.

  17. If a local citizen went and did that, I'm sure they would be facing a very hefty fine, but it's OK for boy wonder mayor to have this done? I think not. What a mess and what a jerk for doing this to start with.

  18. Is it a gay thing, rainbows? Looks silly to me, of coarse I'm not gay, I just don't understand this type of thing.

  19. It's UGLY...paint it a color more acceptable to most.

  20. 12:12 what the he'll are you talking about?

    1. Obviously it’s an “inside joke”! get a life

      Anon 5:42, I’m no snowflake. Please see above statement

    2. Why would you post an inside joke on the comments section of a blog? I think you are the one who needs to get a life! That's just weird.

  21. Julia glantz is a toad!! I'm sure she's the one behind the childish gay and lesbian artwork on DP&L electric box and the downtown crosswalk. I'm sure she is such a hit for her "wife" and their freakshow flamer friends. Boy she's creating such shallow memories for herself and her other half. Feel sorry for the "wife" when father time finally catches up to "Mr" glantz. They think their still playing college seniors and reminiscing about their college sorority/fraternity days. Grow up p-ons

  22. I dare the state to touch this. They need to get their asses out and repair our state infrastructure. Our state roads are an embarrassment. This doesn't effect operations.

  23. That guy from the district court is a bigger clown than jake day if possible. He should focus on a shower and toothbrush not paint.

  24. Too bad the weren’t any real artists to paint it. That stupid “modern alert” is just paint applied with a square. Any child could do it.

  25. They should have made it red and white stripes and make it look like Eddie Van Halen's guitar!

  26. The land it sits on might be government property, but that box belongs to the power company, and no one else. Even the government doesn't have keys to that box.

    1. And they will be glad to send a bill for it.

  27. Hope they didn’t paint over the rfid locating device.

  28. Please, back to Army green or battleship gray. Thank you!

  29. Day's festival is going to get 200 300 400 people a day tops. Mark my word. It will end up another one of his waste of money asinine ideas in a long list of them.
    August 16, 2018 at 7:44 PM

    We will never know because we will always be lied to concerning the festival

  30. That isn't art. LOL Are the Salisbury City leaders all sewn together like human centipede?


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