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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

“Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.”

An idealistic young American couple was killed in an Islamic State-claimed terrorist attack last month while on a cycling trip around the world.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, who were both in their late 20s, last year quit their office jobs in Washington, DC, to embark on the journey. Austin, a vegan who worked for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office, decided that they’re were wasting their lives working.

“I’ve grown tired of spending the best hours of my day in front of a glowing rectangle, of coloring the best years of my life in swaths of grey and beige,” Austin wrote on his blog before he quit. “I’ve missed too many sunsets while my back was turned. Too many thunderstorms went unwatched, too many gentle breezes unnoticed.”

The couple documented their year-long journey on ​Instagram and on a ​joint blog. As The New York Times ​put it, they shared “the openheartedness they wanted to embody and the acts of kindness reciprocated by strangers.”

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place,” Austin wrote.

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  1. Sorry they were killed but they were just plain stupid. They lived in an Obama dream world which is just not reality.

  2. The title says it all. Without Jesus humans are evil.

  3. Darwin is laughing.

  4. learned the hard way about the world

  5. I hope that ISIS videoed it and sent it to their Liberal Parents!

  6. Yeah, I hate siting in front of my glowing rectangle for 8 hours a day also, but I don't live in fairy land, its called REALITY. Do we need any more evidence that some people are totally misguided? This is sad on so many levels

  7. Out of the gene pool

  8. Lol send more Snowflakes.

  9. Where were they educated?

  10. 2 down and many more to go .

  11. So much for COEXISTing....


  12. Common sense is not part of DNA. Sad, but predictable demise.

  13. Snowflakes please go there on Vacation.

  14. Stupid is as stupid does.....I feel bad for these people....I guess it wasn't enough to see video's of ISIS be-heading people, putting people in a cage fill with straw and setting it on fire. They just couldn't believe what they actually saw. Reality is sometimes a harsh concept.

  15. Newsflash: The world is a big, scary place!

  16. Really scary if these type of people are our future!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Really scary if these type of people are our future!

    August 17, 2018 at 9:58 PM

    Oh don't worry, they are!

    That's why I raised my kids RIGHT!

  18. Why waste their lives working, when they can waste their lives dying in a war torn third world country? I wonder if they would have second thoughts if they knew the world really is a "big scary place?"


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