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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Why I Do What I Do

I'm frequently asked, how do you do it and why do you do it. While my response is usually one on one, I think it's time I take the time to explain it to all of you.

It is NOT about hate, anger or simply being negative. Many years ago I sat back and watched some of the most incredible behavior, starting off with and going all the way back to reading about how a local female City Councilwoman had been physically attacked immediately following a Salisbury Council Meeting. I truly couldn't believe what I was reading. It garnished so much of my interest that I actually came to Salisbury for the court hearing and listened to several eye witnesses independently explaining how the Chief of Police had physically removed the person from attacking that Councilwoman, yet he had claimed and the local paper published him stating he hadn't seen a thing. 

It was right then and there that I knew something had to be done. I spoke with the Publisher and Editor of the Daily Times and their reply to my stating if they didn't start printing the truth, I was going to start my own newspaper. They replied, "we love competition". I had heard about, (back then) this Blogspot thing and in time SBYNews was created. They went from hundreds of employees, owning their own building and are now lucky to have a dozen people working there.

For many of you who have followed me for many years, you know the many death threats I've received. You know how the Mayor and Chief of Police sued me, (I won). You know how the local media took advantage of publishing so many one sided stories against me in the hope they'd get me to shut down. Their intention has always been to remove any credibility. Many of you know how the City would retaliate against ANYONE, (especially me) who spoke out against each administration. Heck, the Liberals have even created numerous anti Albero Websites that bash me, my Wife, our children and even grandchildren on a regular basis. Their hope and intent, (admittedly) has always been to shut me down. 

I created a niche, much like the anonymous comments the Daily Times would publish daily, all in favor of attacking individuals and or especially public officials. Well, two can play that game. 

My goal with SBYNews has always been to share the TRUTH. It has always been to stand up for the UNDERDOG. What I created was a platform for the people, a voice  for the people who no longer had to fear retaliation. 
Today SBYNews will surpass 64,000,000 hits. Not too shabby for a one man show! No one else can say they've reached such a plateau. Oh sure, WBOC can run commercials stating they come close with the multiple sources they now own in the hope of garnishing advertisers but they CANNOT say they come anywhere close within their WBOC News channel. Nevertheless, we are by far the most read local news source out there because WE EARNED IT. 

Now, do I have to do what I do, absolutely not. Do I have to get up at 3:00 every morning and start publishing articles, no. I do it because YOU need a voice. I do it because I start watching the local news at 5:00 am every day and suffer through fake laughing, listening to these Eastern Shore Idiots, (supposed professionals) who say things like Temchur, instead of temperature. I do it because I watched every single county on the Eastern Shore overwhelmingly vote for Donald Trump to be their President and your local news spends every single day bashing this great President. I do it because we conservatives need a voice.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I want you to think about something here. Last week I delivered multiple articles showing how Mr. Mark Odachowski went out and purchased hundreds of Donald Trump 2020 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN flags to give away to ANY angler wanting to proudly display this flag. Hundreds of anglers called him day in and day out, can I please have one of those flags. I can personally tell you, Mark had shipments coming in every single day, including Sunday deliveries in order to fulfill these requests. Only SBYNews published just how overwhelming this movement became. What did your local media do, they bashed it. 

Even President Trump put out a Tweet thanking Ocean City for such incredible support. And what made the White Marlin Tournament so GREAT? How about the FACT that a man from MEXICO won 1st place and MILLIONS of dollars! Did you hear of ONE conservative complain that someone from another COUNTRY won this tournament, HELL NO! This is just one small reason together we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There is NO HATE from the conservative party but your local and national liberal news wants to paint a completely different picture and this is why I do what I do. They want to make us look like we hate blacks, welfare recipients, you name it. The Liberals wanted to attack, (through comments) the anglers in the WMO as the one percenters.

Let me just explain a little something to you people. You don't hear these same LIBERALS complaining when Gillis Gilkerson buys up all the Downtown properties or ALL of the other Good Ol' Liberal Boys who buy riverfront properties for $5,000.00 and so forth. You don't see your local media going after their own. No, they simply want to brainwash you by filling your brain that anyone who dares to support President Donald Trump is a fool. Think of it as a business for a second. If you know that the mass majority of your customers overwhelmingly supported and voted for Donald Trump, wouldn't you know that you'd be pissing off that mass majority by calling them Idiots every single day for YEARS?

SBYNews is here because I will NOT stand for such brainwashing. I will NOT allow your local media to make complete Idiots out of each and every one of you. YOU are NOT that stupid and guess what, SBYNews, (a one man show) rose to the very top with absolutely ZERO experience because WE RELATE. 

I'm passionate. I Pay It Forward. I'm dedicated and I tell the TRUTH. Would I LOVE to have someone else just as passionate and dedicated come along and take over what I do, absolutely. I have a Family. I have Grandchildren I'd love to spend more time with. If what I do every day was complete bullsh!t and had no meaning or influence I'd quit in a New York Second. However, what other news outlet delivers what I do here every day. In the mean time I'll keep plugging away because it is my way of thanking this great country for allowing me the means to do so. 

In the mean time, THANK YOU! Together we have created one of the biggest news Blogs ever created. It has been people like YOU that help me every single day, delivering me articles of interest that we can publish. We are so well rounded because it's both men and women sending me information and that's so important. We are only successful because you make us successful. I also can't thank our Advertisers enough for their financial support. Together we do incredible things for so many people and organizations here on the Shore. Thanks for putting Good Money After Good Money. 


  1. Thanks for what you do!

    We appreciate that you will beat up Julie Brewington as easily as you would beat up Rick Pollitt - no partisanship there!

  2. I sure hope you don't decide to hang it up as I do not know what I would do without SBY NEWS! I am 81 and spent 37 years in sales and marketing with one of the largest international manufacturers in the world. And when it became obvious that they forgot the small independent customers in favor of meeting the needs first of the major corporations. I decided to hang it up (hope you don't) and went to work for a small independent company that like you met the needs in the best way possible. They were taken over by another large international company and after 57 years I felt it was time to have a new life. Keep up the good work Joe and I sure as hell don't want to see you discontinue SBY NEWS. Somrtime you may reach that point but by then hope someone with your brains and the need to publish the facts and truth that somewhere you can find the right person to carry on your legacy. Not many around with your skill and integrity. Keep on going and stay the course!

    1. Sounds like you were a victim of capitalism, the institution that your President elect is fighting to preserve. The economic model that has the 1 percent spending millions convincing us that the system that makes them beyond wealthy is good for all of us. Ironic.

  3. Politics have changed some since Bill Duval and you decided to get involved, some for the better.

  4. How about the ISIS Terrorist who was just Arrested in CALIFORNIA for killing a Iraq police officer he came under the REFUGEE Program.

  5. Can't thank You enough even if some of my post don't get posted for unknown reasons.

    Again many thanks for your time and creation of sbynews.

  6. Well Said, Joe. Keep up the good work.

    I got my family out of that hell hole 4 yrs ago. (Thank God) But, I still check in daily to see what you are up to. I hope you and yours are well and happy.

    Give our regards to the weekend fire crew.


  7. You just love a good opportunity to talk about yourself. Just like your orange master. You're not fooling any of us. You're complicit in his machine and one day you'll have to answer to a higher power.

  8. Read you almost everyday since July 2006. Glad you corrected nitch to niche.

  9. Joe, Thanks for taking the time to do what you do for our community. You provide BALANCE, or at least try to provide balance, to the constant barrage of propaganda Koolaid that we are forced to drink that the MSM (Daily Times, WBOC, etc) manufactures daily.
    And now that the Daily Waste of Times/Daily Dissapointment or whatever you want to call them get's most of their feed directly from Gannett/USA Today, the Koolaid is even more concentrated.
    Your blog is the ANTIDOTE!!! It's like Narcam for propaganda overdose.

  10. Many thanks Joe for what you do. Eastern Shore liberals still cannot grasp the fact that we live in a conservative voting area. Standout liberals like Geoff Smoot is a good example of a Trump hating one sided Democrat. He belongs in the same cage with Schumer,Pelosi, Rangel and Elijah Cummings.I am so thankful my kids never sat in his classroom when he was teaching.You give us a voice against people like this.
    Thanks again Joe and keep up the great work.

    1. So if someone disagrees with you they should be put into jail? The loudest person in the room is often the stupidest

    2. Looks like today you won.

  11. 10:36 am, you do not have to visit this site if you don't like what Joe has to say. Thank you 100 times over Joe for this blog site. Truth really does hurt some people.

  12. Thank you Joe for all you do. You are my only news source.

  13. Even though I disagree with you on nearly everything, the posts you allow through foster great discussions. With of course the addition of a few people who shouldn't be allowed to use scissors alone.

  14. JT says i love you joe keep up the good work

  15. Joe -

    Thanks for all you do ! This is the only blog that I follow, daily. It's sad that most millennials are told by peers and college personnel that you are racist and one sided. I ask them do they ever read your articles and their answer is always "no" ! Unbelievable.
    Best Regards,

  16. Joe - you do great work! Love your site and the opportunity to express opinions. Thank you.

  17. Thanks for the post 11:01, my sentiments as well. If JC were running as a conservative he would rail against him. What an A$$!!!!

  18. 10:36, I've been doing this Blog for many more years then Donald Trump has been a politician or even considered politics. You're going to hate this BUT, I tell people Donald trump is more like ME. The truth is, we just seem to have similar personalities and we're not afraid of people like YOU. I taught him nothing and he taught me nothing. We're just alike. We're not politicians. What's scary is the lies the MSM throws out there, much like when I was running for Mayor and your local media took Jim Ireton's bait by calling me a racist. After my meeting with 5 NAACP Presidents it became very clear to every one of them that Jim Ireton LIED and the media never retracted what they had said about me. They claimed, it wasn't their words, it was Jim Ireton's, so they didn't lie. Call it what it is, twist it any way you like, they knew what they were doing and a fair and balanced media would've cleared the air, professionally. The media has an agenda, period. I'm NOT saying President Trump is right about everything. However, the mass majority of us clearly understand he is nothing like a politician. Much like many believed, (and voted for) we needed a black president, America needs a businessman in the White House and many POLITICIANS, (including Republicans) are getting black eyes because Trump is calling them out for their complete and utter BS. So Trump uses Twitter to voice his opinion and unfortunately many times he goes off script and shoots from the hip. The man isn't perfect but believe me, NO MAN/WOMAN IS. Agree or disagree, love me or hate me, it never ceases to amaze me that a very small and select hand full of people come here with such hate and negativity and send in hundreds of comments a day that are rejected and they know they're going to get thrown out. Like other commenters have stated, if you don't like me or this Website, GO AWAY, don't come back, it's really that simple. Mic Drop!

  19. Joe - off topic - but can your sources answer this question? I was told today that Kathleen Momme, Executive Director of the United Way, was fired about 3 weeks ago for bullying. I've not seen this reported anywhere, if true. Is it being covered up? Did she agree to silence for severance?

  20. 10:36 must be Geoff Smoot. just a WAG

  21. Joe.

    The man.
    The myth.
    The machine.

    Keep bit*h slapping the liars and greedy politicians.
    Call 'em on their BS.
    Don't let up and don't quit.

  22. I totally agree with 11:02 about Geoff Smoot. I grew up knowing this one sided liberal. He was a pain in the a** then as he is now. This man would vote for Charleas Manson if he was Democrat.

  23. I like your news and have followed it since 2007 , however , Trump you are not or even close . I think you may have the same beliefs as Trump like myself , but I certainly wouldn't compare him to me. We are all individuals with great differences . I do give you a pat on the back for you accomplishments and your pool playing .

  24. joe dont always agree with you but at least you publish the good and the bad. unfortunately you are a one man band and like any entity government or corporate they'll just wait you out knowing no one will pick up the slack. Then they figure everyone will turn back to them.
    Good Luck, hang in there!

  25. Joe, I’ve been a loyal subscriber of the DT for nearly 45 years. I look forward to whatever local information they publish. Oddly, the obits are of the most interest, probably because I was born and raised here. However, the obvious and over-the top bias towards liberal agendas have finally taken their toll. I actually enjoy educating myself on the positions of those that I disagree with. It makes me feel whole (intellectually) in that I’ve looked at both (or all three, four or five sides) of any issue. It is with regret that I cancel my subscription today, actually my habit, in pursuit of a more rounded source of information. Your blog is certainly one of them. Please continue to publish as long as you possibly can.

  26. Joe, looks like you've lost some weight!

  27. Joe thanks for the time you have giving this area for the truth. At 73 years old I have seen the difference you have made in the local coffee shops. The good old boys are out numbered thanks to SBYNEWS.
    God Bless.

  28. It too bad nobodys made good on any of those death threats.

  29. John Robinson, Because you tend to make such immature comments I can tell you that you just lost out on thousands of tee shirts I'm currently having screen printed for Bike Week. Wishing someone dead just goes to show how horrible a human being you are, simply because you disagree with what I do. Say goodbye to about $30,000.00, fool. I'll add, you probably just lost a lot of customers once again. Grow up John, life is way too short.

  30. Sounds like the hateful Jon Robinson is a typical, Liberal DemsRCrap.

  31. Joe, I have so many super successful bidnesses that I'm now 100% retired. I have great healthcare package and my Wife doesn't have work eryday some trash pit landfill job for it. My super smart kids took over my Empire and they are doing so well they don't need ur tee shirt printing bidness. In fact, I would tell them to turn u away, like the baker and the gays. Enjoy reaping the poisonus seeds u have sewn buddy.

  32. Joe - please don't continue to entertain those who hate (JR). Do continue to do what you do - be DELMARVA's #1 NEWS LEADER!

    Thanks for what you do and I will continue to patron TL's for great LOCAL pool and suds!

    Only 5 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Thank you for all you do!

  34. Joe I just want to say how full of shit John robinson is!!! Success businesses??? Now that's funny right there. Nothing but a mommas boy. How successful would you really John Robinson if you didn't suck off the teet so long from your parents and then get some of that good old teamster retiree money from daddy in law Eldridge Hayman. You were blessed with parents that worked hard and rarely spurlged and in laws that did the same. I was told a man can't consider himself a success until he doubles his inheritance. The only thing I see you've done is accumulate a few junk pieces of real estate and worthless auto junking up that "mansion"
    you live in on pine bluff

  35. All of the properties that Gillis and Gilkersons purchased was available to the general public. What is it that was done that was wrong?
    How are they "liberal" . All are registered Republicans i think

    1. When Albero tried to put a bid in it was rejected for a lower price for these two corrpt POS

  36. Dont quit. we need you. finally someone honest


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