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Monday, October 27, 2008

Exterminate White America


Anonymous said...

Joe man, why you got to scare me like this. I have enough to worry about. But if he is elected Im leaving the country.
Thanks for the post, I also liked the one after thjis too. That was hilarious

Mardela said...

Wow! Why are Americans so nieve to what is going to happen if Obama wins? Do the people who have helped him really think they will get a pass when the killing begins?

Please my fellow Americans, make a decision for the generations to follow. This person wants to change our country far more than just having a different tax policy. He wants to change our country! There is nothing wrong with our country! We are the greatest nation in the world! He will not retaliate when all of our citizens are attacked. He will not protect us, but instead will feed us to the circling lions. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Anonymous said...

I hope all you alarmists will remember your bizarre panic a year from now, if Obama gets elected. Will you have the guts to come back and admit you were wrong, and that you were misled into fearing Obama rather than supporting McCain? Maybe Joe can do one of his "A Year Ago Today" posts, and show how silly those of you sound who think Obama's election would be the end of the world. It really won't be that bad, take a deep breath.

tedh said...

Anon 11:11- I hope the same goes for you when everything falls apart if Obama is elected. I will more than likely see that the liberals and their press find some reason to blame the republicans as usual. Let's hope we don't have find out what happens if Obama is elected.

Anonymous said...

"There is nothing wrong with our country!"


This attitude is far more dangerous than any of Barack Obama's policies. Wake up.

Anonymous said...

When the shit hits the fan I don't want any of you flaming liberals to come crying to me. I'll have my hands full protecting what is mine from those that think like you.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard to realize or understand that obama's policies are socialism??? Does anyone remember the United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic?? It failed!! It's based on the premise that rich people will continue to gladly give up their wealth for redistribution to the masses. My question is, what happens when the rich decide to leave and go elsewhere? Then, just as with the USSR, the middle class and lower class have to foot the bill, redistributing less and less money, until the economy collapses. Welcome to 2016 folks. Thats socialism, and thats a proven track record of how it'll work.

Anonymous said...

well,the terrorists plan from the beginning was to destroy the united states internally could this be it? who knows but all the things i watch and read about obama point to it! as far as the extermination of white people goes ill have plenty of bullets and i dont spray and pray like a drug dealer i see a civil or race war possibly erupting from this elestion

Anonymous said...

3:47 pleas due explain what you are taking about I have my own concerns about the out come.

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight:

Barack Obama is a Muslim Manchurian Candidate who is lying to all of us about what he wants to do in order to get elected, and, when he's in office, he's going to kill all the white people.

Okay. Just want to make sure I've got the story straight before you all start babbling incoherently, and no one can understand you anymore.

Bigoted idiots.

Anonymous said...

"But if he is elected Im leaving the country."

I had the same thought about Mccain.

Anonymous said...

Bigoted idiots.
1019 call us bigoted idiots when the shit hits the fan. You'll be one of those sissy baby liberals crying the blues not knowing what to do, wanting everyone else to protect you and yours because you don't have the balls to take care of yourself. You really do think you are entitled to protection, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Maybe this can be shown opposite bho's 30 minute commercial to be on air sometime tonight. Wouldn't that be great?

Anonymous said...

Barney (oops, did I get any on you?) Frank is ALREADY calling for 25% reduction in DEFENSE spending...AND RAISING the already too high taxes. And Nancy(I can't believe she said something like that, AGAIN) Pelosi & Hairy (don't I just wish for one more toke)reid CONCUR! It bothers me that Pelosi is a heartbeat from the preidency, second in line, regardless of who is elected.