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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin's Acceptance Speech -- Quick Review


Eat your heart out, Hillary.


Anonymous said...

Canned attacks. Very disappointing.

Talk about the celebrity issue, LOL.

Can predict what will be posted here as easily as I predicted what she was going to say.

Anonymous said...

How exactly was a star born? I'd really like to know. Because she is family based "hockey mom"? She rattled off the same things as she did when McCain nominated her.

Glad to see the boyfriend/daddy make an appearance. He was greeted like he was royalty. haha... whata joke. 17 yr old is pregnant because of him.

Then you have this little baby passed around and held by all the important faces. Bottom line on the baby is that the family has yet to deal with any "special" needs. It's still a baby! Requires the same attention as a "normal" baby right now. She talks about her situation with a special needs child, but she is nowhere close to truly dealing with that situation.

Sarah was too old to have a child and her daughter is too young. The names of each child should be a sign of something not completely right in their lives.

Anonymous said...

Why did you use eat and hillary in the same sentence..YUCK now eat and palin..that works

Anonymous said...

Wow, she nailed it. I can't wait to see her debate Biden. I heard one comment say, "she's still not Hillary Clinton". You're damn right she's not, Clinton wouldn't make a pimple on Palin's a$$!

Anonymous said...

Dear Alaskans:

We'll trade you Barrie Tilghman, Bubba Comegys and a weasel for her!

The Dirty Dozen
Salisbury, MD

Anonymous said...

overrated..little experience and her veto of the ban to allow gay paternships in Alaska proves she's not a true social conservative.

Anonymous said...


Palin's hot;
Biden's not!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You know the liberals don't know what to do! You got to love this story.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful, classy, tough and intelligent woman! She brings much needed energy to the party and I'm glad to have her as our new VP!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is a phenomenal Lady and Governor. Just look at her approval ratings: 80% Approval!!!!
The poeple love her.
Can our pathetic, liberal Governor O'Malley touch that? He's close to 80% Disaproval.

We need Palin change!


Anonymous said...

So, "a star is born" --

So much for the attacks on Obama about "celebrity."

The woman is such a put-on. It shows.

Anonymous said...

Anon 757 you really are a sore loser. Nothing better to say other than the young lady's fiance made an appearance? Are you so bitter you'd attack an innocent child that does in fact have special needs at this time. Do you have a child with special needs? If not, thank whoever you worship. If so, you know better than to make a statement such as you made.

Who are you to say what is to old or young to have a child? Suddenly the liberals are now God?

Anonymous said...

anon 7:55 & 7:57

Blah, blah, blah.....

You have to be more original than that.

Anonymous said...

OMG you mean her family are just regular people with the same problems most families go through at some point in a lifetime?

We're Doomed NOT.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with Palin's statement that we are in Iraq on "a task from God." Funny, the Ilamic jihadists seem to think that THEY are on a task from God (Allah) as well. She also says it is "God's will" that we have a pipeline for Alaskan oil. Sounds like she has her own personal pipeline to God, but if I said I know what God's will is, they'd, well, crucify me.

IMHO, religion and politics should not be mixed.

As for those who call it sexist to ask how she can be VP and still take care of her children, let's face it: mothers are expected to be the primary caregiver in most societies, and two fulltime parents are always better than one, especially when a special needs child is involved. I feel sorry for that child; if Mccain is elected, that child isn't going to see much of its mother. I think McCain could have made a better choice, especially if family values are part of his platform.

Go ahead, attack me. I expect some of you will. It's okay, I've been called a piece of s**t by one commenter here already. It doesn't bother me because people who respond with namecalling and nasty remarks just show their ignorance when they do so.

Anonymous said...

As an independent, I have watched both of the conventions hoping to hear what both sides would try and do in office.
Let's face it...even if McCain wins, we will still have a Democratic controlled much won't get done because people can't put their party aside and do what is best for this country.
I have heard parts of speeches from both conventions that I didn't care for much.
Stop the damn mud slinging like you are 4 year olds on the playground and tell us what your plan is when and if you get into the White House!
I'm sure I'm not the only American that is tired of all of this. This is exactly what turns people OFF when it comes to politics...but then again...there are some that really enjoy this stuff because it gives them something to talk about.
I'd rather talk about what is wrong with this country and how we can fix it.
I believe BOTH sides have good answers which can be utilized to improve our country....they just need to say what they are...instead of attacking each other and their families.

Anonymous said...

Gee where is the shock and disgust on this blog when Obama "rumors" are circulated here? This blog is a mouth piece for right wing nuts.

Anonymous said...

Karen Walker did good

thomas augustus littleton said...


I promise not to call you any names, but I would like to take polite issue with one thing you wrote: "IMHO, religion and politics should not be mixed."

As far as I can tell, religion and politics have always been mixed.
Our founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, wanted separation of church and state. But most of them were Christians and envoked God's name and asked for God's guidance. They never intended that the electorate shouldn't consider their religious beliefs when voting.
Yes, the muslims do believe they are doing God's will. I happen to believe the Bible...Muslims are the ancient and mortal enemies of Israel and Christianity. Time will tell if God is on one side or the other:)

Anonymous said...

Are the elite laughing at us?