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Friday, April 11, 2008

Spells It Out For Me Good Enough!

Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words! I wonder if all three will sue me now, like Salisbury Police Chief Webster?


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I didn't realize that Barrie Tilghman and her puppets used to be movie stars.

Tim Chaney said...

OMG Now THAT is funny as hell~! I think I need to get an absentee ballot this year so I can write my own name in, can't do that on them electronic voting machines. I'm still rolling on the floor cracking up from that picture.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about the candidates, but it would be in your best interest to cast your vote for McCain. Please do the Country a favor and vote McCain.

Tim Chaney said...

Of course my mind is not made up yet. My biggest fear about McCain is that he will accelerate the war in Iraq. On the other hand, it might be a good thing that some other countries have a growing fear of us, another point on that same ideal, is that it may cause other countries to accelerate their own nuclear ballistic missile capabilities. Let's just say I have a lot to think about before voting for McCain. Don't worry, the other two are out of the question. He will most likely win without my vote I must admit.

My point really was I will be voting for someone, even if it is myself. There is a long way to go yet. A lot of listening to do yet. Whoever wins I don't envy them, they have one heck of a pig pen to clean up. An unfavorable war, a huge deficit, big illegal immigration problems and a rock bottom economy. No wonder Jeb didn't run! LoL