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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release

Delegate Mike McDermott on HB-1213:
“The process surrounding this bill was appalling”

(ANNAPOLIS)—“If we’re going to debate something let it be done fair and impartial and allow the views of the people of this state to be reflected in their citizen legislature. Not those that hide in the back room, making deals around a table deciding what the delegations are going to receive” said Delegate Michael A. McDermott(R-District-38B) on the House floor while discussing HB-1213 on Sine Die.  HB-1213, Sales and Use Tax - Alcoholic Beverages - Supplementary Appropriation, will dramatically increase the sales tax rate on alcoholic beverages by 50 percent.  Many Delegates, including Delegate Mike McDermott, were angered by the process of the floor proceedings when Speaker Michael E. Busch shut down debate for HB-1213 after only a few delegates had spoken.

“The people of Maryland are booing this process. That’s why they put so many freshmen in here: they’re tired of it! They’re tired of this process!  They’re tired of not being heard! They’re tired of you deciding what’s right on a dark night and ramming this through at the eighty-ninth day. They’re tired of you not letting them have a voice in this chamber, where they say ‘You have taxed me enough!’ ” argued Delegate McDermott.

The bill will be particularly tough on border areas like Worcester and Wicomico Counties where prices are cheaper in neighboring states. According to the Fiscal Note on the bill, the increased tax will likley result in job losses and a decrease in overall business for Maryland at a time when our economy continues to suffer.

“The people are weary. They’re weary of your taxes. They’re weary of your intolerance. They’re weary of your opportunity to tyrannically run this house any way you choose” concluded McDermott.

The bill is a sweetheart deal for Baltimore City, Prince Georges County, and Montgomery County who will recieve $27 million of the cut while 8 Eastern Shore Counties will only receive $156,000. HB-1213 passed with a vote of 78-62 in the House.

Allow Me To Respond

A friend just sent me the below comment found on another Website....

"I have no doubt that Sarah was found on 12/24. As a political move, Mike Lewis called the community together to search. They were sent everywhere but where the body was. I had friends who went and searched on their own even they people were told not to. A red ribbon was found on the property where she was found indicating that it had already been searched. The red ribbon was a nice little gimmick,wasn't it? Well thought out and useful. I am very bitter about this. I did not celebrate Christmas with my children as I usually do. My children did not have a joyous happy day. Don't get me wrong, I would do it all again, but I am angry that it didn't have to be that way. How did Joe Albero know? He was with Mike Lewis at the command post on 12/24 (not out searching like everyone else)and got the info directly from him and/or that agency."


While Sheriff Mike Lewis and I are not on good terms at this point and time I'd still like to make something VERY clear here. During this period, Sheriff Lewis was VERY upset because of the information I was receiving and even forwarding to Sheriff Lewis. Sheriff Lewis, (nor any of his staff) at NO time during this investigation fed me any information and I'd swear to that in a court of law.

While there are some who'd like to believe different, let me assure you, Sheriff Lewis over the past 5 years has ALWAYS been amazed at the information I have received, sometimes before HE even became aware of it.

Now, that being said, let me assure each and every one of you following Salisbury News, I know more about this case and things that happened than ANY one of you. You have to believe me when I tell you, it kills me inside to have made the choice to keep that information to myself. And trust me, 95% of it has to do with the case and NOT how things happened to little Sarah.

Out of respect, (for now) for the Family I have chosen to stay silent. However, believe me, there may come a time in which I will say my peace and if certain Family Members keep doing what they're trying to do, that time may come sooner than anyone thinks and that won't be good for a LOT of people.

I simply wanted to clear the air on the above matter. Sheriff Mike Lewis is a good Sheriff. The choices that were made were in the best interest of Sarah Foxwell and the investigation and conviction of Thomas Leggs. Remember, it was my Christmas too. Yet we stayed put until the very end, or shall I say, until WBOC could go LIVE with it.

Salisbury News Does Interview With National Public Radio Station

When I received a call last week from Washington, D.C. National Public Radio Headquarters I was very pleased to hear they were interested in an open discussion comparing Blogs to the Main Stream Media. With the choice of literally hundreds of thousands of Blogs, MPR wanted Salisbury News, no question about it.

Today I was joined by G.A. Harrison, (Contributor to SBYNews.com) John Hayden, a former journalist from The Baltimore Sun and the Host of a local Radio Station WRAU (88.5) Brian Russo, I knew things would get interesting and I was right.

While I won't get in depth with the interview, I can tell you it will air on Friday at noon and again Friday evening. Salisbury News will also provide the link to the broadcast so everyone can hear it at their leisure.

So if you were wondering why I have been quiet over the past few hours it is because we were in Ocean City doing the interview.

Psychiatrist: Leftists Are Mentally Ill

Just when liberal-leftists thought it was finally "their time" to lead center-right America, kicking and screaming, into a stifling socialist "utopia," a veteran psychiatrist is making a powerful case that the "hope-and-change" ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.

For more than 40 years, Dr. Lyle Rossiter has diagnosed and treated over 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases, both state and federal, as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist retained by numerous public offices, courts and private attorneys. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter explains with great clarity why the kind of liberalism being displayed by Barack Obama can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Rossiter. "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do," he says. "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which overregulates and overtaxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do."

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:

    * creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
    * satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
    * augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
    * rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.

"The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."

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Obama ‘Regrets Vote Against Raising Debt Ceiling In 2006, Calls It ‘Mistake’

After averting a government shutdown in an eleventh hour budget deal Friday between the Democratic White House and Senate and Republican House that cut $38.5 billion, the next fiscal battleground will be over whether significant spending cuts will accompany a vote to increase the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the legal limit on how much the federal government can borrow.

Before casting his vote as a senator, Obama said on March 16, 2006:

 “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

"America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”


Budget Deal Full Of Tricks

The historic $38 billion in budget cuts resulting from at-times hostile bargaining between Congress and the Obama White House were accomplished in large part by pruning money left over from previous years, using accounting sleight of hand and going after programs President Barack Obama had targeted anyway.

Such moves permitted Obama to save favorite programs - Pell grants for poor college students, health research and "Race to the Top" aid for public schools, among others - from Republican knives, according to new details of the legislation released Tuesday morning.

And big holes in foreign aid and Environmental Protection Agency accounts were patched in large part. Republicans also gave up politically treacherous cuts to the Agriculture Department's food inspection program.

The details of the agreement reached late Friday night just ahead of a deadline for a partial government shutdown reveal a lot of one-time savings and cuts that officially "score" as cuts to pay for spending elsewhere, but often have little to no actual impact on the deficit.

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May 5 Presidential Debates

Chairman Floyd,
On Friday April 8, 2011 you announced that the state GOP put a special threshold on who could be eligible for participating in the May 5, 2011 South Carolina Presidential debate. Candidates must have registered a presidential exploratory committee or presidential campaign with the Federal Election Commission, filed paperwork to be placed on the ballot in South Carolina, pay associated state and federal filing fees, and meet national polling criteria consistent with benchmark support numbers used for past debates. Not all the listed candidates have met the requirements, but are expected to.
Neither the Republican Party of South Carolina nor the National Republican Party has the authority to override, bypass or rewrite the Constitution of the United States of America. You do not have the power to create special thresholds that limit the participants to career politicians, millionaires and the ruling elite. Our campaign has been officially registered with the Federal Election Commission and our candidate has met the criteria required by the Constitution of the United States of America under Article II section I to hold the Office of the President of the United States of America.
Therefore, we are formally requesting that Presidential Candidate Thomas J. Miller be invited and allowed to participate in the May 5, 2011 South Carolina Presidential debates. Please forward all information regarding this event to me at jalbero@reducegovernment.com.  
Joe Albero
National Press Secretary
Reduce Government Miller for President
Thomas J. Miller 
Registered Candidate R., President of the United States of America 2012 
Federal Election Commission ID: P20001947
Principal Campaign Committee:
Reduce Government w Miller for President ID: C00462010

Wicomico Elected School Board Bill DEAD! …

… at least for this year.

THANKS Norm Conway!  Rick Pollitt, John Fredericksen, and the NAACP couldn’t have done it without you!

Here’s the synopsis:

  • Senate passes bill.
  • Conway diddles with his own bill by adding one amendment, withdrawing it, and then adding another (one that was obviously designed to confuse the voters).
  • House Ways & Means gives bill favorable report on Saturday.
  • House adopts Conway’s amended bill.
  • Bill is recommitted to the Senate because the Senate bill (which is EXACTLY the same as Conway’s original bill) differs from the House bill.
  • Bill is dead for 2011.


Of course it is.  Watch Norm explain that he really didn’t torpedo the elected school board bill.  Watch Norm’s nose grow as he speaks.

"Paying It Forward" A Huge Success At Pani Pit Pizza

Let me start by thanking ALL of the people for attending our FREE Pizza Night last night at Pani Pit Pizza.

Not only have we helped introduce a local business to the community, we also paid it forward by supporting that business by purchasing 22 Extra Large Pizza's over a 2 hour period.

From 6 to 8 PM we enjoyed a completely packed house. The Staff did everything they could to keep those pizza's coming and while there was a slight delay in the beginning, (so many people) they quickly caught up and ultimately had pies ready at will.

Even though the Anti Albero Bloggers claimed they would picket this event, none of them showed up, as usual. Just remember Folks, these are very obsessed people who have very serious mental problems. They spend all of their time on earth trying to bash one person, me. They don't go out to ring a bell for the Salvation Army. Instead they call corporate WalMart and tell them they witnessed me calling an interracial couple a N-Word loving whore, (a complete and utter lie). They don't go out and clear the snow from driveways and walkways for the elderly and handicapped and they simply do not give back to their community.

These are the same people who call our advertisers and threaten them, yet they don't even have the money to patronize them. In the end, these people are attempting to hurt organizations like the Salvation Army and those recipients of the tens of thousands of dollars we donate to non profits and people in need.

The whole idea of Salisbury News is not only to keep you informed on a real time basis but to also give back to this community. Last night was yet another example of how "good people" can come together and help support a local business.

I want to thank ALL of you for participating as well as Pani Pit Pizza. Each and every person who visited said they'd be back. Finally, to those Parents who brought all those children. Each child personally came up to me to thank me. That was how I was raised and it is such a pleasure to see their generation offering the same gratitude. You've ALL done well and you should be very proud.

DC Mayor Arrested Protesting Budget Restrictions

Gray calls terms of budget deal to avoid government shutdown 'completely unacceptable' for district

The budget deal lawmakers struck to avoid a government shutdown was greeted by some with relief, but it has one city already reeling: the capital itself.

City officials say Washington was used as a pawn in last week's budget bargaining, with new restrictions part of the price of a deal.

Maryland's 'Transvestite Protection Act' Sent Back To Committee

Members of the Maryland state Senate voted to return a "Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination" proposal that originally could have created coed showers in public facilities across the state to a committee, a legislative maneuver on the last day of the 2011 legislature that ended its chances for this year.

The 27-20 vote in the legislative body was on H.B. 235, which had been approved days earlier by committee on the judiciary on a 7-4 vote.

The decision was the second recent victory for traditional morality in the state, with the earlier vote by lawmakers against approval of same-sex "marriages."

Officials with the National Gay and Lesbian Task force lamented the decision.

Executive Director Rea Cary accused the members of the Senate of turning their backs "on an opportunity to recognize and affirm our common humanity." Activists for the gender bill already had reduced its impact by making it apply only to credit, housing and jobs.

Originally, the strategy would have included gender identity nondiscrimination in "public facilities," which would have included locker rooms, restrooms, bath houses, club houses and dressing rooms.

The state's HB 235 would prohibit discrimination based on "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" with regard to housing, leasing property and in credit.
Officials with the NotMyShower.com website, who organized when Montgomery County was considering its own plan in 2007 and 2008, said there were a number of problems with the idea.
The proposal also would have taken away "the freedom of Marylanders to disagree with those who cannot accept their gender, mandates acceptance of ideology" and other complications, the coalition worried.

While the legislation would ban "discrimination" against cross-dressers and others, employers would have no way of knowing what they could do.

"'Appearance' could even change from hour to hour during the work day. Gender Identity can change at will. Gender Identity is not an immutable class like other protected classes such as race or sex. … With HB 235, your employee can be Molly in the morning and Mark in the evening. The bill gives no restriction," it warned.

Companies originally even could be banned from asking questions of an employee if there are worries about men and women sharing dressing areas or "if a customer has privacy concerns, for example, about male employees dressed as females monitoring female dressing rooms."

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Child Shocked By Wire At National Zoo

A safety wire at the National Zoo’s Lemur Island exhibit shocked a little girl at about 5 p.m. Monday, sending her to a nearby hospital.

Zoo officials said the girl was balancing on her father’s shoulders when she reached up and touched the overhead safety wire.

Why Are So Many So Obsessed

Ever since we went back to allowing anonymous comments, its just amazing how many messages have already made it to our automatic spam file.

As of this morning there are a more than 800 spam messages in that folder. Now, more than likely these are the same hand full of people obsessed with trying to get their message through, yet they go right into spam and never get the chance to see the light of day.

Now let's see. If there are so many people visiting SBYNews every day being called cult members, what shall we call these people who keep writing nasty anonymous comments in that spam folder?

Local Blogger Joins Presidential Campaign

HEBRON, Md. - A local blogger is joining the campaign of a presidential candidate.

Joe Albero was recently hired as the National Press Secretary for the Thomas J. Miller campaign, which is titled, "Reduce Government, Miller for President."

China Dominates Market For ‘Rare Earth’ Minerals

It is time for the U.S. to stop panicking and start mining in the face of a possible shortage of “rare earth” mineral supplies from China, which dominates the global supply for the obscure minerals critical to the modern high-tech economy, according to market analysts and a growing number of lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“The first step in the supply chain is the mining,” said Jack Lifton, a founding principal of Technology Metals Research LLC, an Illinois-based research firm that tracks the rare earths market. “The United States should develop immediately what it does have. Stop looking already. Start producing the stuff, [and] stop talking about it.”

More than a half-dozen bills have been introduced in Congress to survey U.S. rare earth stocks and encourage domestic production, though none has made it into law.

So-called rare earth elements reside in the obscure far reaches of the periodic table, but the little-known materials such as cerium, yttrium and praseodymium are front and center in a broad range of sophisticated industrial and defense uses, including cellphones, pollution control devices, medical tissue research and laser pointers.

Although it has only 30 percent of the world’s estimated deposits, China supplies more than 95 percent of the global market for the 17 rare earth minerals and has been steadily dropping its export quotas in recent years. That dominance was worrying many before Beijing abruptly “suspended” exports to Japan last fall in the middle of an unrelated territorial dispute.

China in 2010 exported 32,000 tons of rare earth materials, even though international demand was estimated at 55,000 tons. With demand expected to rise again this year, China’s quota has fallen to 25,000 tons, and prices for many rare earth minerals are soaring.

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Nine Out-Of-State Fishermen Charged With Poaching From Choptank River

Natural Resources Police tapes recreational anglers fishing in protected waters

Nine recreational anglers from out of state were charged with fishing for striped bass in protected waters during a weekend sting operation in the Choptank River south of Denton, just one week before the start of Maryland's spring season.

Working on tips from the public, Natural Resources Police officers shot video of the alleged poachers fishing on known spawning grounds and intercepted them as they returned to shore at Ganeys Wharf. Police say one angler caught 20 striped bass.

NRP said it shot video to prove in court that the anglers were targeting striped bass and not accidentally catching them while chasing other species.

Mathias “Beams” While Harming Shore Veteran’s Organizations

Maryland Senator Jim Mathias (D-38) is portrayed in this morning’s Daily Times as “beaming” over the successful passage of his bill to get slots for Worcester County fraternal organizations.  Good for you Jim.

Of course, if you happen to be a member of a fraternal or veterans organization in Somerset or Wicomico counties (also part of Mathias’s district) I wouldn’t be too happy.  An important source of funding is now going to decline thanks to Mathias.  If you are a member of a fraternal organization that has slots and you live in one of the remaining 6 Eastern Shore counties, I would be seething mad.


The bill that passed in the dead of night includes amendments that will require Shore organizations with slots to pay out a higher percentage of their revenues.  In addition, the Comptroller (rather than each county’s Sheriff) will now license these slots and set fees.

Sen. Rich Colburn said he supports Worcester groups getting slots, but not if it means making backdoor changes to the regulations for everyone else.

"My main contention is that the people in the VFWs, the American Legions in the four counties that I represent, they didn't have any input to testifying in favor or against it," said Colburn, who voted against the amended bill in the Senate.

Great job Jim!  I am sure that all members of the American Legion, VFW, Moose, Elks, and other organizations in Somerset, Wicomico, and the other Shore counties will be grateful.

Note – the link to the bill above is for the House Bill.  That is because that is where the bill was finally passed.  The offensive amendments came from the Senate where Mathias introduced the bill.

Norquist: Dems Lie On Default Risk

Democrats in Congress and the White House have warned that a failure to increase the debt limit would lead the government to default on its debt, throwing financial markets into turmoil. But Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform says default can be avoided without lifting the debt ceiling.

“This has been exposed as a political ploy, not a real concern, by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Penn., who has introduced legislation that would instruct the federal government to pay debt obligations first,” he writes on Politico.


Is Fluoride Good For You?


Flouride is a poison which is being added to public drinking water (bathing water) and being force delivered to the population.  It is a by-product of industry.  Most people know very little about flouride and I thought this article may be appreciated by some of your readers.


Judge Threatens Jail In Homeschool Case

A judge who was demanding – for his own use – the names and addresses of all the homeschool students and their parents in his Mississippi judicial district threatened school officials with jail if they didn't give him what he wanted.

The reports of the threat from Judge Joe Dale Walker, of the state's 13th Chancery district court, come from one of the attendance officers involved in the case in which Walker demanded the student data.

"He threatened us," said one of the school officials later  served with an order the judge wrote and signed for himself.

WND reported a week ago when Walker was ordered by the state Supreme Court to explain his demands.

His order for details about homeschoolers has been suspended until April 18 at least, when his explanation is due to the high court.

Walker declined to respond to multiple message left by WND seeking comment on the situation.

The state Supreme Court got involved when lawyers with the Home School Legal Defense Association, which fights for the rights of homeschooling worldwide, was informed of the situation by some of its members in Mississippi, and petitioned the high court on an emergency basis.

Walker had called a meeting with the school attendance officers and told them to provide the students names and addresses. They hesitated, as under federal law such information is confidential, and the judge said he had researched the issue and it was safe for them to give him the information, according to one of the attendance officers who spoke with WND today.

However, the state education department told them not to provide the information, and the judge, upset with the results, threatened that he would go write his own court order and then they would have to comply, the attendance officer said.

"The judge wanted information. We tried to explain we didn't think we could give it to him," the officer, whose identity is being withheld by WND. "He wanted it. He threatened us, said if he gave us a court order and we did not fulfill, we would be in contempt and would be arrested."

When WND reported on the case, it was noted that the information is being sought by the judge himself, as there is no underlying case, motion or dispute that could have prompted the request. There was no case number on the order and there were no other documents in the court file.

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In-State Tuition For Illegal Immigrants Wins Final Approval; O’Malley Plans To Sign It

After a midday Senate filibuster temporarily delayed its passage, the bill granting in-state tuition for illegal immigrants was sent to Gov. Martin O’Malley for his promised signature Monday night. As the House of Delegates approved the final negotiated version of the bill on Monday night with a vote of 74-65, the student lobbyists sitting in the galleries on either side of the chamber burst into cheers. The finalized bill had passed the Senate with a vote of 27-19 less than an hour earlier.

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New 3% Alcohol Tax Passes; O’Malley Will Sign

The House of Delegates and Senate Monday night passed a new 3% sales tax on alcohol sold in stores, bars and restaurants, with most of the proceeds in the first year going to schools and school construction. Gov. Martin O’Malley said Monday he will sign the two bills, which will go into effect July 1.

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Japan Ups Nuke Crisis Severity To Match Chernobyl

Japan raised the crisis level at its crippled nuclear plant Tuesday to a severity on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, citing high overall radiation leaks that have contaminated the air, tap water, vegetables and seawater.

Ryan Budget Could Stymie Senate’s 'Gang Of Six' On Deficit Bargain

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget resolution, set to pass the House this week, may kill closed-door bipartisan negotiations in the Senate over a grand deficit bargain.

The Senate Gang of Six has been meeting more frequently lately and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) delayed producing a Senate counterpart to Ryan’s budget resolution to accommodate the talks.

To get Democrats’ support, the Gang of Six is contemplating tax increases. But new taxes are absent from the Ryan budget.

Budget watchers are debating whether the Ryan budget is a line in the sand that signals the House will have no part of a bipartisan compromise, or an opening bid in future talks with supporters of the Gang of Six.

Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, served on President Obama’s debt commission and voted against its plan in December because it raised taxes and did not fundamentally transform Medicare.

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RSC Update: Moving From Billions To Trillions

From the Chairman

Over the last few months, House Republicans have changed the debate in Washington. The question is no longer, “Will we cut spending?” The question is, “How much?” Still, Democrats running the Senate and the White House have prevented more than a good first step on cutting spending. It is time to shift the conversation from billions to trillions.

Later this week, the House will debate the 2012 budget proposal written by Rep. Paul Ryan and the House Budget Committee, which lays out a path that would save endangered programs like Medicare and get control over the raging national debt. At the RSC, we have built on the Budget Committee’s good work and shown what it will take to achieve a balanced budget in less than 10 years.
Washington’s massive deficits were not created overnight, and it will take time to get America back on stable fiscal ground – an essential part of safeguarding our future. The RSC Budget turns trillion-dollar deficits into a budget surplus in nine years. It is a blueprint that will require lawmakers with the discipline to do the right thing – even when it’s the hard thing. Washington cannot keep spending money it doesn’t have. Our future depends on it.

God Bless,
Congressman Jim Jordan
Chairman, Republican Study Committee

House Bill Would Force Automakers To Share Repair Technology

Reps. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) and Todd Platts (R-Pa.) last week introduced legislation that would require auto manufacturers to make the tools and technology needed for auto repairs available to local repair shops so that consumers are not forced to seek repairs at the dealer. It would also provide for enforcement of this requirement through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or civil action by states.

"Our constituents deserve the ability to choose where, how and by whom to have their vehicles repaired," Towns said. "That choice may be an automotive independent repair shop or a new car dealership, or even the ability for do-it-yourselfers to repair vehicles, but that choice should remain with the consumer."

Towns's description of the Motor Vehicle Owners Right to Repair Act said the legislation is needed because cars are becoming more sophisticated, and yet automakers have become "more and more reluctant to provide the necessary information, tools, and codes to repair their automobiles to mom and pop repair shops." It said automakers also restrict repair information to authorized dealers, which forces consumers to get repairs that are "often more expensive."

Under the bill, H.R. 1449, automakers would have a "duty to disclose information" pertinent to repair and maintenance," would have a "duty to make tools available," and would have to make replacement equipment available.

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Teachers Union Supports Cop-Killer

Between negotiating for more benefits and teaching their students, the California Federation of Teachers has adopted a resolution of support for convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

At the CFT’s 2011 Convention in late March, the delegates passed 30 resolutions, from solidifying support for anti-bullying legislation to supporting transitional kindergarten. Among the resolutions largely pertaining to education and collective bargaining rights was Resolution 19 – to “Reaffirm support for death row journalist.”

“Therefore, be it resolved, that the California Federation of Teachers reaffirm its support and demand that the courts consider the evidence of innocence of Mumia Abu-Jamal,” the Committee Report reads.

Mumia Abu-Jamal was a former member of the Black Panthers who was found guilty of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel J. Faulkner during a routine traffic stop in 1981. Abu-Jamal was subsequently sentenced to death.

His supporters, such as the California Federation of Teachers, argue that his trial was unfair and that he is a civil rights hero.

Daniel Flynn, author of “Cop killer: How Mumia Abu-Jamal conned millions into believing he was framed” told The Daily Caller that Abu-Jamal was the poster-child for ending the death penalty…20 – 30 years ago.

“Somebody should tell the California Teachers Federation that this is over, he is in jail, he is going to stay there,” Flynn said. “You have numerous eyewitnesses saying Mumia did it. You had ballistic evidence – Mumia’s gun at the scene was consistent with the bullet used to kill Faulkner. Mumia admitted after the fact that he did it.”


Chicago Public School Bans Homemade Lunches

Bye-bye brown bag. A public school in Chicago is banning homemade lunches saying cafeteria food is better for students.

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

Do YOU Thank Your Employees For Coming To Work Every Day, Especially In Such Tough Times?

President Obama is thanking federal employees for their "patience and professionalism" during the past few weeks of budget negotiations. The Washington Post reports President Obama sent out a letter Monday to every agency, with instructions to distribute them to rank and file feds all over the country. In it, the President ackowledges the past few weeks have been a time of uncertainty for feds and their families and thanks them for their patience and their service to country.

The $38 Billion Dollar Deal

More details are emerging about the $38 billion dollar deal lawmakers say they reached to keep the government from shutting down. Some cuts were made by pruning money left over from previous years. More than half of the cuts affect education, labor and health programs. A vote in the House is expected as early as Wednesday and the Senate must pass it by Friday to prevent a shutdown.

Obama Prevents Budget Cuts To Favorite Programs

Full details are emerging about Friday's $38 billion deal to keep the government from shutting down. In some cases, cuts were made by pruning money left over from previous years. More than half of the cuts affect education, labor and health programs. The Senate must pass it by Friday to prevent another shutdown.  

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Government Calls Native American Resistance Of 1800s "Much Like Modern-Day Al-Qaeda"

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) issued a statement concerning the hearing before the United States Court of Military Commission Review in United States v. Al Bahlul, before its scheduled date of March 17, 2011. Al Bahlul is the first appeal of a Guantanamo military commission conviction to proceed before the Court of Military Commission Review. The case is notable because, in essence, it is a conviction in desperate search of supporting war crimes. But it's also notable for the ahistorical and racist rhetoric in the government briefs that suggest equivalency between Native Americans resisting US takeover of their homelands and al-Qaeda. If you were to ask the Seminoles, I suspect they would say that the greatest threat to their homeland security during the 1800s was in fact the US government. It's appalling that the Obama administration has abandoned its pledge to close Guantanamo. But it's intolerable that it would invoke and distort one of the darkest moments in American history to justify its failure. Here's the CCR statement:


Key Panel Approves Alcohol Tax Increase

Maryland's sales tax on alcohol would rise from 6 percent to 9 percent by July 1 to raise an estimated $85 million, under legislation approved yesterday by the House Ways and Means Committee.


3,900 School Buses Recalled For Fire Risk

The wheels on the bus go round and round. The starter cables on the bus rub against the power steering hose, rub rub rub. 3,900 Bluebird school buses have been recalled for a defect that could result in a fire. The affect buses are model year 2004 through 2006, made from June 26, 2003, through December 9, 2004. Recall notices will start to go out to owners May 11, but if they don't feel like waiting they can call the NHTSA hotline at 1-888-327-4236.

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Survey: T-Mobile Not Only Cheaper Than AT&T, But It Also Sucks Less

Last week we showed you how T-Mobile gives customers a significantly better bang for their buck than AT&T. But it's apparently not just pricing at which the smaller cellphone company bests its suitor. According to a recent survey done by our publishing kin at Consumer Reports, T-Mobile customers are not as displeased as AT&T subscribers are with their service provider.

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11 Legal Ways To Pay No Taxes. No Bunker Required.

It's tax time, so you're probably wondering, man, do I really have to give the government so much of my money? If you're rich, the answer is no! Step 1: Be a millionaire. Step 2: Hire a flashy accountant. Step 3: Have them use one of these 11 completely legal ways the wealthy use to avoid paying taxes. One of them, which Bloomberg Businessweek calls "The Friendly Partner," allows for a property to be sold without any capital-gains tax at all.

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Kelly Rothwell

Missing Police Cadet Kelly Rothwell to be honored Wednesday, April 13th at 6pm. at the St. Pete Police Academy Graduation Ceremony, Cadet Class 177
Contact info:
Donna Scharrett -727-938-8036
Leigh Clifton-727-410-8559

WHEN: On Wednesday, April 13th at 6p.m. St. Petersburg Police Academy will hold graduation ceremonies for Cadet Class 177 at the Allstate Campus of St. Pete College, 3200 343th St. South St Pete, Florida 33711.

WHO: At that time, Kelly Rothwell, a cadet missing since March 12th and member of Cadet Class 177 will be honored with a Certificate, presented to her two sisters, Lindsay and Lauren and friend Donna Scharrett, who will be in attendance. Kelly Rothwell will be listed in the program as “Not in Attendance.”

WHAT: After the ceremonies, there will be a candlelight vigil and prayer circle for Kelly outside in the Academy’s parking lot. Candles will be provided and the ceremony is open to the public.

Kelly Rothwell went missing March 12th, 2011. Her live-in boyfriend took off for New York at the time of her disappearance and is not cooperating with authorities at this time.

Kelly Rothwell is still missing.

Please come to the ceremony and show support for this brilliant cadet who was a leader in her class, dear friend to many, and had a smile as bright as her future. Wednesday April 13th 6 p.m.

A Facebook page has been created as well:
www.facebook/ Bring Kelly Rothwell Home

Thank you

The Rothwell Family and Friends of Kelly
For those unable to attend Wednesday’s candlelight vigil, we ask that you put a light in your window at 7 pm. for Kelly. We want to create a Virtual Vigil for her that everyone can participate in.

Thanks Again

No Justice

Mr Albero,
Back this past summer or fall you were in attendance at the West Side FD during a community meeting where there was some discussion about a particular young man that had been involved in numerous theft, vehicle violations and an impersonating a police officer all this while chasing an Innocent citizen with flashing lights in his vehicle. Just thought you may want to check case search and see just how some people never get found guilty of just about anything. Look up Ian B Gray and see what you think. Makes you think why do the cops bother arresting anyone.
West Side Citizen.

American Ghost Towns Of The 21st Century

There are several counties in America, each with more than 10,000 homes, which have vacancy rates above 55%. The rate is above 60% in several.

Most people who follow unemployment and the housing crisis would expect high vacancy rates in hard-hit states including Nevada, Florida and Arizona. They were among the fastest growing areas from 2000 to 2010. Disaster struck once economic growth ended.

Palm Coast, Fla., Las Vegas and Cape Coral, Fla., were all among the former high fliers. Many large counties which have 20% or higher occupancy rates are in these same regions. Lee County, Fla., Yuma County, Ariz., Mohave County, Ariz., and Osceola, Fla., each had a precipitous drop in home prices and increases in vacancy rates as homebuyers disappeared when the economy went south.

Data from states and large metropolitan areas do not tell the story of how much the real estate disaster has turned certain areas in the country into ghost towns. Some of the affected regions are tourist destinations, but much of that traffic has disappeared as the recession has caused people to sell or desert vacation homes and delay trips for leisure. This makes these areas particularly desolate when tourists are not around.

The future of these areas is grim. Our research showed that many have sharply declining tax bases which have caused budget cuts. Forecasts are calling for the fiscal noose to tighten on them even tighter.

These are the American Ghost Towns of the 21st century. Each has a population of more than 10,000 along with vacancy rates of more than 55%, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.

4. Worcester County, Md.
Number of homes: 55,749
Vacancy rate: 60%
Population: 49,274
The Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation recently estimated that the county would have a sharp drop in its tax base in fiscal year 2012 and "another, more drastic, revenue decrease" for the fiscal year that follows. The twin engines of county's economy are tourism and agriculture. Experts believe the tourism business in Maryland's Eastern Shore could stay crippled for years.


A Sign Of The Times

We feel the pain. Salisbury Taxi owes Salisbury News over $1,000.00 and Kickers Karate owes us more than $600.00, they, (Kickers) never once paid their bill. While we have been paying for classes for our Grandson there for years, Kickers almost begged to advertise on Salisbury News and has simply refused to pay a penny for their ad. We even have saved e-mail messages from them telling us how much traffic they received from advertising with us and they are well aware those advertising dollars gets paid forward to charities and local non profits. By the way, the owner of Kickers is friends with John Robinson.

Now you know why their ads have been removed.

MDGOP Statement On 2011 Legislative Session

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Republican Party Chairman Alex X. Mooney issued the following statement today in response to the end of the 2011 Legislative Session:
"Another legislative session has drawn to a close with Democrats 'choking' Marylanders with more excessive spending, borrowing, taxes and fees. From hundreds of millions of dollars in new fees to taxing businesses for selling alcohol, Democrats continue to nickel-and-dime our state's job creators and residents to finance their excessive spending.  Sadly, this has become politics as usual from Democrats in Annapolis who say one thing to get elected then do another once in office. The same Democrats who are gleefully ushering in sweeping new fees and taxes on Marylanders, denounced these increases on the campaign trail, even accusing the Republicans of scare-mongering for warning of them - Maryland deserves better. Fortunately for Marylanders, six new Republican additions in the House of Delegates were able to help halt the legislature from redefining marriage, while also bringing a renewed call for fiscal sanity and increased attention to creating jobs for Maryland.
"While the legislative session may be technically over, a special session continues to loom large and with projected budget shortfalls, a new round of massive tax hikes could be imminent."


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. and House Speaker Michael Busch will hold a bill signing ceremony today, just hours after the 2011 legislative session comes to an official close. 

An official list of bills to be signed will not be available until after the session officially closes.


(HAMPSTEAD, MD) – A Carroll County woman armed with a handgun who was threatening suicide was fatally wounded by a Maryland state trooper this evening after she refused repeated orders to surrender and repeatedly pointed the gun at him.

The investigation is continuing and police are still on the scene in the 4600-block of Upper Beckleysville Road, Hampstead, Md. Troopers from the Westminster Barrack were called to the home at about 5:40 p.m. today for a domestic situation between the 40-year-old woman and her sister, with whom she lived. While troopers were en route to the scene, a second call was received informing troopers the woman had armed herself with a handgun and was threatening suicide. The woman’s sister reported she and her teenaged daughter had locked themselves in an upstairs bathroom.

Two troopers, a Hampstead Police officer and a Carroll County deputy sheriff arrived at the two-story home shortly before 6:00 p.m. The preliminary investigation indicates the woman appeared at upstairs and downstairs windows repeatedly pointing the gun at the police officers. The woman refused repeated commands to drop the weapon and continued to repeatedly point the gun at the trooper. In fear for his life, the trooper fired his Department-issued .40 caliber pistol, wounding the woman.

Emergency care was immediately provided and EMS units were summoned to the scene. The woman was flown by Maryland State Police medevac helicopter to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center where she was pronounced dead. No law enforcement officers were injured.

Members of the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, Westminster Barrack Criminal Investigation Section, Internal Affairs Unit, and crime scene technicians from the State Police Forensic Sciences Division are continuing the investigation at the scene. They are expected to remain at the scene until the early morning hours.

After family members have been notified and the investigation has progressed, a more detailed news release will be issued tomorrow morning that will contain identities and additional information.

Gear Up For Upcoming Youth Sport Activities

(Salisbury, MD) The Salisbury Advisory Council on Youth Activities (SACYA) is offering Golf lessons, Tennis lessons and Tee Ball for summer 2011.  Registration is being held for these activities at the Wicomico County Youth & Civic Center Box Office now through May 31, 2011.
MRPA Junior Golf lessons are open to children ages 7-17.  The lessons will be held on Wednesdays, June 22-July 27th from 10:00-11:00am.  Students will have the opportunity to play at Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park, UMES and Horse Bridge Golf Course. The registration fee is $15. There is a limit of 12 students.

Tee Ball is open to children ages four-six. Meets will be held every Saturday, June 18-July 23rd from 8:00-9:00am. Players will enjoy hitting and catching the ball at Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park.  Please bring a glove/mitt for your child. The registration fee is $10. There is a limit of 30 children.

Tennis lessons are open to children ages 7-15.  The lessons will be held on Saturdays, June 18-July 23rd from 8:00-9:00am.  Students will be serving it up and practicing their backhand at Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park.  Please bring a racket for your child. The registration fee is $15. There is a limit of 12 students.

For more information on the SACYA sports for summer 2011 please visit http://www.wicomicorecandparks.org/ or call 410-603-5422 or 410-548-4900. Billy Gene Jackson, Sr. Park is located at 420 North Lake Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801.

Opportunities To Support Our Students And Schools

Friday, April 15
Spaghetti Dinner & Auction
Northwestern Elementary PTA

The Northwestern Elementary PTA will hold a Spaghetti Dinner & Auction from 6-8 p.m. Friday, April 15, at Northwestern Elementary. Tickets for the dinner are $8 adults, $4 ages 4-12, and free for children 3 and under. A Silent Auction and Chinese Auction will be held from 6-8 p.m., with many classroom baskets and prizes on which to bid. At 8:15 p.m. a live auction will be held, with many attractive items including an outdoor gas grill, half-day fishing trip for four, hunting trip, septic system pump, Principal for a Day, Flip video camera, and bicycles. Tickets are available in the school office and at the door, and takeouts will be available. 410-677-5808. See the flier at http://www.wcboe.org/schools/nwe/assets/files/20110411_SpaghettiDinnerAuctionFlyer.pdf

Bulbs to Benefit Bennett Middle Vikings Relay for Life Team

With all this warm weather you may be thinking of planting your Summer garden. Ordering bulbs for summer blooming flowers is as easy as clicking on this link: https://www.dutchbulbs.com/fg/relayforlife. Half of the purchase price is donated to the Bennett Middle Vikings Relay for Life Team. Please place an order and or share this link with everyone you know.

Friday, April 29
James M. Bennett High Sophomore Class Spaghetti Dinner
James M. Bennett High School

James M. Bennett High School's Sophomore Class is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, April 29 in the brand new JMB cafeteria. Come enjoy sauce provided by Restaurant 213. Entertainment will feature Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival performers, a silent auction and a 50/50 Raffle. Bring your family and join us for only $7 a person. Tickets may be purchased at the door on the night of the dinner. 410-677-5141.

Tuesday, April 26
Bingo Benefit for Wicomico Middle School Student
Salisbury Moose Lodge

A bingo benefit for Brooke Shockley has been planned for Tuesday, April 26 at the Salisbury Moose Lodge. Brooke is a 13-year-old student at Wicomico Middle School and has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Osteosarcoma (bone) cancer. All proceeds will go toward medical expenses that are not covered by insurance. The doors will open at 5:30 and the games will begin at 6:30. Anyone who is interested in attending, please call Kristin Dukes at 410-677-5145 or email kdukes@wcboe.org for tickets.

Students In Wicomico Visual And Performing Arts Program Hold Silent Art Auction For Tsunami Relief

Visual arts students in the Wicomico County Visual and Performing Arts Program are putting their talents to work for a good cause this month with a silent auction of student art, with proceeds going to the American Red Cross for tsunami relief. Students are donating 17 original works of art (plus one reproduction, of ducks) for the auction, for which bids will be taken at jkohut@wcboe.org or hchoi@wcboe.org through Friday, April 15. Bids for these works of art must begin at $20, and some of the artwork already has bids of $65 or more. When you email your bid, or before you make your bid, please use that email address to request the current level of bidding by painting. A pdf with the entire auction portfolio is posted below. 410-677-5146.
April 11, 2011


Coming Up Soon On The Wicomico School Calendar

Monday, April 18
Rededication Ceremony
James M. Bennett High School

The rededication ceremony for the new James M. Bennett High School will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, April 18, at the school, for invited guests. State, local and education officials who will attend the event include State Comptroller Peter Franchot, State Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp, Maryland Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nancy Grasmick, Dr. David Lever of the Interagency Committee on Public School Construction, and many others. Tours of the new JMB for guests will precede the ceremony, beginning at 9 a.m. 410-677-4465.

Monday, April 18
Red Kayak Night
Salisbury Middle School

What does a red kayak have in common with farm land, a waterfront development, butterfly gardens, life jackets, a marine rescue boat, boys with a drill, the juvenile justice system, and crabbing? To find out, come to Salisbury Middle School for Family Night on April 18 and celebrate our One Book, One School initiative! PTA visitation will be from 4:30 to 5:30 with dinner from 5:30 to 6:00. Red Kayak activities take place from 6:00 to 8:00 and include water testing, a sinking station, physical oceanography station, coastal bays station, conflict resolution, kennel club, water safety, and CPR demonstrations. An Education Specialist from NASA Wallops Flight Facility will exhibit the Magic Planet programmed to show the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Red Roost will also be demonstrating crab picking. The Marine Police and Salisbury Fire Department will have a rescue boat and an ambulance on display. Dinner and all events are free. Desserts can be purchased. For more information contact jlong@wcboe.org.

Thursday, April 21-Monday, April 25
Spring holidays for students

Schools will close at the regular time on Wednesday, April 20, and will be closed for students for the spring holidays on Thursday, April 21, Friday, April 22, and Monday, April 25. Schools will reopen to students Tuesday, April 26. Thursday, April 21 is a professional day makeup day for most teachers, and the Central Office will be open as scheduled. All staff members will be off and all offices will be closed Friday, April 22 and Monday, April 25.

Wednesday, April 27
Superintendent’s Open Door Session
Board of Education Office

A Superintendent’s Open Door Session will take place Wednesday, April 27 from 4-6 p.m., in the Administrative Conference Room at the Board of Education Office. The Open Door Sessions are opportunities to meet one-on-one with Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen to discuss any issue, idea or concern. No appointments are made: Anyone interested in meeting with the superintendent should come to the Board office that day and sign in. The final Superintendent Open Door Session for this year is scheduled for May 25. 410-677-4495.

Don’t Forget This Morning’s Wicomico Budget Pow-Wow

Don’t forget that this morning the Wicomico County Council will be meeting with County Executive Rick Pollitt to discuss the upcoming budget.  The meeting begins at 9AM and will be at the MAC Center (NOT at the council’s chambers).
If you can, turn out and don’t forget that the meeting IS NOT at the GOB.

Check Out These Spring Concerts And Programs In Wicomico Schools

Tuesday, April 12

The 1st Grade students of Wonderful Willards Elementary will present a spring program on "Maryland Seashore" at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, in the school cafetorium. Willards students have been studying the state of Maryland as a part of our arts integration program. First grade students will be presenting what they have learned concerning Maryland's seashore and several other ideas surrounding that theme. Singing, instrumental pieces, improvisation, and dancing will focus on Maryland's bodies of water, the water cycle, boats, seashells, animals found on the shore and much more, under the direction of April Shawyer. Admission is free. 410-677-5819.

Sunday, April 17

Orchestra students from Wicomico Middle, Bennett Middle and Pittsville Middle who participated in Solo and Ensemble Festival will reprise their performances for their parents, teachers and peers at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 17, at Immanuel Baptist Church in Salisbury. Admission is free. For information call Ashley Burton or Sarah Burton at 410-742-7768.

Monday, April 18

Charles H. Chipman first graders will present “Broadway Sounds” at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 18, at the school. Students will present a variety of Broadway pieces, under the direction of Sarah Hofstetter. Admission free. 410-677-5814.

The Mardela Middle & High School Spring Concert, featuring 6th Grade Intermediate Band, West Salisbury Orchestra (including a full orchestra selection with winds and percussion) and State Ensemble Performances, will take place at 7 p.m. Monday, April 18, in the Mardela School cafetorium. Admission free. For information please contact Cory Boltz, Band Director, and Sharon Ehrisman, Orchestra Director, 410-677-5142.

Wednesday, April 27

Beaver Run Elementary School kindergarten students will present a spring music concert at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 27, at the school, under the direction of Connie Sue Milbourne. The concert will feature “The Orchestra Song – A Mini Musical.” Admission is free. 410-677-5101.

Thursday, April 28

Wicomico Middle School Talent Show featuring 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 28, in the Wicomico Middle School auditorium. Wi Middle students share their talents in singing, playing instruments, dancing, magic, comedy, art and poem displays. Teacher/director is Micah Nicholson. Admission $3 adults, $2 students, kids 3 and under free. 410-677-5145.

The James M. Bennett High School Symphonic Band will present its annual Spring Band Concert on Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m. in the newly renovated Bennett Auditorium. Music featured will be from George Gershwin, Leroy Anderson, Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Band’s District Festival repertoire. The Band is under the direction of Douglas L. Miles. The concert is open to the public and admission is always free. 410-677-5141.


Northwestern Elementary PTA
Spaghetti Dinner & Auction

Friday, April 15th
6:00-8:00 PM
$4.00 ages 4-12
3 and under Free

$8.00 Adults
Silent & Chinese
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Classroom Baskets
-Perfectly Pampered
-Teacher’s Pet
-Taste of Italy
-Day at the Beach
-Chocolate Lovers
-All About Sports
-Restaurant Gift Cards
-Bingo Mania Tickets
-Hair Care Products
-Washington Capitals
Signed Hockey Puck
-YMCA Membership
-Yankee Candles
-Pampered Chef
-Photography Sitting Fee
...and MUCH MORE!!!
Live Auction
Time: 8:15 PM
-Outdoor Gas Grill
-1/2 day Fishing Trip
for 4
-Hunting Trip
-Septic System Pump
-Principal for a Day
-Flip Video Camera
-24” Huffy Boy’s Bike
-20” Huffy Boy’s Bike
Tickets available at the school office or
call 410-677-5808