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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mathias “Beams” While Harming Shore Veteran’s Organizations

Maryland Senator Jim Mathias (D-38) is portrayed in this morning’s Daily Times as “beaming” over the successful passage of his bill to get slots for Worcester County fraternal organizations.  Good for you Jim.

Of course, if you happen to be a member of a fraternal or veterans organization in Somerset or Wicomico counties (also part of Mathias’s district) I wouldn’t be too happy.  An important source of funding is now going to decline thanks to Mathias.  If you are a member of a fraternal organization that has slots and you live in one of the remaining 6 Eastern Shore counties, I would be seething mad.


The bill that passed in the dead of night includes amendments that will require Shore organizations with slots to pay out a higher percentage of their revenues.  In addition, the Comptroller (rather than each county’s Sheriff) will now license these slots and set fees.

Sen. Rich Colburn said he supports Worcester groups getting slots, but not if it means making backdoor changes to the regulations for everyone else.

"My main contention is that the people in the VFWs, the American Legions in the four counties that I represent, they didn't have any input to testifying in favor or against it," said Colburn, who voted against the amended bill in the Senate.

Great job Jim!  I am sure that all members of the American Legion, VFW, Moose, Elks, and other organizations in Somerset, Wicomico, and the other Shore counties will be grateful.

Note – the link to the bill above is for the House Bill.  That is because that is where the bill was finally passed.  The offensive amendments came from the Senate where Mathias introduced the bill.


  1. Maybe I'm confused. Years ago, when MD first outlawed slots, the Eastern Shore Counties asked to be exempt in the case of their Fraternal organizations. Worcester County chose not to be included in that exemption for whatever reason. The Elks Club in Salisbury has had their 5 slot machines for years. I cannot say for certain which other County was in the same situation as Worcester. There has been an effort for 3 years now to put Worcester on par with say Wicomico to permit 5 machines in their Fraternal clubs.

    Now, the requirement that Worcester clubs pay out higher percentages than I presume the Casino at Ocean Downs is a good thing since their revenue goes out to the community rather than the State Coffers (and Baltimore City). Also, these Clubs are tax exempt so the new 10% alcohol tax in OC won't affect the patrons of the Legion, Elks, or VFW.

    Maybe McDermott can explain how this bill affects the Shore and whether it treats any county differently than another.

  2. Maybe I'm confused. Years ago, when MD first outlawed slots, the Eastern Shore Counties asked to be exempt in the case of their Fraternal organizations. Worcester County chose not to be included in that exemption for whatever reason. The Elks Club in Salisbury has had their 5 slot machines for years. I cannot say for certain which other County was in the same situation as Worcester. There has been an effort for 3 years now to put Worcester on par with say Wicomico to permit 5 machines in their Fraternal clubs.

    Now, the requirement that Worcester clubs pay out higher percentages than I presume the Casino at Ocean Downs is a good thing since their revenue goes out to the community rather than the State Coffers (and Baltimore City). Also, these Clubs are tax exempt so the new 10% alcohol tax in OC won't affect the patrons of the Legion, Elks, or VFW.

    Maybe McDermott can explain how this bill affects the Shore and whether it treats any county differently than another.

  3. Jimbo's gotta go next year -- I'll vote for McDermott if he runs for the senate

  4. AL in Fenwick

    Not sure how Worcester works but The lodge I belong to in Wicomico county most certainly pays sales tax on their food and drink to the state. This tax will affect us the same as everyone else

    Transferring the duties from the local Sheriff to the state will be the demise of all the fraternal clubs.Once the state takes charge everything will be changed so that all the monies end up going back to Baltimore & P.G. Once that happens look for everyone to give them up

    Thanks you jim...... NOT.....

  5. We need to start putting together a McDermott ticket for the next time around.

  6. Tax exempt certificates are described here:

    I don't recall ever being charged sales tax at either the Elks or Legion in OC. For a buck and a half total, you can get a 12 oz draft at the Legion. If they add 5 slots, why go to the Casino unless you're a hard core gambler.

    I don't think taking over managing the slots by the Comptroller will affect Worcester much since they never had slots. I saw where the Bill gave the Comptroller say over what the payouts must be but there is no revenue (yet) for the State in this.

  7. when we first got slots we were able to hire a bartender put a roof on the post help the school kids , ederly and other people in need.
    then Harrington opened thier slots and cut our funds almost in half then Dover slots cut more,then the econimy went bad we could not keep employs OC opens slots and we are dropping back more we may have to close

  8. 2:36 -Where is "here"? It's hard to understand what it is you are trying to say. No Fraternal club will ever truly compete with a Casino as a couple of slots only add incremental revenue. No matter what the club, it still needs to work in order to maintain customers. No club in Worcester has slots yet so it's hard to believe that Ocean Downs had any effect on what you refer to.

  9. Al -

    You seem pretty confused. The other Shore counties already have slots. Worcester did not because they asked to be exempt when the bill was originally passed. Ever since Mathias entered the legislature he has tried to get slots for Worcester fraternal organizations. This year was the 4th attempt.

    In order for him to get his flagship bill passed, every fraternal organization on the Shore that has slots will see their revenue go down and their regulatory burden go up.

    What about this do you not understand?

  10. "What about this do you not understand?"

    5 machines won't compete with ANY casino and to expect otherwise is dreaming. Adding the 5 slots like Worcester brings incremental revenue to the club. So, complaining that Casinos hurt clubs with (5) slots makes no sense. There has to be other reasons such as location, management, clientele makeup, etc. Though I've never seen them, I have been told that the Elks in Salisbury had placed their 5 machines in a smoke filled room in the basement and people found it repulsive.

  11. G.A.
    Has this passed the house as well or just the Senate. If it has not passed the house it seems we should all be burning up the lines of comunication to our delegates


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