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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Robin Smith: Suddenly, the GOP's Platform Matters?

The RNC didn't feature a new platform, but Trump has fulfilled previous planks.

Where’s the platform? What does it mean to be a Republican? What are the specific policies instead of the personalities?

After the GOP declined to draft a 2020 platform, instead opting to run again on the 2016 version, these are a few of the questions coming from the professional opinion-writers class.

Suddenly, there’s clamor for a multi-page document that’s rarely reviewed or referenced by elected officials. Because the Republican National Committee convention planners chose to feature individuals whose lives have been positively impacted rather than speeches by elected Republicans whose pedigrees include decades of elected office and stacks of policy papers, the GOP has been declared rudderless and without stated purpose.

And Americans care … how much?

Yes, principles are important. Indeed, policies based on these foundational principles are critical. Yet, if history serves as a guide, the platform would almost be an ignored relic the moment it was published.



Anonymous said...

President Trump established his platform by being the greatest President America has ever had in just for years. Biden has been a politician for years and years and he still doesn't know what is important in America - it's people!
Trump 2020🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Anonymous said...

its the anti DemonicRat platform. it actually references God, Life, Liberty, freedom! unlike the satan worshiping crowd!

Anonymous said...

Fluff peace to offer apologetic on the fact that Trump has no plan for the next four years, other than Trump being in charge. Again, it's never about America, or Americans... it was always just about Trump.

The con man is grifting ya'll, again.

Luckily, many conservatives are seeing it and he is loosing support.

Anonymous said...

Don't need a platform when you do everything you said you would. But since libutards need a slogan. Here it is.


Anonymous said...

No wall
Mexico has not paid for a wall
Hillary is nit prosecuted
Hillary is therefore, not in prison
Swamp is not drained, it is filling up!

Look out America, the swamp runneth over.
Democrats = communists
Republicans = fascists

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. WOW. The wall is being built. Mexico with the tariff's is paying for it. HILLARY would be in prison if Obama administration didn't let her go. Can't be charged with the same crime twice. Yes the swamp is being drained. COMEY. McCabe. Strok. Paige.
Wait and see what he does in his next term?? He's going to go after all these TRAITORS. He won't have anything to worry about. No more Elections. But you keep EMBARRASSING yourself. It suits you.