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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Biden and Dems Are Set to Abolish the Suburbs

President Trump had a great riff at his rally the other day in Phoenix. It was all about “abolish,” about how the Left wants to abolish the police, ICE, bail, even borders. Trump’s riff is effective because it is true. The Left has gone off the deep end, and they’re taking the Democrats with them.

Well, there’s another “abolish” the president can add to his list, and it just might be enough to tip the scales this November. Joe Biden and the Democrats want to abolish America’s suburbs. Biden and his party have embraced yet another dream of the radical Left: a federal takeover, transformation, and de facto urbanization of America’s suburbs. What’s more, Biden just might be able to pull off this “fundamental transformation.”

The suburbs are the swing constituency in our national elections. If suburban voters knew what the Democrats had in store for them, they’d run screaming in the other direction. Unfortunately, Republicans have been too clueless or timid to make an issue of the Democrats’ anti-suburban plans. It’s time to tell voters the truth.

I’ve been studying Joe Biden’s housing plans, and what I’ve seen is both surprising and frightening. I expected that a President Biden would enforce the Obama administration’s radical AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing) regulation to the hilt. That is exactly what Biden promises to do. By itself, that would be more than enough to end America’s suburbs as we’ve known them, as I’ve explained repeatedly here at NRO.



Phronesis said...

Weakening communities to make them dependent on government is the sole political aim, even though "equal opportunity" and "diversity" are the rallying cries. It's more Marxist doctrine.

Anonymous said...

Been going on for years in Maryland just try to develop anything in the county and every environmental entity tries to shut you down,they want you in the city.

Anonymous said...

It's already happening. Columbia, Maryland was designed and built to be a quiet, peaceful oasis along the Baltimore-Washington beltway, and it was for over forty years. The last ten years have seen daily crime rates skyrocket, disruptive behavior in schools increase to disturbing levels, growing gang activity and a noticeable decrease in Columbia's well-kept appearance. More and more housing is turning into minimal upkeep rentals, more and more neighborhoods are looking increasingly trashy and less appealing by the day. Many homeowners are fleeing, not wanting to suffer the perils of living in what's becoming an extension of Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

Put them all in Hogan and all MD Politian neighborhood first and see if it doesn't change.

Then put them in Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Nadler ,Gates Swallwell, Schiff, Warren, Waters, all High Tech millionaires / billionaires, Soros and all the Democrats neighborhoods / gated communities. Then take away their security.

Anonymous said...

We just cannot let this happen. Please vote for Trump and other republicans or your way of lifer is going to be destroyed. Do not fall for the freebies and goodies the democrats will promise in order to get your votes. Your peaceful, quiet, beautiful neighborhoods will be no more. You will be living in a ghetto with thugs outside your door. Please,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This sounds awfully like "Obama is gonna take all my guns...." LOL

Anonymous said...

Not a chance and I am a lifelong Republican and retired military officer. Trump is the poorest example of leadership that I have seen in my adult life. He has weakened America and has been a total failure as Commander in Chief.

Anonymous said...

Will homes on Pelosi’s, Obama’s, Biden’s, Bezo’s or Bill Gates, neighborhood have section 8 homes bo?

Anonymous said...

What would you have done different? What has he done you would have done different. Isn't it the Congress who passes the bills not the President? Please inform me. I would like to know.

Anonymous said...

True. A govn't that can feed you can starve you! Who said that? So very true.

Anonymous said...

American suburbs are already racially mixed And are as diverse as mid sized American cities of 120k or less in population. The “save the white suburbs” line worked from 1950-90 but not anymore....and if it’s such a threat why has trump not done anything about it until now?

Anonymous said...

If trump is ok with the Feds taking over cities why should anyone have a problem with Biden taking over the suburbs...fair trade.

Anonymous said... are an idiot who apparently lives in section 8 housing in a ghetto area, so what have you got to lose? Maybe it will make your ghetto area better by moving a few of the other section 8 do-nothings out of your hood and into decent neighborhoods where people actually work for the nice things they have.