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Friday, February 21, 2020


The 14 coronavirus-stricken Americans evacuated from a cruise ship in Japan were flown back to the US on a plane full of healthy people against advice from the CDC, a report said Thursday.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials argued the 14 infected Diamond Princess passengers shouldn’t be flown back with the about 300 virus-free people — but ultimately lost the battle to the US State Department, according to The Washington Post.

“It was like the worst nightmare,” an anonymous senior U.S. official involved in the decision told the paper.

“Quite frankly, the alternative could have been pulling grandma out in the pouring rain, and that would have been bad, too.”



LastMohican said...

I had thought that this coronavirus was a new, singular disease. But after looking it up there are many of these coronaviruses. Not a groundbreaking discovery but thought I would share anyway.

Anonymous said...

It is obviously a bio-weapon