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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Some comeuppance for Univision's Jorge Ramos?

Univision's star anchorman, Jorge Ramos, got a taste of what a real dictator is over in Caracas, when, after showing Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro a cell phone video of starving Venezuelans eating out of a garbage truck, found himself and his television crew shoved in a dark room for two and a half hours in detention, only to be released with their expensive television equipment and interview material stolen.

He's lucky they didn't break his nose (which in Maduro's Venezuela was done to a female dissident leader) or throw him in a dungeon for several years without trial (which was done to another top opposition leader). This is what dictators do. This is dictators up close. And this is a vicious dictatorship employing muscle directly from Cuba.

Touchy, touchy bastard.

This brings up the last time Ramos was in the news — getting thrown out of a press conference for interrupting other reporters and breaking the house rules, and then comparing President Trump to a dictator. A few months ago, he even said he wanted to return to Mexico because he was so unhappy with President Trump..



Anonymous said...

Do us all a favor and stay there.

Anonymous said...

Amen. 9:50

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're finally seeing how much like Maduro, Trump is. You're defending dictators. Instead, how about praise how brave Ramos is for fighting for truth and freedom of the press.