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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Alt-Left Insanity: Liberals Are Gunning for Firearms Industry

Liberals who can’t win at the ballot box, turn to lawyers to push their agenda. And guns are no exception. The alt-left has always been the Sue Tribe, they’ve just gotten worse over time.

In the aftermath of the horrendous shooting in Las Vegas, the left has turned to an old standby, gun control. Only gone is their facade about guns. Now they want to take them, ban them or sue to shut down the companies that make them.

Only four years ago, The Washington Post was introducing us to, “The most pro-gun Democrats (and anti-gun Republican).” The following year, it was Rolling Stone of all places teaching readers about the “Confessions of a Liberal Gun Lover.” The alt-lefty outlet claimed, “It’s not just libertarians and conservatives who are ready to defend the Second Amendment with a finger on the trigger.”

By 2016, that was all in the trash heap of history. Vox rallied the gun banners with this: “Democrats aren’t afraid of gun control anymore.” And the Democrats ran on an 2nd Amendment Platform and, heck, anti-1st as well. The party promised to: “revoke the dangerous legal immunity protections gun makers and sellers now enjoy.” That keeps scumbag lawyers from suing companies and putting them out of business for making entirely legal products that are used correctly. Imagine if lawyers sued car companies every time someone had an accident, even if the car performed perfectly.

We are in post-Las Vegas America and every major outlet is begging for the left to ban guns. Jimmy Kimmel (D-Women on Trampolines) went on his show doing a remake of “9,999,999 Tears” and became the conscience of America because the press agreed with him. Politico (D-DNC), practically ran a recruiting poster story. “Who Will Lead the Left on Gun Control?”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Off topic but MB security guard Jesus Campos is going to be on Hannity tonight. Hannity's back on at 9pm.