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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Day Without Idiots

Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. First it was women (the day after the inauguration), then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making people think they are one in the same), then it was women again (because, presumably, someone ordered too many crocheted vagina hats the first time around and needed to unload them). Which group will be next? Allow me to offer some help.

Should they go back to immigrants? No, no one cared last time. They can’t repeat women after having just done women. Besides, like with immigrants, no one outside of newsrooms gave a damn or really noticed.

How about LGBTQ? “ A Day Without A Gay”? It does have a certain ring to it. But again, the problem is who is going to notice? Americans don’t run around spotting gay people and attempting to “otherize” them, as leftists like to say. And the crocheted design, not to mention the sales or the cost of extra yarn, might leave something to be desired.

There is, however, one group of people the political left has a stranglehold on which is large enough to be noticed by all, though perhaps not missed, if they were to “strike” for one day: idiots.

Might I suggest the next “A Day Without” protest be “A Day Without Idiots.”



Anonymous said...

How about a day without the MSM.

Anonymous said...

RE: Health insurance:
It is clear that health insurance is bad for medical care. Any time the person receiving the service is not paying for it, is bad for that market. Anything that adds layers of bureaucracy is bad.

Take a look at three areas of medical care that typically are NOT covered by insurance:
1) laser eye surgery - not covered by insurance -- over the last two decades the cost of the procedures has gone down, the effectiveness and safety of the procedures has gone WAY up. The number of procedures done has gone up. In recent years the costs have remained stable -- during a period of rapid increase in other health care costs.

2) elective plastic and cosmetic surgery - not covered by insurance -when I was young plastic surgery was for movie stars. Now average middle class men and women have plastic surgery. The number and kind of procedures has increased dramatically. The safety and effectiveness have increased. The costs have come down.

3) braces - not covered by insurance - average ADULTS today get braces or invisalign. Costs are lower. Number and kind of procedures up. Safety up. Cost situation is changing some as dental insurance becoming more common.

One local Salisbury physician stopped taking insurance (the patient can and DOES bill and get reimbursed by his insurance, but the doctor office does not handle it except to provide the patient with appropriate bills. She was able to eliminate 2/3 of her office costs.

Why is it so incredibly expensive to have an uncomplicated childbirth today??? This is something that the human race has been doing for a fairly long time. It shouldn't cost $10 - 15K! We shouldn't be one of the worst of the western countries in maternal mortality.

Why are costs of most insurance-covered procedures going UP over the years, while costs of non-covered procedures go DOWN? The magic of the market. Read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell.