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Friday, January 13, 2017

Christian Persecution in America

Actress Meryl Streep’s political diatribe at the Golden Globes awards isn’t the only surprise attention-getting provocation from the event. Nominee film “Hidden Figures,” a box-office hit about the true story of three black women mathematicians who played important roles at NASA in the early days of the space program, is also generating unexpected controversy.

The controversy surrounds Kim Burrell, the black gospel singer whose song “I See A Victory” appears on the soundtrack of the film.

Burrell, in addition to being a gospel singer, is a pastor, and, with the release of “Hidden Figures,” a video emerged on the internet of her passionately preaching in her church against homosexuality.

Burrell was scheduled, as part of the film’s promotion, to appear and perform, along with the film’s soundtrack producer, Pharrell Williams, on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” But DeGeneres, an open lesbian, canceled Burrell’s appearance as a result of the video.

Next, Burrell’s radio show, which is produced at Texas Southern University, was canceled.

Then she was dis-invited from the BMI Trailblazers of Gospel Music Awards, where she was a co-honoree.

More here


Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is a constitutional right!
The liberals freedom to not associate is also a constitutional right - that when exercised as in this case, shows their intolerance!

I'm not a big fan of Ellen Degenerate in the first place and I don't watch her show since I don't agree with her views. I do have friends that live non-traditional lifestyles - and we have conversations about her all of the time....some of them disagree with her as well so it becomes interesting drink-talk!

Anonymous said...

Why should that surprise anyone we all know Hollywood is a den of evil Twisted ideology

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the good old days when a host would intentionally invite someone on the show whom he didn't agree with, just to create a discussion?

Anonymous said...

11:20 - those were most likely not liberals!

Anonymous said...

RSilly Christians and your silly persecution complexes. It's absolutely amazing.

Explain to me, how 75% of this country that identifies as Christian, almost all the politicians, judges, law writers, representatives, save a scant few in the history of this nation, on the federal and state side have been overwhelmingly Christian, that you are being persecuted in any way.

Please to explain and support that Christians are persecuted in America today, when you have overwhelmingly controlled the law making, the courts, the public and the private sector. Please tell me how you can possibly be persecuted when you are the dominating part of society.

I am eager to hear how you explain it, because it seems to me if you are being persecuted, it is by laws that you wrote, by legislators you elected that belong to your religion...and enforced by judges that are from your churches.

I think you just have a persecution delusion, and I don't blame you for it... your religion almost demands that you feel persecuted because your holy texts say you will be. But understand, from my perspective, it looks to be absolute and sheer delusion.

You see, Christians don't get special privilege. They are as equal as everyone else. I think you confuse persecution with not being allowed to force your religious perspective down everyone else's throat.

Your religion is yours. If your religion says don't be gay YOU get to not be gay. You do not get to force that religious view on the rest of the world.

If you open a business to serve the public, you get to do that... serve the public. All of it. If you want to be discriminatory that's fine too. Open a PRIVATE club that only members can buy from. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:23 p.m. Being persecuted, does not have to include breaking the law. Christians are bullied all the time. Don't bake somebody a cake because of your views and values, and you are sued. Uninvite somebody to your show that they were scheduled to attend because of your views, and it is ok. Do you see where the persecution is being targeted at?

Anonymous said...


I do. If you have a business that serves the public, and you decide that you don't want to serve a portion of the public because they don't comport to your religious views... then the business owner is persecuting a citizen. It's that simple.

Don't want to bake cakes for those not in line with your religion? Thats ok too. Form a private bakery club that only serves it's members. Problem solved.

Un-invite someone to your "invite" only show.. well... it's not a public show now is it? It's a PRIVATE show. Invite only... No problem with that. When people find out I'm Atheist, I'm uninvited ALL the time.

I am an atheist. How DARE you tell me that Christians are bullied all the time. Seriously, how DARE you. I have to pretty much live my life in the "closet" about it. Tell you what. Tell your coworkers and your family that you are Atheist... see how many freinds and family you have left... and "if" you are lucky enough to keep your job... come talk to me about being bullied.