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Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Who To Vote For?

Upon investigation of what the democratic and republican parties stand for you only need to google. What consists of what liberals and conservatives stand for. If you want a larger gov't and more welfare programs you are definitely thinking democrat. If you want smaller gov't control of your life then you are going to vote republican, even if it means giving in to big business. So would you rather see businesses thriving with less gov't regulations or would you rather have a democrat in office to control more of your life and increase payout to many undeserving welfare and gov't program recipients. NOW if only politicians would only do what they promised when elected. Crap flows downhill, so if the crooked dealings start at the top, why should we expect less at the lower levels.


Anonymous said...

Agree! I only hope and pray that American voters wake up!

Anonymous said...

It does not matter who you ovte for in MD. Electoral college goes democrat every time.

Anonymous said...

Could it be so simple. I see through both parties and in the final analysis they are more similar than different including when it comes to regulation. As a registered Republican I have no problem admitting this because I tell it like it is. When it comes to commerce Republicans have no desire to create jobs if the new jobs will create competition for Big Business. This is why Republican President Nixon created the EPA. The EPA is nothing more than a way to get rid of competition by over regulating. It was dreamed up as a way to circumvent the anti trust laws.
An example of the above is Tesla. The company wants to sell cars throughout the nation but the Republican controlled states won't allow them to because they won't sell through dealerships. They sell directly to consumers.
A big one is farm subsidies. Republicans are huge regulators of who receives them and who doesn't. They end up going to those who contract out w/big agri business and not the real true family farmers. The Republicans say it has to be this way to keep commodities price up which only benefits Wall Street.
Don't fool yourself. Both parties are all for regulation.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that you are able to immediately distinguish between a democrat and a republican but fail to address regulation as it relates to small business vs big business.

Small business in the U.S. aren't hurting due to the political party in office but the fact that they have no voice in government regardless of who is in office.

Anonymous said...

Pretending that Republicans haven't changed and want big government? Sure, the money is spent differently, but both sides are corrupt as hell. Kickbacks, bribes, special favors, all are rampant no matter your party line. It's the public sector way.

Anonymous said...

"both sides are corrupt as hell. Kickbacks, bribes, special favors, all are rampant no matter your party line."

Exactly. It just depends whose hand is in whose pocket is all when it comes to regulation. It's like wind turbines. I hate the eyesores bird killers and have to agree with the republicans who want them regulated practically out of existence. I don't believe tax payers should be footing the bill for them or people offered any type of government incentive to build them. Those solar eyesores either. If someone wants them, then they and they alone should pay for them and get no kickbacks from the government.

Anonymous said...

dem and repugs are feathers of the same bird, two different doors leading to the same room, two curves of the same snake.

if either party were different, why do we always have the same results?