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Saturday, November 14, 2015


“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopolous on Thursday, which aired Friday on Good Morning America. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them.”



Anonymous said...

Can we take another year of this idiot?

Anonymous said...

He should be escorted out of the White House and thrown in jail.

he is the most disgusting incompetent President I have ever seen or read about.

Anonymous said...

Horrible Andy Harris you should put this idiot on blast!

Anonymous said...

Detroit is next. It has become home base in America for Muslim extremist. It is a melanoma and will continue to grow. Wal-Mart or the Mall at Christmas. These animals don't care. The most dangerous weapon on earth is a religious extremist bent on killing they have nothing to lose. I say wee round them all up and ship them back to their mother lands.

Liberals have created this mess. I hope they are in that mall when it blows. Open boarders and free money to terrorist. Just how stupid is Ohbama and the rest of you Libtards.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the Israel Special force teams do us a favor and ......ahhh never mind...

Anonymous said...

The 10,000 Syrian refugees who have already arrived in the US will be distributed to 180 US cities.There jobs will be provided for them compliments of our government.I did not see one single female among that group.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a treasonous, lying coward and needs to removed!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Yeah pur congress guy is Harris, we should all call him and ask him to talk to the other members of congress. Why are they letting Muslims come here? We should ask him to make the govenment stop letting Muslims come here. If enough of us call he would have to listen.

Anonymous said...

Correct. They are all fighting-age young men, yet we're supposed to be taking in families?! If you don't see a storm coming from this, you aren't paying attention!

Anonymous said...

If anyone believes in anything Obama says they are a moron.

Burger said...

Andy Harris is just another politician he knows what is going to happen but he won't make waves that might offend someone,that wouldn't be politically correct and after all he has a job to protect. If he was really looking out for our interests he would be introducing bills in congress to stop all emigration except those individuals who are truly needed and thoroughly vetted.He would be on TV doing interviews,giving speeches raising hell to get something done to stop Obama.A LOT of attention has to be brought to this issue that's why I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. You can bet your ass he'll stop the crap.